Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1817

Zhu Quan has a pair of excellent eyes, Phoenix eyes.

This pair of Phoenix eyes looked at Fang Xing faintly. When Fang Xing\'s eyes were sour and swollen and couldn\'t help blinking, Zhu Quan slowly turned around and said, "Xing He Bo, please come in."

Fang Xing turned sideways, blinked quickly, and then followed in.

Apart from the four gates, the royal residence looked very simple. He walked all the way to the jingshe. Fang woke up and saw the quiet surroundings, so he said, "Your Highness is here to cultivate self-cultivation and admire Fang."

Zhu Quanjing sat down on the futon. Fang woke up and didn\'t find the futon. Under the gaze of Jiang Xun, he sat slowly on the ground opposite Zhu Quan.

Fang woke up and looked at the jade pan and said, "Your Highness, are you ready to concentrate on the Tao? That\'s gratifying. There have been many disputes in the world since then."

The resentment in front of him was about to break through his chest, so that his children and grandchildren could not forget it until there was a rebellion in the Zhengde period.

Zhu Quan closed his eyes, folded his hands over the Dantian in his lower abdomen, and said faintly, "there are many common rights and wrongs, but he hangs his children from the dust. When the common things are done, the king naturally belongs to the mountains."

"Fang admire!"

Fang woke up and looked at the jade hammer on the small table. Some wanted to go home and knock the walnut for worry free.

Zhu Quan\'s words showed his nature of "idle clouds and wild cranes", but implied that Zhu Zhanji was cutting vassal ships.

"Jin fan is just a junior. I also made mistakes in those years, but now we are all at peace. Why can\'t Jin Fan be reinstated? Many fan kings have written to me and are worried about it... Has your majesty made a decision?"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "this is not a family matter, but your highness wants to be biased."

This is not polite. Jiang Xun on the side said, "Xinghe Bo, since emperor Gao granted the kings, how is this not a family affair? Does anyone in the court want to intervene?"

Fang Xing met Zhu Quan\'s inquisitive eyes and said faintly, "how much money and food did the king spend every year? How many fields did he occupy? How many people did he serve? Where did these things come from? Did the royal family plant them?"


Seeing Zhu Quan\'s iron face, Jiang Xun got up and shouted, "xinghebo, is it the king\'s land in the world? You\'re bold!"

Fang Xing ignored him, smiled and said to Zhu Quan, "Your Highness, your majesty is also frugal in the palace, and several Highnesses have not built the palace... The whole world..."

Fang Xing nodded to Jiang Xun and said, "there are people all over the world. Do you have any opinion?"


Fang Xing said impolitely, "if the local vassal kings support themselves, it\'s family affairs! If not, I\'m sorry, Fang thinks this is a state affair!"

Jiang Xun said with a sneer, "the blood of the heavenly family, how can you be with the traffickers and soldiers? Xing Hebo, if you spread this word, I promise you won\'t get out of Nanchang!"

"Who dares to stop me?"

Fang wakes up, stares at Jiang Xun fiercely, and says, "Fang dares to walk across Jiaozhi with a thousand households. Who dares to stop me in Nanchang? Who?!"

Jiang Xun\'s eyes twinkled, and Zhu Quan shouted, "enough!"

"Your Highness, forgive me!"

Jiang Xun knelt on the futon and leaned over to apologize. Zhu Quan turned his eyes and said, "today, the king is in poor spirit. Please go back to Xinghe Bo."

Fang woke up and crossed his legs, and his body got up. He arched his hands and said, "Your Highness, the vassal king should be a national screen vassal. If you can\'t, you should also be careful in your words and deeds. That\'s all Fang said. Goodbye."

Zhu Quan narrowed his eyes and stared at him. He waited for him to leave before he said, "is there a false report on his war achievements?"

Zhu Quan was a strong man in command of tens of thousands. He also led the army to go deep into the grassland and fight against the remnants of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty with the then Yan King Zhu Di and others. Therefore, he was somewhat suspicious of the other party\'s achievements.

When Zhu Quan was dormant in Nanchang, he never stopped paying attention to the outside world, and Jiang Xun was his eye.

"Your Highness, that man became famous in Jiaozhi, and then he got out of control. He was deeply loved by Emperor Wen. Now the emperor is also a teacher and friend with him, so he came here for the purpose... I thought most of it was the recent disturbance of the vassal kings, and you have high seniority, high virtue and high reputation in the imperial clan, so someone in Peiping was afraid, so I sent him."

Zhu Quan sniffed and said, "is this to tempt or intimidate the king? It\'s ridiculous!"

Jiang Xun said, "Your Highness, he brought a thousand families here. We have to be careful!"

Zhu Quan\'s eyes were dim and said, "let\'s pay more attention and strengthen the guard in the mansion today."



At lunch, Wang Yue, the left chief minister, asked Yue Gu for a question.

Yue Gu was ordered to stare at the palace today. When he heard the speech, he said, "Sir, Xinghe Bo entered the palace. It didn\'t take long... That is, the Kung Fu of a cup of tea outside the purport came out."

Wang Yue sighed and said, "I\'m not asking about the palace. There will at least keep face. I want to know the situation of the thousand households entering the city and... Are there any movements of the guards of the palace?"

Yue Gu felt remorseful and felt that he had lost a good image here. He hurriedly said, "Sir, the thousand households sent sentries after they entered the residence, but there were more than ten people. The guards of the royal residence haven\'t seen anything yet."

Then Yue Gu asked cautiously, "my Lord, Xinghe bo... Do you really dare to take King Ning?"

Wang Yue slowly planed a mouthful of rice. After swallowing it, he said, "it has nothing to do with us. I\'m only worried about the guards of King Ning. If the fire rises together... Nanchang city will become a battlefield."

Yue Gu felt that he had left a bad impression on Wang Yue just now, so he boldly said, "Sir, there are not many guards for his highness King Ning. Besides, how dare Xinghe Bo move? Every move is trouble. He\'s not stupid!"

Wang Yue put down his chopsticks, rubbed his face with his hands, and sighed, "the king is a big trouble. Who knows what his majesty thinks, I feel too anxious to cut some."


The conditions of the station are not good. It\'s all wooden houses, and it\'s not enough. We have to have a room for five people. It\'s not crowded.

"Uncle, there is no fence around, so I can\'t guard against it."

As soon as Fang woke up, Wu Yue began to complain about the unreliability of the chief envoy.

"Those wooden houses were built hastily. Many of them were not dry enough. As soon as the sun was in the sun, they were sure to turn up soon..."

Although all kinds of are unreliable, it still leaves Fang Xing a small courtyard with three rooms, which is a preferential treatment.

"They said that Wang Yue had prepared a big house and asked you to stay. The lower official scolded the man on the spot, and then there was no follow-up."

After entering the small yard, Fang woke up and saw two women sweeping. He frowned and said, "Uncle Ben doesn\'t need to wait. Go back."

Two women... No, when they looked up, Fang woke up and found that it was a girl. She was very angry in her heart.

"Uncle, maidservant..."

The two girls knelt down in fear, and one of them said, "please accept me kindly, or I will be punished if I go back."

Fang Xing ordered, "check and see who their master is. Report it to Ben Bo when you find it."

The two girls were in a panic as soon as they heard it. One of them cried, "uncle, the maidservant is poor. Someone bought the maidservant and sent it a few days ago..."


When this happened, Fang Xing was in a bad mood, and his tone was more severe. The two girls trembled, "uncle, it\'s... It\'s Lord Chen."

"Which Lord Chen?"

"Avant garde Lord Chen."


Fang woke up and shouted, "let Wuchuan scold Chen Qingnian."

Yan Fei, the Baihu official in the north of Hei thorn, responded and went out to find Wuchuan.

Wu Yue said in a low voice, "uncle, Wuchuan is just a small flag officer, or you\'d better go to the official."

Fang Xing shook his head and sat down in the main hall. The two girls thought they would become the uncle\'s people in the future and went to boil water and make tea happily. six