Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1818

The garrison in Nanchang is such an avant-garde, and the other army is the escort of Ning King Zhu Quan.

Zhu Quan\'s guards were not small. In those days, Zhu Di wanted to cut off this elite force, but he had to run aground temporarily in the atmosphere of self-danger among the vassal kings at that time.

The significance of the existence of Nanchang avant-garde is to prevent local riots and stare at King Ning\'s house.

However, the avant-garde commander of Nanchang made Chen Qingnian a little slippery. He didn\'t want to offend King Ning\'s house, but he didn\'t want to offend Fang Xing, so he made a trick of sending women.

When he was stared at by Wuchuan\'s eyes that could make people\'s bone marrow cold, he almost regretted his intestines.

"Uncle said that the only way for a martial arts man is military skills, only practice and manage his subordinates well. Others are heretical, like foot binding, smelly! Don\'t even think of promoting by this!"

Wuchuan said and left. Chen Qingnian blinked. Pan Xiaoan, the commander around him, exhaled, "what a bad breath, sir, this is troublesome."

Chen Qingnian said dejectedly, "Xinghe Bo is your Majesty\'s confidant. I want to get close, but... If he returns to Beijing to tell your majesty, you and I have to go away! Go home and farm."

Pan Xiaoan suddenly gave a cry of joy and said, "my Lord, xinghebo didn\'t send those two women back!"

Chen Qingnian also remembered. He got up and said, "that\'s waiting for me to apologize. Let\'s go."


"Uncle, I\'m guilty."

Chen Qingnian didn\'t dare to delay. He hurried to Fang Xing\'s residence and immediately asked for an excuse.

The house is very simple and there are only three chairs.

Fang woke up and touched the table, which was not very smooth, and said slowly, "you have done your duty?"

"I dare not say that I do my duty, but there are some people who are conscientious."

Chen Qingnian felt that the place in the middle of his eyebrows was like being pointed with his fingers. He was a little swollen. He said in panic: "uncle, I\'m just worried that uncle has no one to serve here. Just... The money is paid by the magistrate. It\'s all salary, and there is no corruption..."

Fang woke up and looked at him, suddenly changed the topic and asked, "Benbo, I\'m afraid you don\'t dare! How about King Ning\'s house?"

Chen Qingnian was inspired and hurriedly said, "uncle, Prince Ning\'s house doesn\'t see any problems on weekdays. The lower official sends people to stare at it every day to ensure that it\'s right."

Fang Xing sneered: "it\'s all your fault. If something goes wrong, Benbo will cut your head first!"

Chen Qingnian\'s face was very white and said, "uncle, how dare you relax! But you can\'t get in the palace, sir..."

When Fang woke up and saw that the man was frightened, he said, "put the two properly and send some money and food home. If Ben Bo knows that you are harming people, you are ready to go to the palace to serve your majesty."

Waving away Chen Qingnian, the two girls turned back step by step, which didn\'t worry Fang.

"Uncle, how long shall we stay?"

Wu Yue is a little impatient. What he likes is fighting against each other. It\'s too uncomfortable to be tied up.

"What\'s the hurry!"

Fang Xingxing stretched, "arrange some people to stare, and others should rest."


"Did they sleep?"

"Yes, your highness, more than 50 people were left to patrol. Everyone else slept and could hear the snoring a hundred steps away."

Yang Lin, the leader of the guard, said angrily, "Your Highness, take someone to bring them to a pot. Then get those firearms. Let\'s go to Jinling and row the river with Beiping!"


Jiang Xun got up and looked outside the house. He turned back and said, "in an extraordinary period, be careful."

Yang Lin disdained: "all his subordinates rely on firearms to win. They don\'t have the ability to sneak in."

"Your Highness!"

Jiang Xun took a few steps forward and whispered, "they brought some food and grass themselves. Just now the chief envoy\'s Yamen sent someone to add some. It seems that they are not ready to go!"

Zhu Quan took a deep breath, slowly opened his eyes and said, "since he can get the love of Emperor Wen, he must use extraordinary troops, but there is no need to be alarmed. If the upright son in Peiping dares to do it, he will immediately let people send letters everywhere!"


"In those days, Daning was a strong army. If Emperor Wen hadn\'t captured King Ning\'s army, the battle of Jingnan would almost be... Doomed. This is life!"

Fang woke up after half an hour of sleep. When he saw Chen Qingnian waiting at the door, he nodded with satisfaction, and then called him in.

Fang Xing is making a pot of porridge. He looks focused and seems to be distracted. He slowly stirs the porridge.

"Yes, uncle, Emperor Wen was the destiny!"

Chen Qingnian\'s eyes twitched. Fang Xing said something taboo and directly mentioned the secret affairs of that year.

Fang Xing stirred the porridge and said, "the three guards of Duo Yan have been destroyed by Ben Bo. What foreign aid does King Ning have? No, those people never know what loyalty is. King Ning hates me, mostly because I killed Guo and his last hope..."

Chen Qingnian almost wanted to run. He looked at Fang Xing with begging eyes, just trying to avoid this topic.

Fang Xingxing put some fish fillets in, and suddenly the smell gradually spread.

"People who have almost seen hope will not be at ease. Do you understand?"

Chen Qingnian almost wanted to say I didn\'t understand, but in the end, he could only nod his head.

Fang Xing stirred the porridge and said slowly, "Benbo wants you to stare at Nanchang city. As for the palace, Benbo..."

Chen Qingnian suddenly said: "uncle, there are many official affairs recently. At the end of the palace... I\'m dying. I\'d like you to have a look, uncle."

Fang Xing finally looked at him, nodded and said, "go and watch Nanchang city!"

The smell of fish porridge filled the air. Chen Qingnian sucked his nose and bowed down to leave.

"Ben Bo also wants to put pepper in the most delicious things. Men should eat spicy food and be forthright... They are feminine and soft. They only know that they will lose their heads sooner or later..."

Chen Qingnian\'s back was covered with cold sweat. He turned back and knelt down and walked in on his knees.

"Uncle, lower official... Threatened by people in the palace..."

Fang woke up and looked at the tearful face. With disgust, he said, "just take one more step, and there\'s a knife waiting for you outside the door!"

Xin Laoqi appeared at the door. He held a long knife and stared at Chen Qingnian\'s neck kneeling before Fang woke up.

Chen Qingnian wanted to hold Fang Xing\'s calf. Fang Xing used chopsticks and hurried back,

He looked at Fang Xing dimly with tears in his eyes and said, "uncle, I have to! The people in the palace have got the officer and put it outside..."

Fang Xing said faintly, "let your Sergeant be your thug and lend money outside. Chen Qingnian, were you a businessman in your previous life?"

Chen Qingnian bowed his head and said, "uncle, lower official... Ten thousand deaths."

He knew that he was afraid of being planted. Xin Laoqi behind him made him feel the threat of death. He believed that as long as he dared to play, the long knife would come to his neck.

Fang Xing twitched his nose and smelled a smell. He quickly stirred the pot with chopsticks, but he didn\'t dare to stir the bottom of the pot.

"The bottom of the pot is a little mushy, but you can\'t stir the bottom. This is a stop loss. Otherwise, turn those mushy up and the whole pot of fish porridge will be destroyed..."

"Uncle, spare your life!"

Fang Xing frowned at Chen Qingnian, who was kowtowing like garlic, and sighed, "in fact, you can lend, but your brother-in-law..."


Chen Qingnian cried with tears like a spring: "uncle, I will die forever... Cheng Yun has long been accepted by the palace. I was led down by him step by step!"

"It\'s cooked. It tastes good!"

Fang Xing brought down the small pot, then covered the small stove and said comfortably, "it feels good to drink fish porridge when you wake up! What are you talking about?"

Fang Xing looked at Chen Qingnian sideways and said in confusion, "what do you want to say?"