Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1808

If the academy is a pen, then the workshop is a knife.

At present, most of the groups of students trained by Zhixing academy are running around, teaching science silently.

The workshop is a research base. Zhu Zhanji once visited the warehouse. He was dazzled and excited by various steel samples with different properties.

This is the result of spending countless money and materials. Once you need some kind of steel in the future, you just need to find it here.

That\'s a treasure house!

Zhu Zhanji knew that materials were rare, otherwise the Ministry of work would not have been struggling before. After getting the manufacturing method of fire gun and artillery, it began to develop wildly. Later, it got the material and manufacturing method of track steel. Now the workshops under the Ministry of work have been fully scheduled. Cattle wagons waiting outside to pull goods come in an endless stream every day.

He also thought about attributing Zhu Fang\'s workshop to the work department, but he encountered a problem.


Fang Xing said that the students of the academy should apply what they have learned, and the workshop is where they apply.

If the workshop belongs to the work department, the students of the academy can only talk on paper.


Zhu Zhanji said, "the workshop built those things based on the Academy. If it belongs to the work department, what does the work department want? Zhu Fang? Or who?"

This remark was a little sharp. Wu Zhong said awkwardly, "I\'m... I\'m ashamed."

Zhu Zhanji frowned and said, "Zhu Fang was just a craftsman. These things were slowly worked out by the teachers and students of the academy and him. The work department is in charge of so many workshops. Why didn\'t he enter inch by inch?"

The emperor turned his hand and aimed the artillery at the Ministry of work. Whether it was a test or not, he had to fight back!

Wu Zhong was bareheaded and said he was guilty.

This is the first time since the new emperor ascended the throne!


Fang Xing felt that Liwei was more anxious and said: "In fact, it\'s not an ordinary workshop. It\'s more about exploring some physical properties. After the fire gun and artillery manufacturing methods were taught to the work department, the output of the workshop has been decreasing. The workshop has no threat, just like you exploring knowledge at home. Well, there\'s no threat. Fang hasn\'t equipped these things at home. You\'re more careful."

make love!

Juxtaposing Zhu Fang with the ministers, the slap in the face was loud, but there was no reason to refute it, which was very uncomfortable.

Zhu Zhanji slowly looked at the ministers and saw that someone was red and someone clenched his fists. Obviously, Fang woke up and angered him and Zhu Fang.

Wu Zhong knelt there at a loss. Zhu Zhanji said, "get up."

Wu Zhong got up silently and retreated. Fang Xing added: "most of the people in the workshop were originally transferred by the Ministry of work. The students of the Academy sometimes do experiments, and... The people guarding the workshop said that someone was communicating with the outside world. Later, they followed quietly and followed all the way to the Ministry of work. If not, this person should be killed!"

The officials were silent. Wu Zhong was sweating and pleaded guilty again.

The party sent by the Ministry of work to steal the division woke up long ago and Zhu Zhanji also knew, but ignored it. Today, it was hit by the muzzle of a gun.

Zhang Fu took the opportunity to leave the class and said, "Your Majesty, what happened to the Duke of Guizhou... I think it\'s better to stay where you are."

Fang woke up stunned. Mu Sheng had a good relationship with him, so he asked, "dare you ask the British Duke, there is no war in Daming, where is the Duke of Guizhou going?"

Zhang Fu said: "some people say that Myanmar has been calmed down, and it is a waste for the Duke of Guizhou to garrison in Yunnan. Why not transfer it directly."

Fang woke up and glanced at Zhang Ben and said, "Your Majesty, this matter must not be! The Duke of Guizhou has been in Yunnan for a long time. If he is transferred to Myanmar, the minister dares to guarantee that the chieftains in Yunnan will rebel. Will he get the Duke of Guizhou back at that time?"

Fools who abandon strategy for profit!

"The chieftain over there is capricious. The policy of changing the land to the flow was first taken. If there is no force to suppress it, it will be empty! If anyone feels that he has no equal tongue, he can ask those chieftains to persuade him. If he can persuade those people, Fang will resign immediately and return home to take care of his children. He will not perform official duties in this life! If he violates this oath, heaven and man will be killed!"

Fang woke up and looked at the civil servants and said angrily, "once Yunnan is turbulent, the southwest will surge in an instant. If you want to save the situation, it\'s another toe!"

The war turned from Zhu Zhanji to Fang Xing. He began to argue with the civil servants about the status of Yunnan in the Ming Dynasty. From Zhu Yuanzhang\'s foresight, Zhu Di\'s consistency, and Zhu gaochi\'s perseverance, in a word, the emperors of the Ming Dynasty all paid attention to Yunnan

Fang woke up to one enemy and did not lose the slightest.

"... what Myanmar needs at this time is pacification. It needs the help of the natives to build roads and collect taxes. What does that mean? Military town? Those natives are familiar and afraid. They take their families into the jungle. Who dares to go to Myanmar at that time? When they go, they have to be ready to defend the enemy from the jungle!"

From the beginning, someone argued with him, and now everyone listens to him alone. The hall seems to be a lecture hall, and Fang Xing is a teacher.

Zhu Zhanji looked at the scene strangely. When Fang woke up and his mouth was dry, he said, "this matter is put on hold, the Ministry of work..."

Is this about sending people to spy on the workshop?

Wu Zhong\'s cold sweat came out, but Zhu Zhanji said: "Daming\'s road is a problem. The cement pavement is good, but the cement is not enough. The Ministry of work should build more cement kilns and repair the road!"

"If you want to be rich, build roads first!"

Fang Xing casually said something familiar later, and the ministers were stunned.

After that, Fang Xing also felt a little uncomfortable. Zhu Zhanji immediately said, "everything is difficult to leave steel. A lot of iron ore has been excavated in the north. The Ministry of work should expand kilns and the Ministry of household."

When Xia Yuanji left the class, Zhu Zhanji said, "check with the Ministry of work and tell me how much money and food you need."

Xia Yuanji answered, and Zhu Zhanji immediately dispersed the dynasty.

When the ministers came out of the hall, the wind blew outside. Jin Youzi looked at Fang wake up and said with a bitter smile: "he cheated!"

Seeing that Wuzhong has caught up, we know that Fang\'s eye-catching purpose today doesn\'t work with Mu Sheng at all. All he wants is to hook up with the work department.

Initiative and passivity are completely different things, just like asking and being asked.

Wu Zhong caught up with Fang Xing and said with a smile: "Xinghe Bo, I know my mistake. I just heard that Zhu Fang has got a boss\'s stove to make iron. I... Xinghe Bo, it\'s all for Daming!"

Fang woke up and said, "Your Majesty, Benbo can\'t go against it. Lord Wu can go to find Zhu Fang himself."

Fang woke up and walked away. Wu Zhong stamped his foot and said, "xinghebo, it\'s easy to say about craftsmen!"

Fang woke up and said with a smile, "Lord Wu, have lunch together?"

During Zhu gaochi\'s time, Fang Xing wanted to get some craftsmen from the Ministry of work, but Wu Zhong refused many times, saying only that there were not many craftsmen in the Ministry of work, and he was reluctant to leak any of them.

Now, when Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing get a cover and drill, Wu Zhong is trapped.

After a lunch, Wuzhong was forced to sign a treaty, not only to produce craftsmen, but also to give priority to supplying Zhu Fang\'s raw materials.

"Xinghebo, you are... Ah!"

Wu Zhong shook his head and felt that he was completely awakened by Fang.

Fang Xing put down his chopsticks and said, "Lord Wu, the treasure ship is going to sail. Should the craftsmen be called back?"

As soon as Wu Zhong\'s face changed, he got up and said, "Xinghe Bo, please find Jinling work department for this matter. I can\'t manage it."

Fang woke up and said quietly, "I know, but it\'s more than that. Zheng He built a new ship. It\'s very excellent. Lord Wu, Daming can\'t build a ship in the south! The north and South are separated. Even if there is any accident in the future, Daming\'s shipbuilding won\'t stop."

Wu Zhong sat down and said, "Xinghe Bo, if your majesty wants to send a boat to sea, it will certainly succeed, but it runs counter to the ministers. This is not a long-term way. It\'s useless for you to tell me today, Xinghe bo..."

Wu Zhong said seriously: "for many people, overseas is the place where money and food are wasted, and overseas is... The place where people are afraid, but... Science is the same. That\'s enough. Xinghebo, we\'re clear."