Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1829

Wei Qing, the right political envoy of Jiangxi, almost died.

After rescuing him from his own rope set, Wang Yue said with admiration: "Lord Wei is unparalleled in loyalty and righteousness!"

While admiring, Wang Yue felt a pressure.

Yes, with such a colleague who dared to die for his country, Wang Yue felt that his position under his ass was not secure.

Think about what the important officials in the court would think after Wei Qing\'s attempted suicide was reported? The key is what the emperor will think!

Loyal minister!

Wei Qing woke up slowly. Fang woke up, frowned and said, "what\'s your hurry?"

Wang Yue smiled and said, "Xinghe Bo, I know what you are looking forward to, but is that Taoist temple?"

Fang Xing\'s face was a little strange. Wang Yue looked sorry and said, "just half an hour ago, the Taoist temple caught fire and burned badly."

"What are you talking about?"

Fang Xing still vomited. He picked up the kettle from the ground and opened the lid. A smell of orange juice came. He took a sip and said comfortably, "frozen orange juice, comfortable."

The taste of orange juice makes people relaxed and happy. Wang Yue secretly sniffed and said, "this matter has become an impasse. Xinghebo, go back to Beijing."

"Thank you."

Fang Xing stood up, shook his body, then nodded and said, "that little wood can\'t burn those iron materials. It\'s deformed at most. Everything speaks with evidence. Lord Wang, Lord Wang..."

Wang Yue\'s body was also shaking and his face was very white.

Fang Xing\'s people went to the Taoist temple. Wang Yue thought there was some food or dragon robes in it. Now that he heard that it was made of iron, he could almost judge that he, including the Chief Secretary of Jiangxi, was guilty.

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Benbo will go north tomorrow. Lord Wang, Benbo will keep someone to watch over the palace. Please cooperate as soon as it should be supplied."

Fang woke up and left slowly, with some floating steps. If it were normal, Wang Yue would certainly sneer at himself, but now he is standing under the green bamboo... Numb as a chicken.

Iron, who dares to hoard iron?

What are you hoarding for?

These questions without thinking flashed through Wang Yue\'s mind and immediately became a burst of heart ash.

Nanchang avant-garde is to blame, but Chen Qingnian has paid the price and become a prisoner.

What about the chief envoy?

What is the responsibility?

"Gather your hands!"

With Fang Xing\'s order, the voice of driving people came from all over the palace.

The servants were driven into two teams and screened one by one.

Wang Yue stared at the scene and murmured, "in the past, Wang Xie Tang and Yan flew into the common people\'s home. How difficult it is to be an official!"


Qu Sheng had a headache. He drove the Jinling household up and down everywhere.

It was hot. Qu Sheng went to the work department under the big sun.

Qian Junhua was not relaxed. Seeing Qu Sheng, he said, "some of those craftsmen have been assigned elsewhere. Now the treasure boat is going to sea, which forces me to look for people!"

Qu Sheng fanned his fan, pulled his skirt and said irritably, "if you have your Majesty\'s will, you\'ll find someone. My household is going crazy. Zheng He wants goods, goods and goods. That\'s what the Japanese officials have in their ears. What else do you say is that you miss the opportunity to go to sea? Who delays at that time will be responsible. Don\'t you say it\'s disorderly?"

"Those goods have not been prepared in advance, and the people in the workshop have long dispersed. I am also looking for someone. If I find someone, I have to buy raw materials again and rearrange production. I am in a mess! I say this is the business of your work department? Why did it fall on the head of the household department?"

Qian Junhua said with a wry smile, "the work department is OK. Just send some people to help. Your household department... What are the work department and household department? It\'s easy to find someone."

Qu Sheng said, "all the money needs to be paid out by the Jinling household department. It is said that it is directly appropriated from the tax. Alas! This trip is at a loss!"

Qian Junhua shook his head and said, "I won\'t lose money. I heard Zheng He say that I don\'t seek those rare birds and animals this time. I want to exchange, mainly gold and silver. Later, the deficit on your side can be filled. You can get some money for my work department and build roads next year!"

"Building roads?"

Qu Sheng said casually, "where did you fix it?"

"Jinling to Beiping."


Qu Sheng almost slipped to the ground as soon as he slipped. He sat up straight again and asked, "do you want to fix it or do it again?"

Qian Junhua said, "to do it again, we must first build a cement kiln and repair it slowly. I estimate that it will take at least ten years."

"This is a big expense!"

Qu Sheng said calmly, "this must be xinghebo\'s proposal. Does he think there are too many money in my account? Xia Yuanji in Peiping doesn\'t know what he\'s thinking and doesn\'t stop him."

Qian Junhua was surprised and said, "why do you want to stop? After the completion of this road, the communication between the north and the south of Daming is more convenient. With the canal and sea transportation, whether it\'s materials or personnel, you can go if you want to, which saves you a lot of things."

Qu Sheng frowned and said, "it\'s easy to save some money. I have to go out a lot at once. What if something big happens in the future?"

"If you don\'t spend money, it\'s waste paper. Why keep it?"

Qu Sheng was surprised and looked up to see the dusty Fang Xing.


Fang woke up and nodded. Qian Junhua and Qu Sheng quickly gave up their seats.

"Uncle Ben has just arrived in Jinling. Lord Qian, how\'s the cement kiln going?"

Qian Junhua beamed and said, "I\'ve called a lot of people to do it. After the cement kiln is completed, I\'m going to ask for an order to urge the civilian husband. We\'re going to do a big job!"

Fang woke up, nodded and said, "Uncle Ben has already made a memorial to ask Yingzhou and North Korea to recruit and send more civilian husbands. Local civilian husbands should be voluntary as much as possible. Remember, Lord Qian! It\'s best to recruit and send local civilian husbands in the slack season."

Qian Junhua bowed his hand and said solemnly, "yes, I know."

"And..." Fang Xing frowned and said, "Benbo knows you are upright and can\'t rub the sand in your eyes. If someone withholds the civilian husband\'s reward, you can take it and let the royal guards and East Hall start immediately. Who dares to cover up? Benbo vowed to exile his family to the mountains!"

The words were murderous, but Qu Sheng nodded and said, "Xing He Bo\'s words are very good. That\'s what they should do."

Qian Junhua was cruel. His eyes said fiercely: "this is the grace given by your majesty. Those civilian men earn more on the construction site than farming. Who dares to be corrupt? Even if they are royal relatives, I will cut his flesh!"

Fang Xing appreciated: "if the Jinling work department is not a rich man at the helm, Ben Bo must advise your majesty to change the candidate, otherwise the money and food are immortal meat, and everyone wants to bite."

Qu Sheng was shocked. He was judging whether Fang Xing was bragging.

Fang Xing looked as usual and even smiled.

Is it bragging?

Qu Sheng is not sure at all!