Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1830

Fang woke up!

That magnanimity is coming!

The news spread all over Jinling in an instant!

After hearing the news, Huang Jian was in a hurry to find Wang Yuan.

"Teacher, this man has come again. Has the matter of Prince Ning\'s house been handled?"

Wang Yuan is drinking tea. It\'s still hot.

The tea soup is yellowish, and the tea leaves float and sink inside.

Wang Yuan picked up the tea cup, sniffed it slightly, and praised, "it\'s necessary to concentrate and calm down!"

Huang Jian bowed and said, "yes, but the disciple was lost."

"Make your own tea."

Wang Yuan slowly tasted tea and drank a cup of tea. His body loosened and said, "what are you flustered about? Afraid of the breaking of Wang Liu?"

Huang Jian nodded and said with a wry smile: "disciples often have nightmares. In their dreams, there are all those swords and shadows. In the end, most of them are the man\'s hateful face..."

"You\'ve lost your sense of propriety. The reason is nothing more than your guilty heart. What\'s your guilty heart? After reading for many years, I taught you to cultivate Haoran righteousness..."

Wang Yuan frowned, bent his fingers and knocked on the table and said, "if Haoran\'s righteous Qi is sufficient, all evils will not invade. You read more books these days and look at the notes you made for the teacher. There are many notes on Haoran\'s righteous Qi. I think it can calm you down."

Huang Jian nodded and said in shame: "teacher, the disciple was afraid of the man\'s means, so he inquired about the outcome of King Ning, but found that no one knew. Then... The disciple judged that he came all the way from Nanchang mansion, and the news is still behind."

"That man is good at using troops. He used to kill Guo under the guise of Tao. Who knows that he went to Xinghe just under the guise, but he rushed all the way to attack Duoyan Sanwei and swept away the dust of those rebellious aliens."

Wang Yuan said with some leisurely fascination: "a general becomes a prime minister. Ah! Think about the taste of thousands of troops and horses under his command. Even being a teacher is inevitably moved."

"Think about it... The feeling of ten thousand horses galloping, the sound of shouting and killing is all around your ears, where the long sword points, the blood flows and pestles, and the corpses pile up like a mountain... Kill this morning and eat it."

Huang Jian also had some hopes, "it would be good if he could command those firearm guards! The smoke of gunpowder is everywhere..."

"But you have to be an official to do all this, okay? So I want my children to study hard."

Wang Yuan smiled and said, "wait and see. Sooner or later, the martial arts people will have to kneel in front of us and let us drive them. Then they will naturally get what they want."

Huang Jian nodded and then shook his head slightly, knowing that he must have no chance. For a long-term plan, like Wang Yuan, he will cultivate contacts for the next generation from now on.

"Teacher, this man went to the work department as soon as he arrived in Jinling. Is it for the purpose of building roads?"

"Mostly, by the way, Zheng He\'s fleet."

Wang Yuan narrowed his eyes, as if he had been stabbed by the outdoor light. "He stood out for his Majesty in Beiping for the sake of the fleet going to sea, just outside the Imperial City, confronted those people, and said... What a great evil spirit, so if going to sea is unfavorable, he is a sinner."

Huang Jian nodded and said, "you must first protect your position in officialdom, so he must suppress those who obstruct going to sea in Jinling."

Wang Yuan looked strange and said, "most of the south don\'t like going to sea. The reason is that they\'re not good. Fang Xing\'s coming to Jinling is probably not flattering. He must have harvested a lot of curses."


Fang Xing\'s residence was where he and Zhu Zhanji were stationed last time. The outside world said that this man didn\'t know the taboo. He was so domineering that Fang Xing laughed it off.

His trip was equivalent to an imperial envoy, so as soon as he lived in, people from all departments of Jinling came.

"Two things."

Fang Xing stretched out his second finger and said, "the first is that the treasure ship goes to sea. All departments must not prevaricate. They must cooperate with each other. If someone obeys the public and disobeys the public, Ben Bo will take it here!"

They all felt that their backs were cold, and they were worried that someone in the Department would be taken out of the basket and cleaned up by the generous uncle.

"The second is to build roads."

Fang Xing said, "this road will be a road for the revitalization of the Ming Dynasty. It will take a long time and all aspects need coordination. Still, if there is something wrong with the people who are optimistic about themselves, the thunder of Peiping will naturally come to the corresponding people. Take care of yourself!"

The crowd immediately dispersed and left the big house. Uncle Peng was the most relaxed. He said, "everyone, your majesty is probably the guarantor of your words, so you should be careful!"

Seeing him proud, everyone frowned and scolded in their hearts.

At this time, someone in the big house chased out, but it was Wuchuan.

"Lord Peng."

When they looked back, they could not help avoiding Wuchuan\'s eyes, thinking about how this man was so murderous.

Uncle Peng asked, "what\'s the matter?"

Wuchuan said, "Uncle forgot to say something. The guard station in the south is a little loose. The people in charge of the army dare to lend money and use those sergeants as thugs to collect money. This is unheard of. Lord Peng will consider it for himself."

Uncle Peng stayed where he was, and everyone looked at each other, and then slowly went back.

This is retribution!

I was proud just now. Now it\'s good. The leader lent money and the sergeant became a thug. It\'s certainly not small. If Uncle Peng Yuanshu can\'t come to an inventory to clear up his family\'s guilt, the Minister of war will probably be replaced in the future.


By the Jinling River, Li Er and Chu Mao were worried about the berth of the treasure ship fleet not far away.

"There are so many gold and silver goods that no one dares to take over in Jinling City. Chu Mao, why don\'t we go to father-in-law Zheng and try?"

Chu Mao sucked his nose, rubbed his dark hands, got up and said, "OK, let\'s try."

The two men have been cruising on the sea since Fang woke up last time. They not only sold goods, but also got two smuggling ships and got a lot of things.

According to the rules set by Fang Xingding, these goods have their dividends, but the problem now is that there is no receiver.

They approached the mooring place of the treasure ship all the way. Before the sergeant on patrol drove them away, they said they were looking for Zheng He.

"What are you doing? What are you doing with father Zheng?"

Seeing their dark skin, the sergeant thought they were sailors called back.

Li Er and Chu Mao looked at each other. What they did should be kept secret, which is why they were rejected by the Jinling household department.

"My Lord, I can only talk to Lord Zheng about this! Confidential, confidential."

Li Erdui said with a smile, "it was explained by Xinghe Bo. You can only say it when you see father Zheng." then he took out the certificate given by Fang Xing.

The sergeant looked at them, glanced at them and said, "only one person can go in."

Chu Mao said, "brother Li, why don\'t you go."

Li Er nodded and was sandwiched in by two sergeants.

Chu Mao was originally the leader of the pirate village and smuggling village. Zheng He hated this den of thieves most. If he couldn\'t get it right, he cut him down directly.

Li Er was the one who was recruited by Fang Xing. Zheng He would not do anything.

Zheng He was talking to the people in the workshop in his office on the bank. The atmosphere was a little tense.

"No matter who you are, you know the consequences when you miss the time to go to sea. Don\'t say much. Go back and gather people."

Zheng He looked a little tired and had bags under his eyes.

"Father Zheng, it will take some time to gather those people!"

A middle-aged man arched his hands and said, "those people have long made their own way. I remember that there are many goods accumulated over the years in the warehouse, or... Take them out?"

"Yes, Grandpa Zheng, overseas people have no vision. They will rush for Daming\'s things."

Zheng he rubbed his eyebrows and said, "those are not enough. You wait to eat Daming\'s money and food. Don\'t talk about these. Go quickly!"

"Father in law, a man named Li Er asked to see you."
