Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1811

There were about a hundred officials outside the Imperial City, most of whom were scholars and idle men.

If Zhu Di\'s temperament had been followed, such acts of forcing the palace would have been dealt with long ago.

But Zhu Zhanji didn\'t take care of it, nor did those who guarded the imperial city. They just guarded the gate and let them make trouble outside.

Two middle-aged scholars stood outside and looked coldly at those people. One of them whispered, "Your Majesty just ordered to reopen the treasure ship to the West. Xinghebo talked nonsense. I\'m afraid he\'s worried about your majesty?"

Another person chuckled, "the means are good, but not clever."

"Don\'t tell whether he is clever or not. He and his majesty can be called you coming and going, covering up for each other. This is a sycophant!"

Fang Xing attracts fire for Zhu Zhanji, and his hatred can\'t hide from those smart people.

But he didn\'t want to hide it from these people!

"I have enough enemies. I\'m not afraid of more!"

Fang Xing and Zheng He walked out of the imperial city and looked at the crowd outside. Zheng He said, "let\'s talk about it."

Then he wanted to go out. Fang woke up and said, "thank you, Zheng Gong, but... Fang has never been afraid of challenges!"

"He\'s out!"




"Why are you called a courtier?"

When Zheng Hecai returned to the capital, he was somewhat confused about the political trend.

Fang Xing said, "when the treasure ship went to sea, most of the goods were made by official workshops, and the southerners didn\'t get much benefit. Let alone the northerners, they didn\'t have direct interest in going to sea. Since there was no benefit, who would support it? No one supported me. I\'m still advocating going to sea. After your Majesty\'s order, I\'ll be the best target, knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger!"

With that, Fang Xing walked out of the imperial city. Zheng He stood there, frowning and thinking about Fang Xing\'s words.

The so-called no interest, but it did not harm their interests?

Who is the so-called tiger?

Zheng He thought of the fear reaction of some people in the fleet during his first voyage, so he sighed lightly: "close the door and be short-sighted! The drunken man doesn\'t mean wine!"

Fang Xing walked slowly towards the crowd, with exploration and... Melancholy in his eyes.

What are you thinking?

The crowd also looked at him silently.

Numbness, disgust, sneer, ridicule, coldness

Fang Xing\'s eyes slowly turned. Looking at these expressions, he suddenly felt a little sad.

At this time, you think you are right, standing on the commanding height of morality and positioning me as a sycophant


A young man in the periphery roared with fire in his eyes, and then showed a provocative look. He was only about to wake up and hook his fingers.

From Zhu gaochi\'s death, everything was calm, just like a calm spring.

But when Zhu Zhanji came to power, the past concerns about him began to breed a monster.

They worried that Zhu Zhanji would be more radical than Zhu Di.

Yes, because of the man who is coming, they are worried that Daming will go to an unpredictable future.





"Empress, some people outside the palace blocked Xinghe Bo and were shouting sycophants!"

The Empress Dowager was teasing Duan Duan. When she heard that she gave Duan Duan the jade bracelet in her hand at will, let her play on the side, then frowned and asked, "why?"

The eunuch who came to tell the news said, "madam, it seems that it\'s about opening the sea."

The Empress Dowager\'s Phoenix eyes narrowed slightly and said coldly, "it\'s just a matter. Look at this palace... Someone wants to break the emperor\'s arm... Why!"

The Empress Dowager is not a woman with deep resentment in the palace. During Zhu Di\'s period, Zhu Di praised her as "my good daughter-in-law"; Zhu gaochi often consults with her about something.

This woman even has the ability to listen to politics!


"Empress, xinghebo is blocked outside the imperial city."

Bird tail hurried in to report the news. Hu Shanxiang, who was making clothes, looked up and said in surprise, "why?"

"Madam, those people are scolding Xinghe and his courtiers for opening the sea!"

Hu Shanxiang said anxiously, "what does your majesty say?"

"Your Majesty..."


"A clown!"

Zhu Zhanji was livid and shouted, "Jia Quan!"

"Your majesty!"

Jia Quan came in and knelt on one knee with fierce eyes. He also heard about things outside and felt his blood boiling.

Xinghebo is so calm in the face of those sieges!

"Your Majesty."

Yang Rong advised, "Your Majesty, those are just the benefits of words. Just say that we don\'t open the sea at present... Please go and persuade me."

Where can the king bow his head casually!

Yang Rong knew that he had menglang, so he asked himself to go outside to solve it.

Zhu Zhanji sneered: "this is a demonstration to me! Jia Quan, take someone to disperse them!"

"Your majesty! Never, your majesty!"

Several scholars were flustered and hurriedly advised: "Your Majesty, if you drive away, it is... The monarch and minister are centrifugal, never!"

Zhu Zhanji suddenly got up. Jia Quan immediately turned and went out. His voice soon came from outside.

"Follow me!"

Yang Rong looked sadly at Zhu Zhanji and the angry emperor, but he thought of Emperor Wen.

Zhu Di\'s wrist is tough, but at this time, he probably won\'t use such fierce means. He will only directly put the leader into the imperial prison.

Huang Huai also remembered the days when he and Yang Pu were in the imperial edict prison. He was worried that these persecutions would force the emperor to go the way above.

"Where\'s Sun Xiang? Where\'s Sai ha Zhi?"

Zhu Zhanji\'s eyes were cold, and his eyes swept through the officials, as if with a sword.

"Your Majesty, the maidservant will go up and call someone."

Yu Jia was ordered to go out.

"This is a provocation to me by going to sea!"

Zhu Zhanji got up, looked at the ministers coldly and said, "I am ordered by heaven. Do you want me to give in by some means?"

The outside sun shines on the inside of the hall and reflects in.

The ministers were shocked when they looked at the light reflected by the sun on the lower body and Zhu Zhanji on the upper body, especially his face.

This is

"I am not emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, you and other officials of a noble family. There is no need to argue about the advantages and disadvantages of going to sea, as evidenced by the gold, silver and manpower in Yingzhou, Korea!"

Zhu Zhanji pointed to the outside and said, "the Ming Dynasty can\'t be complacent. The Han Dynasty died by being strong, the Tang Dynasty died from internal and external difficulties, and the Song Dynasty died from self destructing swordsmen..."

Zhu Zhanji said decisively, "but their defeat has one thing in common, that is, the domestic people\'s resentment! Where did the people\'s resentment come from? There was enough land in the early days of the founding of the country, and the population multiplied in the middle and later stages, but there were not many and many fields there. Some were merged, and what was left enough for the people to cultivate?"

The ministers were shocked. They couldn\'t help standing up straight, and then bowed their heads and listened.

This is the emperor\'s summary of the previous dynasty!

"Why not open Xinjiang?"

Zhu Zhanji looked solemn: "first, the people are imprisoned in one place. Over time, they are used to living in their hometown. Their eyes are only on the sky above their heads and the ground under their feet! Who dares to go out?"

If the preceding paragraph is not surprising, it directly shocked the ministers.

It is the inherent policy of all dynasties to imprison the people in one place.

"So I\'m going to Kaijiang!"

Zhu Zhanji said brightly, "don\'t press your questions. Learn to look for answers outside! Instead of staying alive inside!"


"Get out of the way!"

Fang Xing walked to the front of the group and looked at the young man with cold eyes.

The young man blushed, but said angrily, "you are a courtier!"

Fang Xing was taller than him. He looked down at the young man and said faintly, "the mouth gun is invincible, roll!"

Fang Xing pulled the young man away with one hand. Xin Laoqi and Xiaodao were warned by Fang Xing not to do anything, but stared at these people with vigilance.

Once anyone dares to do it, Xin Laoqi vowed to beat him out of shit.

The knife clasped a flying knife and slowly followed Xin Laoqi.