Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1816

Nanchang is so hot in midsummer that people don\'t want to go out, but some people have to make a living outside under the scorching sun.

Prince Ning\'s residence is located in Nanchang city. There are Zhu Quan\'s family, King Ning, and all kinds of servants and maids who serve his family.

There are a lot of materials needed here every day. People drive cattle carts or carry a burden to deliver goods every day.

"Send things in, don\'t look around, or you\'ll dig your eyes!"

The steward in charge of purchasing in the palace shouted at the back door, and then the people drove the ox cart in. When the two sides were in the wrong body, the delivery man stretched out his right hand, clenched his fist downward, and then the steward opened his hand, looked coldly at the palm open, and then the treasure money pinched into a ball fell into his hand.

"What are you doing? I\'m just making hard money. Who dares to talk?"

The steward disdained to take a look at the treasure note, then frowned and said, "more next month."

"Steward Zhao, you can\'t have more money! More money will lose money!"

"Yes! Steward Zhao, at least let\'s have a family..."

Those delivery people immediately began to complain. According to their logic, I gave you benefits. You must take care of me. Price increase? Be careful that we burn jade and stone.

Steward Zhao sneered: "we don\'t take your money for nothing. From next month, the government wants 20% more things. Who doesn\'t want to do it, come out and talk."

Several delivery people\'s eyes lit up and immediately flattered one after another. The back door was very lively.

The Royal Palace was originally the location of the chief secretary\'s Yamen in Nanchang. Zhu Quan was transferred from Daning to Nanchang by Zhu Di. He didn\'t even have the Royal Palace, but made use of the original Yamen in Nanchang for minor repair.

The only thing that looks like in the palace is the refined house, which is dotted with flowers and trees. It looks quite exquisite.

Go through the Duanli gate and walk all the way. You will soon see several bamboos. Around it is a small palace.

The palace is just the decoration outside. There is still no palace regulation inside.

"Your Highness, Xing Hebo is coming to Nanchang."

The clear voice of the jade pan sounded, and the man who reported bowed down and left.

The room is not big. There is a big bookshelf in the back, which is full of books.

In the middle of the room, there was a small table and a futon. A middle-aged man was sitting on the futon. He put down the jade hammer in his hand, opened his eyes and breathed

The man\'s eyes are slender, his cheeks are thin, and he is dressed in a Taoist robe. Looking at the fairy spirit, he has an extraordinary temperament.

There was a pile of paper on the small table. The man sorted it out and said, "he came so fast!"

"Your Highness, the emperor is anxious."

The man was Ning Wang Zhu Quan. He nodded and said, "yes, the emperor is too young, and his confidants are also young. What do the two young people want to do? Do you want to take the king?"

The man who spoke earlier sat on the right side. There was a piano in front of him. When he heard the speech, he stroked his beard and said, "Your Highness, Fang Xing only brought a thousand households and a hundred households. It doesn\'t seem that he came to take people."

Zhu Quan closed his eyes, took a deep breath from his mouth, tilted his mouth slightly, and said, "does that vertical son think this king is the fool of Zhu Jiyu?"

"Jiang Xun, ask him and see if he has any abnormalities along the way."

"Yes, your highness."

The man got up, tidied up his Taoist robe and went out of the house.

Before long, the man came back. He bowed and said, "Your Highness, Fang woke up without stopping all the way."

Zhu Quan nodded, touched the jade pan hanging on the wooden shelf on his side and said, "the first Department of the king of Jin is hanging there now. Zhu Jixu is completely abandoned and can only see Zhu Meigui. But the meaning of the emperor is somewhat puzzling. There are few descendants of emperor Taizu Gao!"

Jiang Xun comprehended the way: "who says no! One less is unfilial! Now look at the emperor\'s meaning, he wants to cut the Jin Fan."

Zhu Quan put his hands on the small table and stood up.

"The king wrote a memorial to let Jin Fan continue, but... At present, the emperor\'s meaning is a little ambiguous. Just wake up when you see Fang!"


Nanchang is actually an out and out inland city. There is no need to consider foreign enemies at all. Therefore, with the founding of the country, the military alert here has become more and more loose.

The weather was hot and the sergeant guarding the gate was lazy. They all hid in the city gate cave and took a nap.

"My Lord, the sound of hoofs!"

The little flag officer leaned against the side and dozed. He was surprised. Then he drew his knife vaguely and rushed over and asked, "where? Where?"

"My lord..."

More than ten riders have appeared in the sight. The small flag officer excites a spirit and quickly orders, "call people on alert."

No matter who the visitor is, it\'s better to pretend or fool it.

As for the enemy, where are the enemies from the south these days?

The small flag officer kicked and beat the lazy men, and then welcomed them out.

More than ten riders were dusty. When they came to the gate, Le Ma said, "xinghebo ordered to lead the army. They will come right away and make Nanchang house prepare food and accommodation!"

The little flag officer was stunned, shook his head and said, "Sir, who?"



Before long, the hooves roared, and a brigade of cavalry appeared.

The chief envoy who had received the news only sent a left to participate in politics, because Zhu Zhanji\'s will had already spread here.

Let\'s not get involved in the affairs of the king and the emperor\'s housework!

When Fang woke up and got off his horse with a calm face, the left counsellor greeted him and said with a smile, "Xinghe Bo has worked hard all the way. Xiaguan Yue Gu, our Lord Wang has something important on hand and can\'t come. He entrusted the Xiaguan to apologize to Xinghe Bo."

It\'s an apology, but civil and military affairs are irrelevant. The chief envoy is a giant. Where will he come to apologize to Fang Xing. Moreover, the will is for King Ning. There is nothing for the chief envoy. If he takes the initiative to come up, Fang Xing still has to doubt whether this man has a plot.

Fang woke up and nodded, "there\'s no need to do this, but are the food and accommodation in our department ready?"

Yue Gu said, "we\'re all ready. I\'m not afraid of Xinghe Bo\'s jokes. We\'ve got news here long ago. Lord Wang has prepared food and accommodation early, waiting for you to lead the army."

In an instant, Fang woke up and had more impressions of Wang Yue, the left political envoy of Jiangxi Province.


All the way into the city, Fang woke up and ordered Wu Yue to take people to the camp. The people with black thorn went to the palace.

sage-like type!

When Fang woke up, Zhu Quan didn\'t want to stay in Nanchang. Since Zhu Di\'s time, he wanted to go to rich places, such as Qiantang in Suzhou.

But from Zhu Di to Zhu gaochi, his demands were never met.

Fang woke up and said faintly, "Your Highness, your majesty didn\'t explain when Fang came out."

He will not be a vassal in front of the king. Even if Zhu Quan squints at him, it is useless.

Jiang Xun said in a deep voice, "xinghebo, this is Nanchang!"

This is to remind Fang Xing that this is Nanchang, Zhu Quan\'s fief. He needs to maintain respect.

Fang Xing smiled and said, "it\'s Nanchang, Nanchang of Daming!"

He was just smiling, but he and Zhu Quan were looking at each other.

blamed! What skill has this guy practiced?

Fang Xing found that Zhu Quan\'s eyes were like a Wang Qingquan, but they implied fierce. And this man can last so long without blinking.