Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1832

The existence of merchants can be almost parallel to the history of human development, and looms in those ups and downs.

The existence of businessmen can exchange what they need, dredge the backlog, guide production and regulate the market

The difference between the north and the south of the Ming Dynasty is not small, and commerce is one of the big differences.

The south is rich in production and has a large population. It is naturally more suitable for commercial development than the north.

At this time of the Ming Dynasty, those scholars looked for examples in the history books, but they were shocked to find that the Ming Dynasty at this time could be compared with those prosperous times in history, and more than.

This is a prosperous age, and we can\'t see the end of development.

This Daming is full of vitality!

The commerce in the south is gradually growing in this vibrant environment, and now it gradually feels that the market is narrow.

"This is not enough development."

Fang Xing is walking in the yard, surrounded by Qu Sheng.

"People don\'t dare to spend money. The biggest business is related to people\'s livelihood, including oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar. This needs to be improved step by step. When people have more money in their hands and their life is stable, they will slowly increase their spending..."

"When the river is full, the river will have water."

"At present, the life of the people in the Ming Dynasty is gradually improving, including the remuneration given by the folk men who build roads. These are all for the consideration of increasing the people\'s income. As the Minister of household, you should know these, otherwise it is mostly wrong."

Good scriptures can only be read by good monks!

Qu Sheng said, "xinghebo, there are so many wealth in the world. How can we ensure that everyone has surplus money."

"Who says there is so much wealth in the world? It\'s ridiculous!"

Fang Xing frowned and said, "calculate and estimate by yourself. Let\'s say Han, do they have more wealth today? Where did they come from today? Did God fall? Wrong, it\'s all the hard work of the people."

"So wealth comes from the people. The people create wealth, which needs guidance and encouragement. It\'s as simple as that."

Fang Xing didn\'t want to tell him that the influx of silver into Daming in the future would scare him.

Qu Sheng didn\'t argue. He arched his hand and said, "I know. Thank Xing and boti for their advice. I\'ll let those merchants come to the household department to sign up and screen out some."

"Are you bold and not afraid of being impeached?"

This party woke up and wanted to bear it alone. Unexpectedly, Qu Sheng dared to stand out, which surprised him.

Qu Sheng smiled and said, "Xinghe Bo, please don\'t underestimate our official. Not everyone wants to be wise and protect themselves!"

Fang Xing bowed his hands solemnly and said, "it\'s Fang who belittles people. Lord Qu, forgive me."

Qu Sheng said faintly, "there is resentment against Xinghe Boduo in the Confucian forest, but anyway, we should distinguish between public and private. If we miss state affairs, it is a corrupt Confucian. No, it\'s a villain, which is not worth mentioning."


First, Zheng He released the news, which shocked Jinling, but everyone still wanted to wait and see and wait for the final confirmation.

But most of the businessmen were willing to take risks, so countless letters went everywhere, and those businessmen hurried on their way.

Target Jinling!

Subsequently, the Ministry of household posted a notice for interested and powerful businesses to sign up, and the finalists are expected to compete for the qualification of fleet suppliers.

This news immediately affected the situation in the south, and countless businessmen came towards Jinling.

Come on!

There are fast horses on the road to Jinling!

The patrol inspection departments everywhere received instructions not to embarrass the businessmen who rushed to Jinling.


Jinling household department, just opened the door in the morning. Yes, just opened the door.

Then the gate was blocked.

When the small officials who opened the door were still in a daze, the businessmen outside the door shouted, and the crowd was excited, as if they were going to come in and file a lawsuit.

"Small ones need to sign up!"

"Sign up! Sign up!"

"My Lord, the small one has brought more than ten pieces of cloth. Let\'s check the goods first and then talk about the price. We don\'t dare to pit. It\'s easy to say the price!"



No one dared to attack the household yamen, but because there were too many people and they were excited, everyone rushed forward, and finally directly knocked down the petty officials. The gate was heavily hit on the side and made a loud noise.

Two small officials opened the door. One was knocked down and the other was frightened. Fortunately, he instinctively dragged his colleagues out, otherwise he would probably be trampled to death at the door.



There is a wind in the capital recently. The wind from the north is mixed with some dust and haze.

Yang Rong coughed a few times and frowned. "What did xinghebo say before... Grazing should be controlled in the north, otherwise Beiping people won\'t even dare to go out of the gate in the future."

Yang Pu saw song Cheng Cheng, who was cleaning the railing in front of him, and said, "it\'s not so powerful. It\'s alarmist."

Song Chengli was still wiping the railing, and his focus even attracted Yang Shiqi\'s attention.

The rag moved slowly down on the railing. The focused eyes looked at the place carefully, then stopped, the rag moved up and wiped the subtle black spot with force.

When the black spots were removed, a happy smile floated on the face, pure and

Yang Pu couldn\'t help smiling and went up with his colleagues.

Behind him, a eunuch hurried past them and rushed into the hall.

"Your Majesty, the memorial of King Ning."

Since Fang Xing went south, Zhu Zhanji told him that he had to enter the hall when there was relevant news. He saw Zhu Zhanji looking at it carefully with memorials, and his face became increasingly gloomy.

The young emperor became more and more unpredictable. Yang Pu sighed in his heart and saluted his colleagues.

Zhu Zhanji put down the memorial and said with a heavy face, "Zhu Qing is exempt from gifts."

With anger in his voice, Yang Pu smiled in his heart and felt that the emperor was young after all. Where did Emperor Wen freely swing at will.

"King Ning said that Xinghe Bobu beat, robbed and molested women in Nanchang... Absurd!"

Zhu Zhanji suppressed his anger, but Yang Rong hesitated. Finally, he came out and said, "Your Majesty, the memorial of the Chief Secretary of Jiangxi has arrived, Minister... It arrived yesterday. I deserve to die."

Yang Shiqi said unswervingly, "Lord Yang, this is expert!"

Zhu Zhanji had many things to do, and there were many recent memorials. It was difficult for him to read them one by one, so he asked the bachelors of assistant politics to filter them first.

I didn\'t expect Yang Rong to hide a memorial. No, it\'s procrastination.

Zhu Zhanji flew into a rage and then dispersed slowly.

"The same thing?"

Zhu Zhanji\'s look had returned to normal, but Yang Pu knew that the emperor had killed him.

The killing was not directed at Yang Rong, but

"Whose? Wang Yue\'s?"

Yang Rong nodded and said, "it\'s the same as that of his highness King Ning. I\'m more upright. Please punish your majesty."

Seeing Yang Rong kneeling bareheaded and solemnly pleading guilty, Yang Pu\'s eyes were slightly dark.

Yang Rong is acting as a shield for the emperor and filtering out a memorial that may affect Zhu Zhanji\'s vassal policy.

Is Wang Yue crazy?


Zhu Zhanji sneered, "what does Wang Yue want to do? Does he want to vote for the Lord?"

"Your Majesty..."

Zhu Zhanji\'s unkindness was beyond everyone\'s expectation, which shows his anger.

Yang Pu looked at Yang Rong\'s back kneeling on the ground and silently calculated the hands and tails of the three parties in the matter.

Fang Xing must have angered King Ning and Wang Yue, otherwise Wang Yue would not dare to go to this memorial no matter how bold he was.

But... What is the situation in Nanchang? Can let Wang Yue impeach Fang Xing at any risk.

Yang Rong looked up and said, "Your Majesty, I thought it was a misunderstanding, so I suppressed this memorial, but I copied it. Now..."

Zhu Zhanji\'s eyes swept over the side table. There was a pile of memorials on it. He hadn\'t had time to see it today.

Yang Pu nodded slightly. Yang Rong was privately prepared to let the emperor know about it, but he could ignore it.

As for the response after the explosion, looking at Yang Rong\'s appearance, it is clear that he wants to bear it alone.

Is this the responsibility of Shoufu?

Yang Pu clenched his hands and was frightened.

What surprised him was Yang Rong\'s boldness and tacit understanding with the emperor.

"Your Majesty, is Wang Yue in a daze? I think we should go down and investigate to see who is lying!"

Jin Youzi said indignantly, "Xinghe bosuo\'s headquarters just arrived in Nanchang. Is their military discipline so scattered? The minister thought there must be false."

This is to find Fang Xing\'s handle in the chaos and kill him with one blow.

Yang Pu lowered his eyes slightly and glanced at Jin Youzi.