Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1836

The door of Jinling\'s household department was crowded and burst. The first thing an endless stream of businessmen did when they arrived at Jinling was to go to the household department, leaving everything to wash and eat aside.

So Qu Sheng was afraid, so he quickly asked the military department for help, and then received the businessmen one by one.

In fact, the condition to be included in the list of suppliers mainly depends on strength, followed by reputation.

It\'s natural that the widely rumored profiteers are out of business, so Jinling City scolded and left more than ten people that day.

Fang Xing didn\'t show up because he had guests.

Xu Qing brought a group of businessmen to see him. It was obvious that he came through the back door.

Fang Xing looked at these businessmen with a cup of herbal tea, looked at those slightly flattering smiles and asked, "Why are you here?"

Everyone looked at Xu Qing. Xu Qing had to harden his head and say his intention: "uncle, the young people just want to see if they can supply the fleet, ensure the lowest price and ensure that they are good goods. If there is a deviation, they can copy their homes."

Those businessmen immediately echoed, "don\'t worry, uncle. We won\'t lose face to you. I promise to make grandpa Zheng satisfied."

"Yes, if there is a mistake, it is no problem to copy the family and destroy the family!"

Fang woke up and looked at the businessmen. His eyes were cold and said, "rules, what are rules? What are the things you have to abide by when you decide, that\'s called rules!"

Xu Qing knew it was unreliable, but as a leader, he must come and go. Even if he was rejected, he had to bear it.

Out of the big house, the businessmen murmured that Fang woke up and tore down the river and bridge. Xu Qing said, "Xing Hebo is in charge here. If there is a hole for favoritism, how can the businessmen suppress it if they become noisy?"

Then he glanced at the merchants and said, "are we still afraid of those people?"

"Who\'s afraid of them! Let\'s hold together. There\'s nothing we can\'t do!"

"Yes, yes! Let\'s go to the household department and report the name quickly!"

Xu Qing and others were going to the household department. At this time, many businessmen came to the front, and their goal was Fang Xing\'s residence.

Xu Qing was curious, but a businessman looked back and said disdainfully, "uncle, I\'m sure he won\'t even let them in."

"Hey, hey! They\'re in, they\'re in!"

Even Xu Qing had to be shocked this time.

They can see Fang Xing because of Xu Qing\'s face and previous cooperation.

But how can these guys who don\'t look like rich businessmen get in?

Xu Qing doesn\'t think Fang Xing will suddenly be kind. He is very aware of Fang Xing\'s vigilance against luxury businessmen. No, he even has some disgust.

But why can these people go in?

With this question, Xu Qing and his party went to the house, but the group carefully entered the big house.

In the absence of Zhu Zhanji, Fang Xing lived alone in a small courtyard, and the rest of the place was inhabited by black thorn people. Wu Yue was stationed in another place.

These people went all the way to Fang Xing\'s small courtyard. The gate of the courtyard immediately opened. It was Fang Xing standing in the door.

"I\'ve seen uncle!"

When these people saw that it was Fang Xing who opened the door to meet them, they immediately saluted in fear.

Fang Xing said with a smile, "you\'re working hard. Please come in."

"Master, Lord Qu is coming."

Fang Wu came from the outside and told him that Qu Sheng was behind him.

Fang Xing arched his hand and said, "excuse me, Lord Qu, please come in."

Qu Sheng arched his hand and said, "Xinghe Bo, there are many people watching the excitement outside the house, most of them are literati. No one is in town. I\'m afraid they will make trouble."

Fang woke up and said, "thank you, Mr. Qu, for your kindness. Ben Bo will go there later."

After the party went in, Fang Xing and Qu Sheng sat at the top. There were many businessmen and they couldn\'t sit in the house.

"This is Benbo\'s thoughtlessness. Please squeeze everyone."

So the house was full, the weather was hot, everyone sweated, and the air didn\'t taste good.

Fang Xing said with a smile, "I invited you to come today, mainly to fulfill that promise."

Li Du is running his own cloth farm in Japan, but he was told to come here to discuss business. He was worried about being apportioned all the way.

Don\'t doubt it. It\'s a common practice among local governments.

When they need any materials and the budget is not enough, they habitually go to merchants to apportion them. This kind of matter has reached the peak in the middle and later stages, and has derived the change of registered residence specifically for businessmen.

This change is where businessmen do business. As long as they have a shop, they will get something similar to a temporary account.

The government relied on this temporary account to apportion to them.

That\'s what Li Du was worried about before he came.

But after hearing the promise, Li Du\'s heart beat violently.

His face grew red with joy. And most of those businessmen are like this.

Fang woke up and saw these happy faces. He nodded and said, "the ship you invested in has been built and tested. It\'s surprisingly good! So Benbo is here to fulfill his promise today. Yes, it\'s the number of merchants who go to sea to buy materials."

In an instant, the sound of chair legs rubbing against the ground sounded in the room, some harsh.

Shortness of breath, unbelievable, ecstatic

The response of these businessmen fell into Qu Sheng\'s eyes. He endured disdain and asked, "xinghebo, does Father Zheng know about this?"

When you ask Zheng He, you\'re asking Fang Xing. Does your majesty know you\'re doing this?

Fang woke up and nodded. Qu Sheng no longer questioned.

"Most of your businesses are small, but you are loyal to your majesty, which is worthy of praise and affirmation."

Hearing this, Qu Sheng couldn\'t help nodding secretly. He felt that although Fang Xing was the emperor\'s "favorite minister", he also knew how to be measured and didn\'t attract people\'s hearts for himself.

"Going to sea is a major event appointed by your majesty, but some people have doubts about it, some are watching, and some are opposed..."

Fang Xing\'s face gradually became indifferent. He said, "these are not the same. You are the only one who supported the fleet when there was the strongest opposition from the outside world. This is supporting your majesty."

"It\'s natural to reward those who are loyal. Benbo came to Jinling on behalf of his majesty this time for the fleet and to reward you."

Li Du stood up first, bowed and said, "thank you, uncle. Long live your majesty!"

"Thank you, uncle. Long live your majesty!"

"Thank you, uncle. Long live your majesty!"

The merchants got up and saluted one after another. Fang woke up and pressed his hands, saying, "Benbo has told father Zheng about this, and he also strongly supports it. As long as the goods you operate are needed by the fleet and meet the requirements, the fleet will choose to purchase your goods first. Do you understand? I hope you can continue to be loyal."

The businessmen got up and bowed their heads. Fang woke up. His eyes were bright and he said, "Daming is very big and there are many people, but there is never too much loyalty. Do it well."


Businessmen are happy, but Qu Sheng is smiling. He knows Fang Xing will not be so good to businessmen.

Sure enough, Fang Xing finally said: "Finally, I want to remind you, no, I want to warn you. I always think that there is no country for luxury merchants. You are not a luxury merchant now, but I hope your business will become bigger and bigger... However, you should remember your identity and your loyalty today. Don\'t lose your loyalty. If anyone loses his loyalty... Those luxury merchants who smuggled outside the great wall were the front cars in those years!"

These businessmen expressed their fear. Fang woke up and nodded and said, "Lord Qu is here. You can report your wealth and goods. Ben has something else to do. Excuse me."

Qu Sheng shook his head slightly. Today he was invited by Fang Xing to accompany him. The purpose is to create an atmosphere of buying horse bones, so he can only smile and record it for these businessmen in person.

Fang woke up out of the yard and said, "ask Wu Yue Department to gather and go to the Hubu with Ben Bo."

The knife ran out. Old Xin asked, "Sir, do you want to do it?"

Fang Xing tidied up his clothes and said, "those are just unwilling. If businesses are allowed to participate, it will break the common hatred between them. Who will be willing?"

The sudden release of restrictions on merchants entering fleet suppliers broke the psychological defense line in the hearts of many people in the south.

Although these businessmen have a low status, they have already built a network of relationships in the south. Once they form a joint force, their strength can not be underestimated.

This is differentiation!