Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1835

Zhu Zhanji turned his eyes and asked, "where did the money go?"

Yang Rong sighed in his heart, knowing that he had missed the best opportunity to advise.

Just now he wanted to persuade the emperor to stop this idea by taking advantage of the affairs of the vassal king, so as not to make things boiling in the world. But the words of the black thorn messenger gave Zhu Zhanji the upper hand in an instant.

"Your Majesty, the money turned around many times. Father Wang checked it for a long time before he found that he finally bought iron materials and stored them outside Nanchang..."


Zhu Zhanji\'s face was iron green and said, "it\'s really good! He\'s really the king of Ning who is bent on cultivating Taoism!"

The speculation in Yang Rong\'s heart fell to the ground. He gritted his teeth and left the class and said, "Your Majesty, I beg you to postpone the discussion of increasing officials."

Jin Youzi was surprised, then hurried out of the class and said, "Your Majesty, I beg you to postpone the discussion of increasing officials."

"Your Majesty, I beg you to postpone the discussion of increasing officials!"

All the ministers went out of class to salute and advise. The little flag officer stood there at a loss, but Zhu Zhanji was not angry and just smiled.

The ministers bowed and hugged. This posture was OK for a short time. The waist couldn\'t stand it for a long time.

Among them, Huang Huai was in poor health. There were problems with his lungs, so he gasped and trembled a little after a while.

Zhu Zhanji smiled, his eyes cold, and said for a long time, "what are you doing? I\'m just... Kidding."

Are you kidding?

The ministers who straightened up did not take anyone as a joke, and there was no pleasure in successfully blocking the emperor. Some were just heavy.

It\'s not a joke, it\'s a temptation!

The emperor is testing the attitude of these important officials towards their reform of official management!

And he got a bad response!

Will this be the beginning of the rift between kings and ministers?

Zhu Zhanji put aside the topic and asked, "what\'s the matter with King Ning?"


"King Ning will teach him a lesson!"

"Yes, King Ning is an elder of the imperial clan. He honestly didn\'t commit any trouble. He was beaten to the door by the other party. No matter how good his temper is, he can\'t bear it! But his majesty is waxing and hard to deal with."

In the imperial residence in the capital, two men were drinking tea. It was hot, but they were very comfortable.

"Your Majesty is too eager. Wang Yue may have seen the opportunity and wanted to wake up, but he accidentally set out on the road with King Ning\'s Memorial. Now he is inadvertent and will be unlucky."

"Who says it\'s not? Wang Yue is most likely suspected of dereliction of duty. He wants to use impeachment to wake up and get the favor of those important officials... To get rid of the crime. After King Ning\'s death, there must be a thorough investigation in Jiangxi. He can\'t hide, so he can only take risks!"

"Fang Xing is going to be unlucky. No matter how your majesty takes care of him, but when this happens, not only the king will make trouble together, but also his enemies will flock to him. Tut tut! See how he ends!"


"Your Majesty, the escort of his highness Ning rushed out of the palace and was defeated. King Ning felt deeply... Deeply sinful. Now he followed Xinghe Bo to Jinling and will return to Beijing later."


Yang Rong blinked. He felt that he had an auditory hallucination.

Yes, it must be!

That\'s King Ning!

Rush out of the palace, why rush out of the palace? It must be Fang Xingbing who came to the palace, and King Ning chose to take risks.

As for King Ning\'s deep guilt, Yang Rong believed it.

During Zhu Di\'s period, King Ning was pressed and did not dare to bubble. He stayed in Nanchang honestly and did not dare to clean up his excuses for Zhu Di at all.

"King Ning, do you think I can be deceived?"

Zhu Zhanji said coldly, "iron material, what does he want so much iron material for? What do you want to make? Censer?"

"Let\'s go!"

The ministers were speechless. Zhu Zhanji felt happy and got up to go back.


The weather was hot, and the Empress Dowager was more and more lazy to move. She stayed in her own place all day. Fortunately, she could relieve loneliness.

So when Zhu Zhanji arrived, he saw the Empress Dowager covering her eyes with a scarf looking for touch, and Duanduan hid behind the Empress Dowager\'s seat, covering her mouth with one hand and laughing, but the eyes laughed like a crescent moon, and her body endured the hard work.

Seeing Zhu Zhanji coming in, he pointed to the empress dowager, then put his index finger on his lips, and his eyes carefully passed the news.

——Keep quiet!

But even Zhu Zhanji heard her hush. The Empress Dowager was right in front. There would be no one who couldn\'t hear it.

"Where is Duan hiding? Why can\'t you see it?"

The Empress Dowager turned slowly and reached around.

Duanduan couldn\'t be proud. Finally, he couldn\'t help laughing, and then he got out of control.

In the crisp laughter, the Empress Dowager opened her scarf and smiled at Zhu Zhanji: "this is a painful girl."


Duanduan walked around to salute. Zhu Zhanji came forward and took her, and then sat down with one hand holding the Empress Dowager.

"Empress mother, it\'s too hot. Otherwise, my son\'s ministers will serve you for the summer."

The Empress Dowager shook her head and said, "why do you avoid the summer? It\'s so good in the palace. Going out is to stir up trouble and disturb all officials and people. My family has enjoyed enough and should not disturb the residents."

"Yes, what my mother said is very true."

Zhu Zhanji said, "where is the minister walking around with you in the palace?"

The Empress Dowager said happily, "OK."

Zhu Zhanji ordered people to call Hu Shanxiang, and then helped the Empress Dowager out.


There was an umbrella on top of her head to shade her from the sun. Beside her son and daughter-in-law, the Empress Dowager said happily, "you should also come out and walk frequently. If you don\'t walk, you don\'t even have an appetite. How can you give birth to lin\'er?"

Hu Shanxiang blushed, but Zhu Zhanji had a shadow in his heart.

Since his wedding, his only child was Duan Duan. So far, no women in the harem have seen anyone pregnant.

This is not good news, and the vassal kings secretly use this to attack him.

You don\'t even have a son. What are you doing?

The Empress Dowager Wu talked freely and asked them to give birth to a son. She took special care of the child.

Hu Shanxiang secretly glanced at Zhu Zhanji, but he saw the gloom, jumped in his heart, and then was dejected.

"But what\'s the matter with the foreign court? King Ning?"

Knowing that her son was not her mother, the Empress Dowager realized that Zhu Zhanji was in a wrong mood, so she promised to come out and look around.

Zhu Zhanji noticed that his mood was wrong, so he smiled and said, "empress mother, King Ning had some great ambitions. When xinghebo found out, he brought it back to apologize."

As soon as the Empress Dowager\'s footsteps stagnated, the front end turned back and waved. She smiled and moved forward slowly.


The Empress Dowager sighed, "he\'s still brooding!"

"No matter what was right or wrong, he was suppressed by your emperor\'s grandfather after all. He refused to admit defeat, but he was not young. It\'s just... It\'s good to avoid the suffering of his children and grandchildren."

In the Empress Dowager\'s opinion, Zhu Quan\'s age is here, and most of the rebellion is out of play. Then he is hoarding iron materials to prepare for his children and grandchildren.

Such hatred and ambition made the Empress Dowager give up her intention to intercede. She just explained: "after all, he is from your emperor\'s grandfather\'s generation. Don\'t go too far."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "my son is going to abandon Ning fan."

The Empress Dowager said, "whatever you want, but you have to spend some time on Jin Fan."

The king of Ning was almost rebellious, so it is reasonable to abolish the king of Jin?

Zhu Jiyu\'s rebellion is a certainty, but the original old king of Jin was Zhu Jixu.

The emperor and queen accompanied the Empress Dowager around the palace. This was not Zhu Zhanji\'s rage. He immediately sent people to take Wang Yue and sent the imperial historian to Nanchang to investigate the matter.

As soon as the content of Wang Yue\'s memorial was revealed, many people in the capital felt that they had been beaten in the face.

King Ning hid iron materials privately, and the evidence is like a mountain!