Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1813

Zhu Zhanji is also looking forward to the grand occasion that the cement road runs through the East, West, North and south. When the cross trunk line is completed, the traffic in Daming will go to a higher level.

What Fang woke up to was the train. He only knew some principles of steam engine and threw it directly to the Academy.

When can I see the train running on the land of Daming?

The king and the minister were silent, thinking about different means of transportation.


Song Chengcheng is now a popular Eunuch in the palace. Since Zhu Zhanji ascended the throne, he has been promoted according to the credit of Huang Yanmou\'s rebellion at that time.

Although song Chengcheng has no one under his command, his territory is all in front of the Qianqing palace.

He hung a water hyacinth around his waist and squatted on the ground with the piece of iron that had cut his rope and shoveled dirt in his hand.

The sunshine is good, but it is a big trouble for song Chengcheng who wants to keep clean outside the Qianqing palace.

He squinted, endured the pain of being pricked by the reflected light, carefully shoveled a piece of new mud, regardless of others.

People come and go. Everyone is used to seeing this figure in front of the Qianqing palace and still shuttling back and forth.

"It\'s mud outside the city!"

Song Chengcheng shouted happily after cleaning up, and then he saw a man.

Pale complexion, dull expression, frightened eyes.

This is a young man in his twenties, looking very tired, dressed in cloth clothes and restrained. His hair is still wet, mostly just bathed.

"Who are you?"

Song Chengli felt that he saw his good friend, so he got up and asked.

There were three eunuchs behind the young man. One of them said, "Song Chengcheng, don\'t bother. Jianshu, please go up."

The young man\'s body trembled, smiled at Song Chengcheng, and then slowly picked up the steps, with heavy footsteps, as if he didn\'t want to enter the hall.

Song Chengcheng looked at the young man slowly up. Somehow, he remembered his frightened eyes just now and said, "don\'t bully him!"

The young man stopped and turned back. He once again squeezed out a smile at Song Cheng and said hard, "thank you... Thank you."

Song Chengzhen grinned and waved, "if you are bullied, you should report to your majesty and ask for snacks."

The young man nodded and turned back into the hall.

The old eunuch who stayed below nervously looked at the young man\'s back and couldn\'t help rubbing his hands.


"Jianshu is coming?"

Fang woke up and looked at Zhu Zhanji, frowned and said, "you..."

"Let him in."

After Zhu Zhanji ordered, he said, "I just want to see him. I can\'t tell right or wrong about what happened in those years, but he is innocent. It\'s my intention to see him and calm his heart."

When Fang woke up and saw Jianshu, he felt a little unbearable.

This is a frightened young man!

"Yes... Yes, your majesty."

His etiquette was probably taught along the way, so it looked neat.

But when he looked up, he burst into tears.

"Who am I?"

Zhu Wengui was imprisoned in Guang\'an palace in Fengyang at the age of two. There was no one around except the eunuch he served.

The dazed Zhu Wengui forgot his fear and just asked, "who am I?"

"You are my cousin."

Zhu Zhanji took a deep breath and said with difficulty.

Zhu Wengui asked blankly, "what is your cousin...?"

"I don\'t know. I\'m afraid. I want to be safe. Where is safe? Safe! Safe!"

Zhu Wengui looked around in fear.

"Your Majesty, Suian is... The only eunuch to serve around Jianshu."

Zhu Wengui was locked up in Guang\'an palace. Since his infancy, he had only one old eunuch around him. Only food is given outside. His only relative is the old eunuch named sui\'an

His perception of the outside world comes from that Suian!

"Your Majesty, Jianshu... Don\'t know anything, even cattle and sheep..."

Zhu Zhanji shook his head and said, "here comes Anke? Let him in."

Later, an old eunuch with a hunchback was led in.

"Your Highness..."

As soon as the old eunuch saw Zhu Wengui, he trembled, hugged him and whispered, "Your Highness, it\'s all right, it\'s all right."

Zhu Zhanji looked at the scene.

Zhu Wengui cried in the arms of the old eunuch, "go with you, let\'s go back, let\'s go home."

The old eunuch comforted, "OK, let\'s go back and go home."

After Zhu Wengui\'s mood stabilized, the old eunuch knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, your highness is not familiar with the world. If there is any offense, please your majesty punish the old slave."

"You... Get up."

After the old eunuch got up, Zhu Zhanji asked, "is it difficult in Fengyang?"

The old eunuch smiled and saw that most of his teeth were missing. He said: "Your Majesty, the old slave and his highness depend on each other in Guang\'an palace, but there are many less intrigues. Fortunately."

This is a eunuch who has left life and death behind!

He dared to call Zhu Wengui his highness, so presumptuous!

Zhu Zhanji didn\'t care. He said, "Jianshu is almost old. I\'m going to find him a daughter-in-law. What do you think?"

Zhu Zhanji was respecting the old eunuch and asked like asking the other party\'s parents.

Everyone in the hall was in awe.

They admire Suian and Zhu Zhanji\'s heart.

Suian grinned and knelt down and said, "Your Highness has long been an adult. The old slave wanted to let your highness have a woman who can take care of him. Thank you, your majesty!"

Then he kowtowed. The sound of the collision between forehead and floor tiles made the hall silent.

Zhu Zhanji asked someone to help him up and said, "you\'re fine. I\'m going to let Jianshu live outside Fengyang palace. Then you help him see the place. I\'ll ask Fengyang to send some attendants to live a good life."

Suian\'s eyes were dim and said, "Your Majesty, please rest assured that your highness just wants to live in peace and has no such thoughts."

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "I didn\'t think about it either. I just want to find someone to help you. I\'ll give you money and food every month in the future. If it\'s missing, I can write to the capital and I\'ll deal with it."

Sui\'an answered. Zhu Wengui looked at him blankly and asked, "sui\'an, what is money and food?"

Suian heard the words and said lovingly, "Your Highness, money can buy things to eat, and food is the meals we eat on weekdays."

Zhu Wengui said happily, "can you eat meat?"

Suian\'s eyes were red. He choked and said, "yes, the old slave will make meat for his highness."

Looking at this scene, Zhu Zhanji felt suffocated in his chest and said, "you can go in and out of Fengyang freely in the future. If you want to go out of the city, just go. OK, go."

"Thank you, your majesty!"

With Ann\'s ecstatic Shane, Zhu Wengui stood there blankly, but he didn\'t know that he had been locked up for decades.


Fang Xing and Zhu Wengui went out of the hall together. Zhu Wengui could not live in the palace. He lived in an inn or other places. Zhu Zhanji was worried that he would be used as a guide by some people, so he asked him to stay at Fang Xing\'s house.

When going down the steps, Fang woke up and noticed that Zhu Wengui was holding sui\'an, and sui\'an naturally put his shoulder on him. They snuggled down like a father and son.

"Who bullied you?"

Song Chengzhen asked when he saw Zhu Wengui below. Sui An smiled, "thank you, father-in-law."

"Father in law?"

Song Chengzhen was a little confused. When he saw Fang wake up, he said, "Xing Hebo, my mother said she had prepared some good dishes for you and gave them to you next time."

Fang woke up, walked down, smiled and said, "let your mother stop tossing. Also, remember to eat the dessert so as not to waste."

Song Chengzhen shook his head. He had some obsession in his heart - snacks are best to eat, so they should be left to his mother.

In the hall behind him, Zhu Zhanji sighed: "fan Wang, fan Wang, the source of struggle, how should I settle you..."