Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1814

At fangjiazhuang, Fangxing arranged Zhu Wengui in the front yard, and the palace also sent two eunuchs to serve him.

Zhu Wengui is very envious of the rural life of fangjiazhuang. Suian goes to ask Fang Xing if he can walk around the village. Fang Xing is just taking worry free and simply takes them out with him.

At this time, the Fangjia village was lush. Fang Xing led worry free, followed by two big dogs. Zhu Wengui and sui\'an are on the right. He can\'t help looking at worry free, and his eyes are full of curiosity.

"Your Highness, you will have children in the future."

Fang Xing also continued his Highness\'s title. Zhu Wengui said in a panic: "yes, there will be. I\'ll cook for him if he wants a good-looking child."

This is still a child, from the perspective of personality and psychology.

Fang Xing said with a smile, "yes, so you live a good life. Don\'t worry. If you are bullied, go to the people in Fengyang. If they don\'t want to make decisions, they say your majesty is watching and clean them up."

Zhu Wengui only nodded and said gratefully, "uncle, I\'m worried..."

"You don\'t have to worry!"

Fang Xing felt carefree, squeezed his fingers hard, smiled at her, and then said to sui\'an, "don\'t worry, your Majesty\'s mind is more than that. If not for the fact that many internal affairs of Daming have not been straightened out, you can even move freely, so... You treat yourself as a common people, but the next generation had better ask them to study and at least be able to support themselves."

Suian is first a joy, then a worry. The joy is that freedom is at hand, and the worry is that Fang wakes up. After Zhu Wengui goes, the central government will probably no longer provide money and food.

Moreover, he guessed that the relationship between Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing was very good, that is, Fang Xing\'s words had a great chance to become a reality.

Suian sighed, "well, if you become a vassal, the old slave is still worried that there will be great disaster one day."

"Fan Wang..."

Fang woke up to think of Zhu Jiyu, who was still imprisoned in the Imperial City, and the title of king of Jin held by Zhu Zhanji.


Zhu Meigui\'s memorial went to Beijing again, and the content of the memorial soon spread.

——My father is very ill. Please send your majesty a royal doctor for diagnosis and treatment!

A very common Memorial contains explosive information.

Zhu Jixi is ill and there is no good doctor for diagnosis and treatment!

The city of Peiping is talking about the gratitude and resentment of the king of Jin, from

The memorials are very simple. Most of them first praise Zhu Zhanji, the wise and divine force after the new emperor succeeded to the throne, and then wish him good health.

At the end of several memorials, Jin Fan was mentioned. First, he criticized Zhu Jiyu\'s wolf ambition and shared a common hatred. Then he mentioned Zhu Meigui and said that it was a good girl.

"Make sure there is no shortage of gold and silver in Daming? Ridiculous!"

Zhu Zhanji threw away the memorial and said, "King Ning, do you think Jin vassal does not exist and Shanxi does not exist?"

Zhu Quan, king of Ning, wanted to share the cruel role of Daming with Zhu Di!

This is the emperor\'s housework, but Xia Yuanji went out of class and said, "Your Majesty, this matter should be dealt with decisively, otherwise the vassal kings everywhere will be in danger over time."

Then he retreated and continued to calculate the cost and benefits of building a concrete road from Jinling to Beiping.

Yang Rong hated the vassal from his original intention, but he knew that Daming couldn\'t stand too much turbulence at present, so he had to suggest: "Your Majesty, or you\'ll restore the Jin vassal, but you can make an article."

As soon as Xia Yuanji heard of the title and salary, he protested against this view: "what about the descendants of Jin vassal who cut the title and salary now?"

You have reduced the number of knights and salaries in King Jin\'s residence, but will you reduce them when Zhu Meigui\'s descendants come out? In what name?

Jian Yi suggested, "Your Majesty, you\'d better give it. First stabilize the local vassal kings, and then slowly map it."

No one liked the group of vassal kings in the dynasty. They thought they were eating the fat and cream of the people of Daming, embezzling the taxes of Daming, and occupying countless fertile fields.


"King Ning?"

The Empress Dowager pondered, "that was an ambitious vassal in those days. He had a heavy army and was stronger than your emperor\'s grandfather. But he was less decisive. That made your emperor\'s grandfather Jingnan succeed. Otherwise, who is in charge of the palace today may be!"

Zhu Zhanji nodded, frowned and said, "empress mother, there are more and more descendants of the king. Everyone has to give a lot of titles and pay, and have to build a new house. The children\'s ministers think about the number of descendants of the king in a hundred years. They feel cold on their backs and are afraid that they will eat up the Treasury!"

The Empress Dowager said helplessly, "this is the ancestral system. You have to settle your brothers quickly, or... You have to build a palace for them in Beijing."

Zhu Zhanji had a headache and said, "if you think about it again, you can\'t let the vassal become a disaster. At that time, my family will have no room."

Although we were relatives, Zhu Di became the emperor, and other vassal kings naturally became distant relatives.

The Empress Dowager shook her head and said, "it\'s not easy to do this. You should take your time. Don\'t worry, otherwise... The next Jingnan! Life is ruined..."

Zhu Zhanji flashed a stern look in his eyes and said, "empress mother, my son\'s ministers are going to let xinghebo go. In the Manchu Dynasty, only he is not afraid of those vassal kings. Let him go and see what the once ambitious King Ning wants to do!"

Surprised, the Empress Dowager waved away the people in the hall, and then asked, "do you want King Ning to make a decision?"


Zhu Zhanji said, "the vassal kings in different places are different. King Ning has a high generation. Although he says he is practicing Taoism now, kerchen knows that he only needs to shout, and those unwilling vassal kings in all places are afraid to rise up."

"So what my son wanted was... Let him decide whether to fight or admit defeat!"

The Empress Dowager sighed, "Xinghe Bo is naturally trustworthy, but he is bold and never gives face to outsiders. The palace is afraid that he will make trouble with King Ning. At that time... I\'m afraid there will be another vassal in the imperial city."

"His seniority is high, and there are rumors in those years. Those vassal kings secretly grievance for him. Zhan Ji, be careful and don\'t act rashly, otherwise..."

"Don\'t worry, empress mother. Xinghe Bo is flexible. King Ning didn\'t dare to start at that time. He just waited for Grandpa Huang to make a move. Now he is getting old slowly. Does he still have that ambition? The minister there wants to see it."


After leaving the empress dowager, Zhu Zhanji went to Kunning palace.

Hu Shanxiang always had endless work to do. Zhu Zhanji didn\'t let anyone inform him. As soon as he went in, he saw Hu Shanxiang sitting by the window doing sewing.

Her side face was soft, and the corners of her mouth were slightly smiling.

Duan Duan sat on a stool and slept on Hu Shanxiang\'s knee.

Zhu Zhanji looked outside the door for a long time and turned around quietly. But I went to sun\'s.

Sun was copying Buddhist scriptures. Her side face looked more soft and focused.

Zhu Zhanji stood at the door and looked at him with complicated eyes.

Just when he wanted to turn around and leave, sun suddenly turned sideways, and then his face burst into a surprise smile like flowers in full bloom.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?"