Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1831

"I\'ve seen my father-in-law."

Li Er saluted. Zheng He saw his identity at a glance and asked, "just came from the sea?"


Li Er said, "father-in-law, this matter is confidential. I beg you to report it to father-in-law alone."

"Father in law, this man\'s origin is unknown..."

Wang Jinghong said, "why don\'t you let others ask questions first."

This is to punish Li Er. Zheng He saw Li Er\'s face as usual and said, "no, our family also went to the battle to kill the enemy."

After Wang Jinghong went out, Li Er said, "father Zheng, xinghebo sent a small sea transaction..."

After hearing this, zheng he couldn\'t help laughing and scolding: "that man is such a scoundrel. If the ministers know about it, they must attack it. Just, if our family is going to sea this time, you will follow."

Li Er was stunned. Zheng He got up and said, "he has just arrived in Jinling. You don\'t know by the river. Our family doesn\'t take credit. Go to see him yourself."

Li Er was very happy. He was just about to leave, but Hou Xian came in outside the door.

"Father in law, Xinghe is here."

Zheng He walked outside with a smile and said, "it\'s impossible to say. You\'ll be there as soon as you say it."

Just outside the door, Fang woke up. When he saw Zheng He, he arched his hands and said, "Zheng Gong, I thought you had gone to sea!"

Zheng He said, "you haven\'t been out of the sea. How can you be so fast."

When they went in, Fang woke up to see Li Er and said happily, "I\'ve never heard from you. I\'m relieved to see you today. Have you gone home to see my mother?"

Li Er knelt down and said, "thank you, uncle. I\'ve seen my mother. My daughter-in-law is fine."

"Get up."

Fang Xing and Zheng He sat down left and right, then took Li Er\'s "list of achievements" and said, "these things are directly handed over to the Jinling Ministry of household, and then directly transferred to Beiping, which is not included in the income of the Ministry of household."

Li Er answered. Fang Xing immediately wrote a note to him and said, "I\'ll send someone to deliver with you. Qu Sheng naturally knows how powerful this matter is and won\'t ask more."

After Li Er left, Zheng He asked, "who will give these things to?"

Fang Xing pointed to the north and said, "this money will not be asked by the household department, so it will be used as a cost in the palace and there will be less trouble in the future."

"What trouble?"

"Make a quarrel with the Minister for money!"

The royal family had no money and was short of money. Then they approved notes to ask for money from the household department. They were criticized and disgraced.

Fang woke up to the wonderful things that he had to do, and had to make complaints about Daming\'s financial system.

Zheng He only knew Fang Xing\'s meaning after a little thought. He pointed to Fang Xing and said, "you, you are so brave. After being known by those people, you have to scold you as a sycophant, and your majesty has to suffer."

"These things come from a wrong way. Your majesty wants to set an example for the world. How can you collect them?"

Zheng He said seriously, "you are kind but have done bad things. Give these things to our family and send them to Peiping after a trip out of the sea."


Fang Xing was stunned. Isn\'t this money laundering?

After a trip to sea, the money and goods changed into legal income, which was then included in the account and presented to Zhu Zhanji separately.

"Thank you, Zheng Gong."

Zheng He nodded and said, "you think things are reckless. You always think those people are vulnerable, but our family tells you that what those people are best at is forbearance. When you catch the opportunity, one blow will be fatal!"

"Yes, thank you for reminding me."

Fang woke up and thought of Xu Jie, who could be called the invincible ninja, in exchange for the elation behind him.

Seeing his humility, zheng he couldn\'t help laughing and said, "you\'re not arrogant or impetuous now. No wonder those people can\'t help you. How\'s King Ning?"

Fang Xing said, "he\'s in that big house."

"You... You captured him?"

Zheng He\'s body fiercely stood up, then sat down and said, "that\'s King Ning, the generation of Emperor Wen. Your courage is really boundless. This matter will inevitably lead to accidents. You can go back quickly and respond."

"I won\'t go back now."

Fang Xing said, "fast horse has already gone to the capital."

"You want to take King Ning by yourself. Your majesty can deal with it calmly in the capital?"

Zheng He arched his hands and said, "OK! We admire you, xinghebo!"

"You are using yourself as a shield to protect your majesty from the wind and rain!"

Zheng he sighed: "there was Jin Zhong before, and then you Xinghe Bo. We are relieved that the loyal officials of Daming have never been cut off. Think about that most of us would be criticized by civil servants before going to sea. This time you Xinghe Bo did it alone, and we are ashamed!"

Fang Xing takes Zhu Quan and Zhu Zhanji releases news in the capital. If the ministers attack, they can only attack Fang Xing in Jinling, but Zhu Zhanji can deal with it calmly.

This is loyalty!

Zheng He said, "in the past, our family thought you slipped a little, but now it seems that you are wrong. Xinghebo, our family will compensate you."

Zheng he bowed solemnly. Fang Xing quickly held him and said with a dry smile, "this is what the minister should do. Why is Zheng Gong so."

If Xie Jin were here, he would swear: what shit loyalty, what this guy lacks most is loyalty. This is just about loyalty.

Then Zheng He said his worry: "the purchase of these goods is not smooth! Those workshops have been shut down, so we have to find someone to start work. Maybe we can go to sea next year."

Seeing his sad face, Fang woke up and said, "why do you have to buy goods from official workshops?"

Zheng He was stunned and said, "it used to be like this, your majesty..."

Fang Xing said, "Your Majesty didn\'t say anything, but I think both public and private can have talents."

Zhu Zhanji doesn\'t know?

How could he not know that everything is related to system reform.

Zheng He nodded and said, "most of the official workshops are mean workers. Our family has said it several times, but those people are still the same. If there are both public and private, that\'s what you call competition, a good thing!"

"Wang Jinghong, Hou Xian!"

Zheng He\'s eyes were cold and drank.

Soon after Wang Jinghong and Hou Xian came in, Zheng He said, "the goods carried by the fleet should be public and private. Send out the news and we will support it!"

Wang Jinghong was stunned, and then arched his hand and said, "it\'s a great good thing. Count our family!"

Hou Xian nodded and said faintly, "we can\'t see the official workshop for a long time. We agree with it. If it\'s blamed, we\'ll be one!"

Wang Jinghong, fleet envoy, first deputy of Zheng He, navigator, and doer.

Even Zhu gaochi was full of praise for his ability, which can be seen almost side by side with those assistant political scholars.

Hou Xian is even more amazing. He can be called a diplomat of this era. Whether he is an envoy to Tibet or abroad, his wrist is even jealous of LV Zhen.

It goes without saying that Zheng He, the greatest navigator of this era, turned from horseback to sea ship. He lived up to Zhu Di\'s hope and led the Daming fleet invincible!

Fang woke up, bowed down and said seriously, "it\'s a great honor for Fang to be side by side with the three."

Yes, he feels really honored.

Zhu Di\'s vision and authority made the so-called eunuchs become a joke. Most of the eunuchs he promoted were conscientious and did no worse or even better than those in civil and military affairs.

The three were stunned. Seeing Fang Xing\'s serious face, they couldn\'t help warming their hearts.

No matter how capable and powerful the eunuch is, he is a traitor and Eunuch in the eyes of civil and military forces and the emperor\'s domestic slave. Those people are polite on the surface, but how many people can look up to them behind them?

Fang Xing is an important Minister of the three dynasties. He is now the confidant of his majesty. He said these words at the moment without intention of revealing his heart.

Zheng he bowed down and said seriously, "it\'s a great honor for us to stand side by side with Xinghe Bo."