Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1815

"Your Majesty, my concubine..."

Sun\'s eyes drooped slightly, his long eyelashes trembled, looking at the infinite joy, but with shame.

Men like this set best!

When a woman shows the appearance of a little woman when facing a man, that is the greatest encouragement to the male.

Zhu Zhanji looked at her crimson face and said with a smile, "the empress mother said that the Buddhist scriptures can be copied, but not more, so as not to change her temperament."

Sun Shi gave a sound, and then said, "Your Majesty must be busy in state affairs. My concubines don\'t dare to keep you more. Go quickly."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "if you are free, go to the empress and accompany her."

Sun answered, and then sent Zhu Zhanji out. When he came back, Wang Zhen said, "madam, the filial piety period is almost over."

When the emperor died, the longest filial piety period was the vassal king.

The filial piety period of the successor is only 27 days, one day instead of one month.

Sun sat at his desk and stared out of the window. His beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly, more melancholy.

Wang Zhen observed his words and expressions and whispered, "madam, you have to think about the Guo family!"

Sun\'s body trembled slightly, and a slender jade hand grabbed the brush.


This is a special fine pole brush, which was broken by sun.


Dechun and mammy Zhou exclaimed. Dechun hurried to check sun\'s hand. When he saw that it was just a little red, he couldn\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Madam, you can\'t hurt your hand!"

Mother Zhou took her hand and looked at it carefully. She read a Buddhist Chant and said, "Your Majesty likes your hands best. Don\'t hurt them."

Dechun said proudly, "Your Majesty likes her everywhere."

Wang Zhen said with a worried face, "madam, your majesty went to the queen first."

Sun nodded. She said to Wang Zhen, "I heard you were a professor before entering the palace. You can read and understand. You can do things as a good student in the future."

Wang Zhen was overjoyed and knelt down and said, "madam, when I entered the palace, I heard of her virtue. But at that time, I was humble, but I couldn\'t serve her. Please don\'t worry, madam. I will follow her lead and do my best in the future."

Sun nodded and said faintly, "get up. As long as you work hard, you will naturally have good results."

After Wang Zhen got up, mother Zhou and Dechun looked at him differently.

Own people!

Wang Zhen looked at the door and saw no one. He pointed to the direction of the Kunning palace and said, "madam, that\'s the place of perfection. Think about that one. It\'s the same that he was killed!"

Guo Guifei was killed. She had three sons, but she was still killed.

At that time, it caused a great shock in the palace!

Since then, everyone has taken a new look at the Empress Dowager.

Zhu Di\'s good daughter-in-law, Zhu gaochi\'s virtuous internal help, and the empress who is never jealous, actually killed his beloved imperial concubine Guo after Zhu gaochi left.

However, no one has ever said that Princess Guo exerted pressure on the queen, as if she was a ruthless spokesman, and Princess Guo was an innocent victim. A wisp of fragrant soul had no choice but to follow the former Emperor.

The honourable imperial concubine must be buried with her, which is the focus of Wang Zhen\'s words.

"Mother, plan ahead!"

Wang Zhen\'s eyes twinkled with an unknown divine color, and slowly said, "it depends on who\'s next, your highness. As for the fight, the queen is honest. As long as you don\'t do it obviously, coupled with your Majesty\'s love, empress, this is a heaven given opportunity!"

Sun Shi still stared blankly out of the window. Wang Zhen continued to encourage him: "my maidservant used to read history books, but I knew that if you don\'t advance, you will fall back. When the overall situation is certain, there is that magnanimity outside the palace supporting the queen, which can\'t be saved."

Hearing the magnanimity, sun clenched his hands and said, "Xinghe Bo is your Majesty\'s confidant. Don\'t talk nonsense."

The nail was deeply trapped in the palm. Sun turned back and said faintly, "we don\'t understand the military affairs. The harem is the place to comfort your majesty. Don\'t make things to upset your majesty."

Wang Zhen said in panic, "yes, madam."

Sun waved his hand and the three retired.

At the door, Dechun whispered, "madam, this is indisputable?"

Wang Zhen and mother Zhou looked at each other and smiled.

"What do you know? Fight or not, it\'s not in words."


"Your Majesty asked you to go to King Ning, mostly to do both hard and soft. You must fight the momentum of the vassal against your majesty. Dehua, it\'s hard to do!"

Zhu Zhanji\'s will came down and let Fang wake up and go to Nanchang. The government and the public guessed the emperor\'s intention one after another. When only one thousand families were allowed to accompany him in the will, those who worried that the emperor was going to cut the vassal by force were relieved.

Xie Jin knows that things are not so simple. "Most of the guards of the vassal kings have been cut off, but who knows if they have secretly raised people? Like Zhu Jiyu, good guy, thousands of people have been pulled down. So..."

"It\'s not that terrible."

Zhu Zhanji had secretly communicated with Fang Xing about this matter. He said, "the vassal kings are trying to test one or two through the inheritance of the king of Jin. It seems that they are very united, so your majesty asked me to go just to have a look. They try, and we have to try!"

Fang Xing smiled, giving people a sense of stability.

Huang Zhong has been running on both sides of the work department and Zhu Fang to coordinate interests. Today he happened to have a day off, so he also came to discuss the matter.

"Uncle, among the vassal kings, King Ning has the highest prestige. After all, he was... King Ning at that time!"

Xie Jin nodded and said, "King Ning took tens of thousands of armor in those years. Now he is dormant. It is also appropriate for your majesty to take him as the leader, but it is not easy to grasp. If you don\'t do well, it will be noisy. If all the world\'s vassal kings were to discuss Peiping, you would be the sinner of Daming at that time."

Fang Xing smiled with cold eyes: "if at that time, put aside your concerns, tear your face to do a game and take it directly, it\'s better to have a long pain than a short pain!"

"Uncle, at that time, the crowd will be excited. I\'m afraid your majesty will have to..."

Huang Zhong worries that Zhu Zhanji will be forced to throw Fang Xing out as a scapegoat.

Xie Jin nodded and said, "the old stories of Huang Zicheng and others, Jingnan, Qingjun side!"

Zhu Di\'s excuse for starting the army in that year was the side of the Qing monarch, pointing at Huang Zicheng and others who strongly advocated cutting the vassal.

"They don\'t have an excuse, but now Daming has no foreign invasion. If they start, they don\'t have the conditions of Emperor Wen at that time!"

Later, King Ning\'s rebellion was nothing more than local ruffians and hooligans recruited temporarily under the command of a few elite soldiers, as well as some captured strong men and bewitched people. As a result, it was directly broken by Wang Yangming, which greatly disappointed the Zhengde emperor who wanted to prove his martial arts.

Xie Jin got up and said, "don\'t worry. What happens in the capital at that time? Repair the book here and pass it to you quickly."

Fang Xing said, "it\'s not just Nanchang. I guess I have to stay in Jinling for some time."


"Someone has reported to King Ning?"

Yang Rong has a headache recently. Zhu Zhanji\'s ideas have accumulated a lot when he was a Chu Jun. now he is eager to put them into practice, so they have to explore the feasibility of something every day.

Yang Shiqi also had a headache. He rubbed his eyebrows and said, "there must be. I hope there won\'t be a big deal. Then... Trouble!"

"It\'s just a thousand households. It\'s not like cutting vassal. Don\'t worry."

Jin Youzi didn\'t like the king. He even wanted Fang to wake up and stir up the rebellion against King Ning Zhu Quan, so that both sides would be hurt. When the Ming Dynasty cut the fan, Fang woke up to bad luck.

So when Fang Xing set out with Wu Yue\'s department and a hundred households of Hei thorn, someone in the capital secretly put an opening, gambling on whether Fang Xing could force Zhu Quan against him.