Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1809

"They regard the sea as a scourge and science as a thorn in the eye. I wish I could take them all at once, but their strength is huge enough to overturn Daming!"

Zhu Zhanji was a little anxious. He paced in the open space in front of the Qianqing palace. Fang woke up and followed him silently.

"The north is better, and the south is almost intertwined. At this time, I finally know why my father wants to send me to the south. It\'s well intentioned!"

"I feel like I\'m trapped in that chair, but I don\'t know how to get rid of it. I don\'t even know how they tied my hands and feet. This is ridiculous!"

Zhu Zhanji laughed at himself.

"It\'s still early!"

Fang Xing said, "this is just the beginning, just like what Wuzhong said. As long as you start, there will be a secret struggle between kings and officials behind you. So don\'t worry, the treasure ship can go to sea, but I\'m afraid there will be some trouble in expanding the scale."

Zhu Zhanji stood with his hands down and murmured, "the road is blocked and long. It\'s difficult to pass the mountain. What can I do!"

Fang woke up and heard some frustration. He remembered that Zhu Zhanji in history was depressed by civil servants. Later, he vented his anger by humiliating civil servants. He even set up an inner library for eunuchs to read, and then fought with civil servants.

This is the rule that Wen Chen set for the king and the king!

Even if you are an emperor, you can only toss within this range, more than? Sorry, we have many means to make you compromise.

If these literary ministers are powerful, capable and have an eye, Fang Xing agrees with this move.

But these people... It\'s hard to say!

Zhu Zhanji was still young and a little radical. As soon as he was polished by these ministers, he slowly lost his temper.

Then, his temper will be slowly worn away, like the same people, agree with the rule, and everyone will play in the rule.

"See the benefits!"

Fang Xing comforted: "for example, the biggest advantage of Myanmar\'s attack is to solve the foreign aggression of Yunnan, further get to the sea, avoid the Strait of Malacca, and maintain its presence in that sea area for a long time. Don\'t underestimate this. If the fleet is parked there, it is almost half of the previous voyage of Zheng He\'s fleet. It is a great achievement to save half of the voyage."

Zhu Zhanji also cheered up and said, "yes! And the fleet is parked there and can control the sea area at any time. Malacca will become the inland sea of Daming, OK!"


Recall craftsmen, recall boatmans, recall sailors, overhaul ships, prepare to purchase goods

With Zhu Zhanji\'s will, the memorial naturally flew into the palace.

——Overseas publicity costs money and food!

Numerous memorials, but the purpose is one, waste money and food, meaningless!

Zhu Zhanji strongly withheld all the memorials and did not bring explanations.

So the crowd was excited, so

"Xinghebo said in Zhixing academy that whoever dares to stop the fleet from going to sea is a mouse!"


"Yes, timid mouse! And xinghebo also said that in the future, he must go to sea to see the outside and say what else. Those who oppose going to sea are short-sighted and closed-minded. They should sit at home and die, waiting for the sky to fall and crush themselves."

"Er... Isn\'t this a groundless allusion?"


More and more people were willing outside the imperial city. Instead of blaming the emperor, they all targeted Fang Xing.

"Too much humiliation! Too much humiliation!"

An old minister stood outside the imperial city and said shakily, "what\'s overseas? Once you get involved with a great enemy, there are only swords. It costs countless money and food, but it makes those children uneasy about learning. Everyone is ambitious, so they think of Haibo... Rich and noble. What\'s this? People\'s heart is not ancient! Moral decay!"

This is no longer a dispute between the government and the government, but standing in line!

"Wen Xing and Bo also suggested that your majesty open the sea and open the city shipping department. This is to Daxing merchants!"

"Your Majesty once said when he ascended the throne that the interior is to boost Commerce... What is this, gentlemen? This is the great prosperity of merchants!"

The old minister was flushed with anger when he heard this. Several officials advised him on the side, but someone teased him on the side.

It\'s best to be angry!

I\'m so angry that things will get worse!

"Who instigated these things?"

An official shouted in the crowd, which immediately triggered a series of answers and... Anger.

"It\'s xinghebo!"

"It\'s Fang Xing! He bewitched the king!"



"Is this trying to force the palace?"

Zhu Zhanji stood on it. Yang Rong noticed that his hands were clenched, so he quickly said, "Your Majesty, those people outside are talking about Xinghe bo..."

Yang Rong was also surprised that Zhu Zhanji could finalize the matter of going to sea. Even if there were many opponents, he could not shake his will.

Why did Fang Xing make such a big noise?

"Your Majesty, Xing Hebo\'s words are suspected of irritating the ministers."

Yang Shiqi shook his head and said sincerely, "Your Majesty, xinghebo is a little unscrupulous. This is not the way of ministers. Please give your majesty an order to reprimand!"

This is a compromise proposal, which can calm the situation as soon as possible and establish Zhu Zhanji\'s authority.

"Your Majesty, after the first emperor went, xinghebo made some... Publicity."

Jin Youzi felt that Fang Xing was becoming more and more indiscreet. He heard that he was also very casual when talking to the emperor. He was like two good friends. He was really domineering.

Zhu Zhanji said coldly, "I said, this is forced palace!"

When the fleet was ready to reopen, many ministers advised against it. This was the first major event after Zhu Zhanji ascended the throne, and he naturally refused to compromise.

If this continues, it is mostly the compromise of the ministers, but there are cracks in the relationship between kings and ministers.

When the new emperor ascended the throne, he fell out with his ministers. Of course, it can show his toughness, but before he didn\'t control the situation, this measure seemed very meaningless and... Impatient!

So Fang woke up and raised his head. His words scolded those who opposed reopening the treasure ship into mice, and immediately all the fire turned to him.

Yang Rong sighed silently and said, "Your Majesty, I think the treasure ship can be reopened, but the city shipping department should think carefully."

Jin Youzi couldn\'t believe looking at Yang Rong. His lips moved. Although his voice didn\'t come out, it was two words from his mouth.


At present, Zhu Zhanji had no plan to open the market ship department, but when he heard this, he said, "what if it is opened?"

Yang Rong said with a bitter smile, "the South has some meaning of being one. If the market is opened again, I\'m worried that the South will become... Another Daming."

The south is a rich place. Once the city shipping department is opened and private trade is allowed to go to sea, it is cooking oil with fire and flowers.

And what\'s in the north?

There are only heavy snow and enemies outside the Great Wall in the North!

At that time, the gap between the north and the South will become wider and wider. People with a heart will instigate it. I\'m afraid the civil war in Daming will begin.

Fang Xing has said this worry many times before. He always said that there is a gap between the north and the south. If it is not guided, there will be big trouble in the future.

Zhu Zhanji nodded and solemnly said to Yang Rong, "I know."

"Your Majesty, Xing Hebo quarreled with those people outside the imperial city."

Someone outside came in and reported that he looked strange, as if he was laughing.

Zhu Zhanji was stunned and immediately ordered, "bring him in."


"Fang Xing, you are shameless!"

"Bewitch the king, corrupt the court, Fang Xing, you sycophant!"


Outside the Imperial City, Fang Xing was facing these feelings alone. He looked at the officials blocking the door, frowned and said, "if you\'re not in their position, you don\'t plan for their government. It\'s not up to you to pretend to be loyal here. Get out of the way!"