Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1837

"It\'s terrible that businessmen can supply the fleet!"

"Teacher, those businessmen will soon become supporters of your majesty and Fang Xing. This is a deliberate conspiracy!"

"Last year, the man and Zheng He wanted to build a boat, but it was just a small boat! With his wealth, he could easily take out money, but he went to apportion it. It\'s not mandatory... Those who wish to take the bait..."

Huang Jian was very painful. He felt that Fang Xing\'s plan last year seemed unintentional, as if he were exploiting merchants. At that time, he laughed at it.

But how long has it been? Fang Xing\'s original exploitation became a big move.

"Teacher, he is tearing the south! His painstaking layout is to make the south a mess of sand, and then let his majesty... Let him break it one by one..."

"Moreover, he is using these businessmen to counterattack those voices against going to sea. When those businessmen become bigger and bigger, it will be more and more difficult to curb this momentum. Teacher, this man is in danger of mountains and rivers!"

Wang Yuan pressed his hand and motioned him to sit down. Then he poured him a cup of tea and said with a smile, "don\'t be eager. The news that just came is that King Ning has been captured and is now in that big house..."

Huang Jian shrunk and hissed like a poisonous snake hiding in the fallen leaves.

"Teacher, he\'s crazy! He must be crazy!"

Huang Jian said happily, "he is guilty of a felony, but he doesn\'t know it. He still wants to stir up the situation in Jinling. This is his own way to death!"

Wang Yuan said, "look."

When someone knocked at the door, Huang Jian asked, "what\'s the matter?"

The relationship between him and Wang Yuan was more complicated. His former master and apprentice, later his staff and boss, so he was very casual.

There was a voice outside the door, some surprised.

"My Lord, xinghebo took more than a thousand people to the household department."


Five people in a row, an invisible queue marched silently on the long street of Jinling.

There were many people outside the house in the distance. They watched the businessmen coming in and out.

Businessmen have always been vassals. It\'s easy to get a LV Buwei, but it doesn\'t end well.

The merchants of the Ming Dynasty were civil servants, or vassals of literati.

The gentry can intervene in local affairs, and the status of businessmen is low. If they do not find a backer, they will be annexed sooner or later.

So don\'t simply hang the accusation of collusion between officials and businessmen on the heads of businessmen. Many times, they actually have no choice.

So these \'masters\' are watching those\' slaves\' go in and out of the house, with complex eyes.

"Once linked to the fleet, these businessmen will not be obedient in the future."

A middle-aged man murmured, and his companion said, "brother Cheng Yu, I remember that the king can rely on you to have a smooth wind and water these years. Can he come?"

The middle-aged man looked at the door of the house and said, "he\'s coming."

"Tut tut! Then you will be extravagant in the future."

Brother Cheng Yu stared at the door of the house and said, "that beast came quietly. It\'s to get away from me. How brave!"

People came in and out of the door from time to time. When a businessman came out with a happy face, he was punched in the face.


The merchant covered his eyes and stumbled back. He looked up in anger, then his anger disappeared and looked frightened.

"Mr. mi..."

Brother Cheng Yu gnashed his teeth and said, "you beast, now you have found a new master? Unexpectedly, you came here without permission... To fight!"

He waved and two servants rushed up behind him.

The merchant turned and wanted to run into the house, but he was kicked to the ground by a servant.

Two servants rushed over and kicked the merchant. Brother Cheng Yu looked at him coldly. The merchants who came in and out did not dare to take care of this scene, and they walked around carefully from both sides.

The sergeant at the gate frowned, but he didn\'t do anything.

This scene is similar to the master beating a servant. As long as he didn\'t hit a big hair disease and didn\'t kill him, the government didn\'t bother to take a look.

And the two servants were very measured and left the key parts.

Brother Cheng Yu stood with his hands down, turned back slowly, and his eyes were cold and fierce.

"Good! Good fight!"

The literati who watched cheered one after another. They looked excited and blushed. It was like they had just caught a fancy to a shepherd in the Qin Lou Chu hall and could go to the spring night hand in hand.

"Kill him!"

Just like in the arena, these people were gradually provoked to be violent. They shook their arms and cheered and shouted the tsunami.

"Kill him!"

When did domestic slaves dare to betray their master?

Merchants have always been playthings in our hands. I want you to live and die... It\'s just a two finger wide note going into the Yamen.

At that time, it was not collusion between officials and businessmen, but the internal affairs of the family.

The literati and civil servants in the world are one!

Once we join hands, the world will surge.

Who can stop it?!


The blood is boiling in the chest, and the people who are dissatisfied with the fact that they do not have their own interests at sea are boiling.

"Kill him! Break his hands and feet!"

The two servants were excited by the atmosphere. They gradually lost their sense of propriety. The rolling businessmen on the ground gradually stopped moving, and they were still kicking.

"Poof! Poof! Poof..."

Those who are cheering turn their heads to the right in doubt, and then

Everyone looks pale!


Brother Cheng Yu turned his back to the merchant and shouted in high spirits.

The two servants also heard footsteps. They stopped beating and turned back slowly

"Poof! Poof! Poof..."

The gun is on the shoulder, the steps are neat, and there are five people in a row

Those idle people attracted by the beating just now flashed to the side one after another and looked at the arrival of the army in silence.

A young man\'s face was still flushed with excitement. He looked at the army curiously and looked at those indifferent faces, feeling a little envious.

Having never read a book, he racked his brains to use a word to praise the evil spirit of the army, but to no avail. However, because of his tangled look, he attracted the attention of a sergeant and glanced at him.

Just a cold look, but the evil spirit in his eyes made the young man numb.

"It\'s under that man\'s command!"

"Yes, they call him demon God outside. Look! They are all butchers who kill people without blinking an eye!"

"Brother Cheng Yu, come back..."

Someone in the crowd was shouting, but brother Cheng Yu stared at a man out of the array in front. The man looked at the motionless businessman and pointed to the front. Two people immediately ran out of the array, both carrying boxes.

The man turned slowly to the crowd and said, "Benbo thinks of moths when he sees you, moths for nothing."

There was a slight commotion in the crowd. The two military doctors examined the merchant and looked up and said, "uncle, I\'ve gone."


Brother Cheng Yu stood there blankly. His excitement and pride were gone. Under Fang Xing\'s gaze, he stumbled back a few steps, stretched out his hand to the literati who were encouraging and praising him just now, and shouted, "it\'s you! You let him kill him..."

"They told you to eat shit. Are you going?"

Those businessmen saw Fang wake up and felt supported by someone, so they slowly surrounded him.

Fang Xing is looking forward to them daring to accuse those injustices.

Come on, tell me who has a stake in your store. Tell me, Ben will clean him up right away!

But those businessmen just silently looked at the merchant who fell to the ground and didn\'t move, at the traces of his struggle and the... Splashed blood... Silent.

They looked sad and sympathetic, but they remained silent.