Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1812

Zhu Meigui is pleading for Zhu Jiyu, which shocked Fang Xing.

"Zhu Jiyu made a mess of his department. He begged for mercy. Is it because he has a brain problem?"

Fang Xing felt that he underestimated the king\'s integrity, so he mocked himself: "Your Majesty should have a headache."

"It\'s my headache!"

Xia Yuanji said angrily, "you\'re coming to see Ma su. By the way, do you feel tired?"

Fang Xing casually looked at an account book. Xia Yuanji grabbed it and said, "this is the secret of my account."

Fang woke up and said, "Zheng He is going out this time... Your majesty seems to have explained that he wants less flashy things when he comes back from exchanging some gold and silver. So when he comes back, the household will be developed again!"

Xia Yuanji said unhappily, "I just ask you to make less trouble, that is peace in the world."

Xia Yuanji thought it was wrong. Looking at the embarrassed Fang wake up with a smile, he angrily said, "what\'s the matter?"

"Build roads."

Xia Yuanji was so angry that he pointed to Fang Xing and said, "how long is the repair? Also, it should be decided in the court. What\'s the meaning of you coming down to find me privately?"

"Not long."

Fang Xing said awkwardly, "from Jinling to..."

"To Peiping?"

Xia Yuanji asked faintly.

Fang woke up and nodded. The project was too big. Zhu Zhanji had no bottom in his heart and didn\'t take it out for discussion. He\'s here to test. If we can take Xia Yuanji, it will become a third.

"Get out!"

Xia Yuanji said angrily, "do you know how many cement kilns you want to build? Do you know how many civilian men you want? Go out and don\'t laugh at me!"

If the road from Jinling to Beiping is to be renovated, Xia Yuanji will have no opinion. But the cement road

Xia Yuanji is good at calculation, but after a simple calculation, he got a data that made him collapse.

"So much cement, so many civilian men, you are crazy!"

Fang woke up and went into the palace. He told Zhu Zhanji: "Xia Yuanji is scared. Let\'s come bit by bit. Don\'t make a big one at once. Everyone is afraid."

Zhu Zhanji said with a wry smile: "we discussed the cross project to cross to form the main road of Daming, and then slowly build roads everywhere. Now it seems that there are some..."

"The stall is too big. Xia Yuanji is afraid he can\'t close it."

Fang Xing analyzed and said: "in fact, this matter lies in whether it can stimulate private consumption. It is certainly not enough to rely on captives. With the help of civilian men, the court must give money. It is like working in a workshop. If you have money, you spend it and accumulate it slowly."

"Moreover, after the road is repaired, it will be very fast. In the future, it will be convenient to dispatch troops or transport materials. There are also merchants along the way. In the future, they have to release some restrictions and let the goods flow. This road has not been repaired in vain."