Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1810

"Xinghebo, what a waste of going out to sea. Why do you advocate it?"

An old minister with a gray beard was pushed out by the stars and the moon. He woke up with his halberd fingers and shouted, "and the city shipping department, what is that? Do you know that once the city shipping department opens in the south, Daming must move the capital! Do you understand? Shaft!"

The old minister Fang woke up to know that he was Ni Shuwen, the mayor of the left temple of Dali temple.

The old man can be called a living library in Dali temple. He often quotes scriptures to express his views on the case and often shamelessly refutes his boss. Finally, the old man had to be arranged to review the cases sent below. During this period, there were countless cases that he called back and asked for retrial.

Such a respected old minister came out to accuse Fang Xing. Fang Xing had to salute first and then answer.

Fang Xing bowed and said, "Lord Ni\'s words are not bad, but this is not the place for discussion. Fang will enter the palace now and let\'s talk in the court."

Ni Shuwen broke away, held his hand and sneered, "OK, I\'ll ask to see your majesty now."

When the eunuch of Qianqing palace came out and told Fang to wake up into the palace, Ni Shuwen followed in with his old qualification.


"Move the capital?"

After hearing Ni Shuwen\'s words, Zhu Zhanji looked slightly cold.

Moving the capital to Peiping was a decision made by Zhu Di, and many people opposed it at that time.

But Zhu Di suppressed those objections with a strong wrist.

After Zhu gaochi ascended the throne, the voice of moving the capital back to Jinling rose again.

"Your Majesty, the enemies outside the great wall are gone, and the south is rich. If you move the capital to Jinling, I think the city ship Division will be open!"

Ni Shuwen\'s words are sincere and take into account the interests of all parties. It can be called an old man\'s words of seeking the country.

"Lord Ni, this is a pit!"

Fang Xing fought back without hesitation: "moving the capital to Jinling, we don\'t say the cost, just the advantages and disadvantages."

Ni Shuwen leaned gracefully and said he was listening.

"It\'s true that the south is rich. It\'s true that the southerners benefit the most from opening the city shipping department, but we can\'t give up eating because of choking?"

Fang Xing pointed to the South and said, "as long as you can trade at sea, Fang dares to guarantee that the tax will enable Lord Xia to sit on Jinshan and Yinshan from now on. As for you saying that if you don\'t move the capital to Jinling, there will be a possibility of division in the South. Fang thinks you think those people in the south are too capable. It\'s not that Fang underestimates them. Daming has some ways to clamp down on the south, such as taxes."

Xia Yuanji went out of class and said, "Your Majesty, the commercial tax has been slowly collected. At present, the South has the greatest potential."

Ni Shuwen said: "Xinghe Bo, taxation is just a means of reconciliation, and the differences between the north and the South still exist. One day, the south people eat meat and the north people eat chaff. Dare you ask Xinghe Bo, how to reconcile at that time?"

"Lord Ni, the north is not good for nothing. If you don\'t believe it, ask Lord Wu of the Ministry of work how many minerals the North has!"

The North has the resources urgently needed for industrial development, and there is no lack of ice free ports in the north. The key is that the North must maintain the trend of expansion in the future. If the capital is moved to Jinling, it can almost declare that the north of the Ming Dynasty has become an abandoned son since then.

"Lord Ni, there are large iron mines and large copper mines in the north. They are already being opened, but the manpower is poor, so the output is not much. However, there are a lot of silver mines in Japan and copper and iron minerals in North Korea. Lord Xia knows."

Wu Zhong didn\'t mean to stir up the muddy water. Just talk about it briefly, and then go back to work.

Xia Yuanji is also a veteran, so he said directly: "the minerals in the north are the land of wealth of Daming. Without those copper and iron ores, where do you get the knives and guns?"

In simple words, there is a threat: now it is the world of fire guns and artillery!

Zhu Zhanji now understood why Zhu Di tightened the expansion of the firearm guard.

His heart moved and he wanted to take the opportunity to set a tone for the opening ship company in the future, and then he gave up the idea.

This is not a time for big discussion. At this time, if the tone is set, Zhu Zhanji dares to guarantee that everyone will not do anything, just wait for a quarrel.

There are countless examples of this kind of wrangling in history. Some spread for many years and tore down a country alive.

Governing a big country is like cooking small delicacies. If you don\'t get the heat, you start the pot. It\'s either raw or tastes wrong.

Zhu Zhanji looked faintly and said, "Zheng He is coming!"


Zheng He is here, outside the imperial city.

"Father Zheng, why are you here?"

Asked someone in the crowd outside the imperial city.

Zheng He is also old, but he still walks calmly.

Even though he was dusty, his eyes were still sharp. He looked around for a week and said, "our family is here to go to sea!"


Zheng He said with bright eyes: "our family has long been on the memorial, only waiting for the result of the discussion in the court. Daming, we can\'t live without the ocean!"

Daming, you can\'t live without the ocean!

The words were resounding, and everyone remembered what Zheng He had said.

——If you want your country to be rich and strong, you can\'t ignore the ocean.

——Wealth comes from the sea, and danger comes from the sea!

Zheng He nodded slightly and strode to the imperial city.

"Zheng He, please see your majesty!"

He has the qualification to call himself a minister, but in the past few years, he hid his power and bided his time, mostly calling himself our family.

However, a minister today shows that the legendary figure in the eunuch can\'t sit still!

Before long, someone from the palace directly led Zheng He in.


"... there are many foreign countries, big and small, with charming prisoners. They said that just opposite them, those countries, big and small, are fighting. They are also coveting the sea and want to find wealth from the sea!"

"Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, weapons have been nothing but swords, bows and crossbows, but what are they now? Fire guns and artillery. Look at the treasure ship of the Ming Dynasty. It\'s like a hill on the sea. We can\'t close ourselves! Didn\'t the former Song Dynasty want to hold it? And the huge financial resources brought by opening the sea, but how can we finally hold it?"

"You can\'t defend. The best defense is attack!"

Fang Xing\'s voice echoed in the hall. Before the eunuch who came to tell Zheng He outside the hall spoke, Zhu Zhanji nodded. He hurried back to take people.

"Dare to go out and see the outside world. Those islands and continents are no smaller than Daming. Daming has something, and those places are also not lacking! If it is occupied, powerful countries will rise up in less than a hundred years. At that time, there will be dense waters outside Daming, and artillery will blast open Daming\'s door. What might you say at that time?"

Huang Huai said, "xinghebo, what you said is just speculation. Everyone knows that there are big countries overseas. For example, how many years has the Qin Dynasty in the Han Dynasty been here? Have those people ever been here? As you said, an attack thousands of miles away can bring down a big country. How can Daming maintain this supply?"

Attack the son\'s shield with the son\'s spear!

Many people secretly applauded Huang Huai\'s words in their hearts, and then looked at Fang Xing and wanted to see the angry look.

Fang Xing smiled and said: "Lord Huang underestimated the development of his navigation ability. Without saying anything else, he said that in the past, navigation depended on Sinan and leading the star. Later, the academy made a sextant, and the course would be more and more accurate. Zheng He built a ship in Jinling. Many people know the effect. Soon! After more and more routes are found, you guys, it\'s not a problem to build supply stations along the way!"

Fang woke up and looked at Huang Huai. He was puzzled that he came out to stir up the mixed water today. He said, "there are gold and silver mines, copper and iron ores, fertile land and countless specialties in those places. Ladies and gentlemen, why should Daming give up these?"

Fang Xing\'s eyes gradually sharpened, looked around the officials and said in a deep voice, "these are the wealth land available to Daming at present. Why should we give up? Why?"