Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1828

"Kill Fang Xing and reward a thousand gold!"

Yang Lin shouted in the middle. He frantically urged his subordinates to launch an impact on the musket array.

He wants to be brilliant!

He remembered what Jiang Xun had muttered to himself.

——If a husband doesn\'t eat five tripods at birth, he will cook his ears at death!

Yeah! Since the future is gloomy, let\'s die in a vigorous battle!


The murderous spirit swept through the space between the two sides and quickly rushed over with some messy steps.

Wu Yue waved down his long knife.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

"Bang bang bang!"


When the gunshot came to the palace, Zhu Quan didn\'t respond. He continued, no, he was remembering.

"... after the fourth brother succeeded, he began not to admit it. In fact... In fact, I know he won\'t admit it, but he has no army, ha ha, no army!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The platoon guns outside began to gather, and the scream was like a magic sound, which could not be avoided.

"... without the army, I\'m a lamb. I\'ve fought on the grassland and watched the madness among the tribes. In order to survive, everything can be abandoned... But I have to thank my fourth brother. At least he saved my life."

Zhu Quan said to Xu Jingchang with a dull face, "I just don\'t like Nanchang. No, it\'s Wang who doesn\'t like Nanchang. He was rejected several times and then impeached. He was impeached once the last time, ha ha!"

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a continuous row of guns outside.


"Forward! Forward! Forward!"

The neat shouts shook the whole palace. The servants and servant girls ran around the palace. They wanted to find a safe place.

Whenever there is a disaster of copying the family, it is really normal to die a few people.

Just report a last ditch resistance. People not only die in vain, but their families will also be implicated if they can\'t do it well.

Zhu Quan looked coldly at the scene of war and chaos and said, "the fourth brother really didn\'t see the wrong person. Fang woke up hard and decisive. If the king had such a decisive decision, hey!"

Xu Jingchang didn\'t hear such treacherous words. He looked up and saw the guards running in like a flood. They looked terrified. Some people were still stained with blood, but they forgot to scream and only knew to escape.


Zhu Quan shook his head slightly and said, "they are all fake. These people are not the elite soldiers under the king\'s command. They have spent a lot of money and food supporting them for many years, but it\'s good to rush them."

The sound of neat footsteps gradually approached. Zhu Quan looked up, looked at Fang Xing coming and said with a smile: "you are very powerful. The fourth brother believes in you, and the emperor believes in you. If there is no accident, you will be an important minister around him in the future, and it\'s just an ordinary thing to seal the Duke..."

"What do you want to say?"

Fang Xing came over, crossed his legs, sat down slowly, and sat opposite Zhu Quan, within reach of both sides.

"You... You lost!"

Zhu Quan slowly pulled out his long knife, shook his head and said, "I haven\'t lost yet."

"You want to kill yourself?"

Fang Xing looked at the bright blade curiously and said, "you have to know that suicide is very painful. You will hear the sound of blood splashing from your neck, and then you will panic and regret... You would rather be locked in the cold palace of Fengyang than commit suicide all your life."

"Yes, you certainly won\'t, because you are so wise since childhood. But people are afraid of death as soon as they are smart, and the smarter they are, the more afraid they are of death. There are few exceptions."

Zhu Quan put the long knife on his neck. His fairy beard was shaking, and his hands were shaking.

"It\'s no big deal except death when you\'re alive. You just need to give up the guard, and then... Sorry, because you have to go to Beijing to apologize for the killing just now, but because you\'re an elder of the clan, your majesty will probably confine you temporarily, and then..."

Fang Xing\'s body rushed over. He grabbed Zhu Quan\'s hands. When Zhu Quan wanted to struggle hard, Fang Xing hit his forehead.


Zhu Quan blinked, then looked at Fang Xing who fell back with his forehead. He smiled, and then

"Hold him down!"

Two people rushed over. One was Xin Laoqi. He knew that Fang Xing had great psychological pressure during this period, because Fang Xing was ready to deal with Prince Ning\'s house.

What guard? That\'s just an excuse.

Fang Xing and Zhu Quan both know the excuse.

The purpose is to let Zhu Quan, an elder of the clan, fall into the altar, reflect the ambition and unwillingness of the vassal kings, and then prepare for Zhu Zhanji\'s next reduction of vassal.

Wang he didn\'t know these twists and turns. He only knew that once Zhu Quan committed suicide, he would be unlucky as a supervisor.

So Wang He, who broke out in a moment, took the lead in knocking down Zhu Quan and was almost cut open by the long knife in his hand.

When Xin Laoqi arrived, his hands ready to attack in mid air turned into blows and hit Zhu Quan\'s right hand heavily.

When the long knife fell to the ground, Fang xingcai fell to the ground.

He lay on the ground panting. The ground of the palace was very hard and the back of the stem hurt.

He was dizzy and his eyes were dazzled. He watched the sergeants rush into the palace.

"Kneel down and don\'t kill!"

"Kneel down and don\'t kill!"

Fang woke up and wanted to vomit. If it was another army, he would shout no random killing.

But Jubao mountain guards don\'t need it. Even if they have just experienced a killing, they won\'t become red eyed demons.


Fang woke up and shook his head. His chest and abdomen were surging, like a frog jumping in his stomach.

"Ha ha! Kill the king, come on! Kill the king!"

Even if Fang Xing took the initiative to attack, the final result was like an egg hitting a stone. Zhu Quan was still conscious, and Fang Xing


Fang woke up and tried to deflect his head, and then the peanuts and wine he had eaten earlier turned into a fountain.

"Is this the valiant general under the fourth brother? Ha ha! Not even the king!"

Zhu Quan was controlled. He sat on the ground and let Xin Laoqi and Wang He bind his hands. He laughed at Fang Xing and said, "if the king bumps you, you have to accompany the fourth brother today."

Fang Xing threw up something again. Then he felt more comfortable. He looked up and said, "don\'t be proud. Don\'t think I made a big mistake today."

"Isn\'t it?"

Zhu Quan, who was controlled, was desperate, so he let go.

Fang Xing smiled, then threw up on his side again, but he didn\'t throw up well this time, and his face and neck were affected.

He gasped: "what\'s in the Taoist temple outside the city? My people will go there soon. Your highness, what\'s there? Can it be something that can keep you in confinement for life? Ha ha! Vomit!"

Zhu Quan looked up, his skin stretched, and he felt the pain from the small cut in his neck pulled out by the long knife. Look at the sky with bleak eyes.

"Fourth brother, this is your grandson..."


"Into the palace?"

Wang Yue sat in the hall with a kitchen knife on the table beside him.

All the long knives of the chief envoy were taken by the Yamen servants. Wang Yue felt unable to carry them, so he found a kitchen knife. At least he could look like it.

Wei Qing on the other side was hanging a rope. He didn\'t have the courage to commit suicide, so he was ready to end himself with a rope.

All this is based on Fang Xing\'s failure.

So when a yamen servant rushed in, Wei Qing, who was trying to get the height of the rope sleeve, slipped his hand, leaned forward, and then

"My Lord, xinghebo has invaded the palace!"


Wang Yue could not help but read the Buddha in his heart. As long as Fang Xing had the upper hand, no matter how rebellious he was, even if he chopped Ning Wang Zhu Quan, it had nothing to do with him.

Safe ashore!

"Lord Wei..."