Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1807

After the return of jubaoshanwei, Zhu Fang\'s fireworks never stopped.

Fang woke up and looked at the chimney that was emitting thick smoke in a daze. There were people going in and out of a tall room on the side.

Zhu Fang rubbed her hands on the side. "Uncle, you see, the site is so big that we have no place to set up several stoves. Finally, we can\'t help it. We got this big guy, heated and blew, and tried the material many times. Now the steel is not a small boast. We can really take it directly to pour guns."

Fang Xing slowly turned around and looked at the railcars being pulled by cattle and horses on the dense railway tracks. He easily entered and exited all the factories. He was inexplicably excited in his heart.

"Uncle, there is not enough territory and manpower. In addition, the strict management restricts the access of the craftsmen, and there are some complaints. Uncle, I wonder if I can find another family village of Jubao mountain guard on the side, so that the families of the craftsmen can live in it and be guarded by sergeants. This should be..."

"There is also iron material. The Ministry of work has been a little tight recently. It is said that the iron ore in the north is still being excavated and needs to wait..."

Fang Xing was still shocked when he saw such industrial scenes for the first time. He waved his hand and said, "these are small things. Just concentrate on them. I can\'t give you much advice later, but materials, that is, steel, are the king. You should consider what kind of steel is suitable for..."

Fang woke up and breathed some choking smell of soot. He said, "you should consult with the Ministry of work on how to expand the production of coking coal. Remember, rails and guns are the most important. Later, I\'ll ask the students of the academy to come often and study it together."

A charging cart was pulled by a cow. Fang woke up and flashed aside. Looking at the ore being pulled into a large factory, he said contentedly, "this is industry!"

Industry is bound to be accompanied by countless disadvantages, but Fang Xing is enjoying the disadvantages of pollution.

"Uncle, can you send more students?"

Zhu Fang said with a smile: "those students are good at calculation, smart and small guarantee. As long as they work here for two years, they will be able to pick the beam."

"I\'ll think about it."


"The road to Myanmar needs to be opened up, but I don\'t limit the time, just try my best."

Li Ermao\'s suggestion was highly recognized by Zhu Zhanji, so today he convened a group of ministers to discuss it.

"Your Majesty, Yunnan will be stable after Myanmar. Then can Yunnan send troops to Myanmar? After all, without the threat of the Burmese people, it takes a lot of money to keep the army there..."

Zhang Bengang, the Minister of the Ministry of military, took over the Ministry of military. At present, he is still shrouded in the huge shadow of Jin Zhong, so he is a little eager to prove himself. What he said is a little radical.

There was something in this remark that aimed at the Mu family. By the way, it also provided Zhu Zhanji with a reason to solve the "Warlords" in Yunnan. It can be said that the calculation was accurate.

However, in the eyes of the ministers, such means are only ordinary, but the mind is rare.

So the ministers all looked at Wu Xun to see who would fight back.

After Zhu Zhanji ascended the throne, everyone knew that he was deeply influenced by Zhu Di and Fang Xing. He paid close attention to the army and refused to favor civilian officials. So Zhang Ben\'s inadvertent shot made Zhu Zhanji stand in line.

Your majesty, warlord!

Think about the former Tang and Song dynasties. What happened to the warlords?

Mu Sheng\'s family background is amazing. His father Mu Ying is the adopted son of Zhu Yuanzhang. He himself took over the title of Xiping Hou from his eldest brother Mu Chun, and then began to show his military ability in Yunnan.

After that, he conquered the Burmese people, and then he settled with Zhang Fuping and was granted the Duke of Guizhou. Zhu gaochi favored him even more after he became king. He also cast a seal of Zhennan general to him. It can be seen that the letter is heavy.

Such a Wu Xun, Zhang Ben can be called a tiger\'s mouth!

However, dead Taoist friends do not die. Civil servants are watching, waiting to see a good play.

Zhu Zhanji\'s face was as usual, but his hand on the armrest was suddenly tightened, and then he took a look at Zhang Ben with a look.

Zhang Ben was very regretful. He swore that he didn\'t want to dismember the Mu family at that time. He just wanted to suggest that the emperor move the Mu family forward and put it in Myanmar.

Wu Xun was sneering. When Zhang Fu was ready to leave the class, someone came in and said, "Your Majesty, xinghebo asked to see you."

Hearing that the evil star was coming, Zhang Ben even regretted his intestines.

The ministers were not calm. This one fought side by side with Mu Sheng at Jiaozhi. After Mu Sheng returned to Yunnan, the other party was full of praise. The relationship between the two sides seemed to rise sharply, and it was almost marriage.

Zhang Ben gave Mu Sheng eye medicine. It\'s not his ally. How do you deal with it?

Fang Xing strode in, bowed down and said, "Your Majesty, I just went to the workshop. Zhu Fang complained to me that the site is small, the manpower is not enough, and the iron materials given by the work department are poor... ER! Why do you look like this?"

Fang woke up and asked in wonder when he saw everyone looking at him strangely.

Zhu Zhanji turned aside and said, "it\'s really inconvenient there. It\'s too close to the city. There\'s a lot of smoke around. Sometimes I can smell it when it\'s windy... Zhu Qing, see what to do about it?"

The emperor turned aside, and most of the ministers regretted. Yang Rong said, "Your Majesty, the workshop minister knows, but who does it belong to?"

Zhu Zhanji was stunned. Wu Zhong, the Minister of the Ministry of work, tangled for a while, but others are working for the Ministry of work. If he doesn\'t come out again, who will speak for him in the future?

"Your Majesty, it is reasonable... That workshop should be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of work..."

Wu Zhong\'s words can be attacked and defended. They can be regarded as the cultivation achievements of officialdom veterans.

LV Zhen was rarely in the dynasty today. He smiled and said, "Your Majesty, the workshop minister remembered that he used to be Xinghe Bo\'s family, and Zhu Fang seemed to be Xinghe Bo\'s family. Later, he made fire guns and artillery, and made a lot of steel..."

LV Zhen was very busy during this time, and he lost a lot of weight. Three strands of beard moved slightly. He looked at the dust of some immortals.

Then he returned to class and smiled at Fang Xing.

Jin Youzi said, "Your Majesty, this workshop is the key. Please put it under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of work."

Zhang Ben broke away from the bitter sea and said casually, "Your Majesty, the workshop is getting bigger and bigger now. Many of the fire guns and artillery in the army come from them, as well as the track. Now most of the mines are used, which is not bad."

He wanted to make up for the negative impact of his previous words, but he accidentally provided Jin Youzi with shells.

"Your Majesty, fire guns and artillery are important weapons of the military. Can they be put in the hands of private people?"


Wuzhong suddenly coughed twice. Jin Youzi was stunned and looked at him.

Wu Zhong arched his hand in embarrassment and then lowered his eyes.

Jin Youzi felt a chill in his heart and hurried back to work.

Zhu Zhanji looked at him indifferently and said, "the suburbs of Beijing will be occupied slowly in the future. It will be inconvenient at that time. Find a place near the west mountain and rebuild a workshop."

Fang Xing arched his hands and said, "yes, there are many places over there. Just circle a piece of land. But the hands need to be adjusted by the work department. There are also those craftsmen who are not allowed to go out in the workshop. After all, it will hinder human relations. Please build a dependents\' village on the side."

The words of kings and ministers were calm, and there were some guesses in the hearts of the people around them.

Isn\'t that workshop the emperor\'s?

When we think of the old events of the Academy, there is something wrong in the eyes of Xiang Fangxing.

Hasn\'t this man planned this since then?

The Academy teaches scientific children and competes with Confucianism.

The workshop creates sharp tools to attack overseas.

This is to run for both literature and martial arts!

And isn\'t he... The emperor\'s manager?

Someone is spiteful in the stomach.

Go into the palace and be a eunuch!