Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1806

Just after the matter of Jianshu was settled, more than half a month later, he rode into Beiping city.

Zhang Ben, the new minister of the Ministry of war, also hurried into the palace.

In the Qianqing palace, the dusty Li Ermo saluted and said, "Your Majesty, Da\'an, Myanmar."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said happily, "how about the natives?"

"Lord Fang ordered strict military discipline, and the natives dared to do business with us. Later, there were more caravans, and the young and old were foolless in doing business. The natives were very happy. We were also fair in collecting taxes, and the natives supported Daming. The rebels hiding in the jungle couldn\'t stand it any longer, and many people were shouted out to surrender. Lord Fang thought Myanmar was safe , he sent his minister back. "


Zhu Zhanji said with satisfaction: "killing is not the way to long-term stability. We should let those natives feel the sincerity of Daming. Naturally, they will be loyal and dependent. Fang Zheng won my heart."

Soon after Zhu Zhanji ascended the throne, there was a good news. This was a happy event, and all the ministers congratulated him one after another.

With the help of Myanmar, the southwest border of Daming will be stable, and indirectly stabilize Yunnan, where there are often uneasy chieftains, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

But Zhu Zhanji didn\'t just see this. He paid more attention to the spread based on Myanmar.

"Could it go straight to the beach?"

Li Er Mao had already prepared the answer to this question. He said, "Your Majesty, it\'s difficult. There are many mountains and many aboriginal tribes over there. If you transport a large amount of supplies from Yunnan to the sea, I think it\'s impossible at present. The loss is too great."

The officials immediately had a very good impression of Li Ermo. They only felt that although he was a student of Zhixing academy, he knew the general situation and took into account the overall situation.

What a shame!

Several similar eyes interlace and imply a smile.

The relationship between the emperor and Zhixing academy is very complex. If he doesn\'t care about reputation, it is estimated that he wants to hang the title of mountain head.

Is this the student who poured a basin of cold water on the mountain leader?

All the officials felt the cold breath of Zhu Zhanji. They all looked at their noses and hearts, and did not want to get involved in this "master apprentice war.".

When Zhu Zhanji\'s eyes turned, he said faintly, "it\'s all scattered. Li Ermo will stay."

Among the ministers, there are those who like gossip and those who are particularly curious. They suddenly feel itchy, but they can only leave.

After they left, Zhu Zhanji handled the memorial, and Li Ermo was not afraid. He just stood with a straight waist.

After the memorials were processed, it was half an hour later.

Zhu Zhanji got up and walked down. He glanced at Li Er Mao, who was black and could not bear to look directly at him, and said, "speak more carefully."

Li Ermao said, "Your Majesty, there are many mountains over there. It\'s difficult to build roads. There are many tribes. Once the tribes rebel, the roads may be cut off at any time. It\'s too fragile, your majesty."

Seeing what he said frankly, Zhu Zhanji continued to ask, "what do you think if Daming is looking for a port over there?"

Li Ermao said with confidence: "Your Majesty, I don\'t think it\'s difficult to build a port. When I came to Jinling, I went to see the river, but those fleets kept stopping. I think it\'s just a few more trips, more immigrants and more tools. Your majesty, it\'s not difficult to build a city by the sea by land."

Zhu Zhanji nodded with some unexpected joy and asked, "whose idea is this?"

Then he stared at Li Er Mao with sharp eyes.

Without hesitation, Li Ermo said, "Your Majesty, this is my idea. But I have discussed with Lord Fang and they have benefited a lot."

"Have you learned to be an exquisite man? Huh?"

Zhu Zhanji and Li Ermo passed by wrong, walked slowly, and said, "I know Fang Zheng is a good general in the war, but he has less to do with people\'s livelihood. Do you want to please him?"

Li Er Mao shook his head and turned back and said, "Your Majesty, I dare not. When we mentioned the matter at that time, everyone said that the road was difficult, so I suggested this method, but I only thought of the sea road, but Lord Fang said that the land road had to go, and we should not neglect it. Otherwise, the sea road would be cut off, and the port would be isolated and helpless. I was afraid at that time."

Zhu Zhanji looked a little pale and said, "land... It takes a long time to get through. The cost is really not small. It can only be supplemented, but mainly by sea."

"Your Majesty is wise."

These days, long-distance supply by land is a disaster. When a kilogram of grain is sent to the place, it will consume at least four or five kilograms of grain, and many more.

Zhu Zhanji shook his head slightly and said, "whether I am wise or not, you look like an official. Why, what do you want to do this time?"

Li Er Mao said in panic, "Your Majesty, I will obey your Majesty\'s arrangement."

There is no official position to pick and choose for you these days. If you choose, it is to push your nose and face, cough! It will probably be here in the future.

Zhu Zhanji was already very satisfied. He thought it was an unexpected joy for this halfway monk.

"So you can be the censor."




There was a killing cry on the playground. All day long, the students were practicing assassination with wooden guns.

"Teacher, are they here?"

Li Er Mao came to fangjiazhuang to meet Fang Xing. Fang Xing asked about the situation and took him to see the Academy.

Potatoes and Ping\'an are practicing, but they are too young. They are arranged in front and look at some coke.

"Of course, since you\'ve come in, you must cultivate both civil and military skills. What about you? Your mother doesn\'t think she\'s less interested in finding a marriage for you? Who do you like? I\'ll talk to you."

Li Er Mao also became an older young man. If he hadn\'t been an official, he would have died in his life.

"Teacher, disciple..."

Li Er Mao suddenly scratched his head and said in a shy way: "the disciple met one over there..."

This guy is still free to fall in love?

Fang Xingda was interested and asked, "which one? Tell me, I\'ll decide for you."

Li Ermao said with some difficulty: "teacher, she is the daughter of a chieftain and a disciple... When the caravan entered Myanmar, she followed, and later met, and later..."

Fang woke up a little dizzy.

These days, marriage requires a good match. Fang Xing doesn\'t care much about these things, even thinks it\'s right to fall in love freely.

But you find the daughter of a chieftain, this

"Did your mother say anything?"

Fang Xing was worried that Li Ermo would be beaten out by his mother with a big stick, and then cut off the relationship between mother and son.

Li Ermo had a headache and said, "teacher, the disciple hasn\'t come home yet!"

"It\'s too far. But if you like it, that woman can run a family, then go and try."

Such parties should not be involved too much. After all, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been a difficult problem for thousands of years. If Li Er Mao\'s mother doesn\'t like the woman and he forcibly joins in, it\'s a sin.


Fang Xing explained: "you\'ve settled down even if you come back this time, but it\'s hard for you to live in the academy as the imperial censor. I\'ll ask someone to find you a house later. Fang Zheng is cunning. There must be a lot of those seizures. You should also have a share? If it\'s not enough, I\'ll help you supplement. Forget it. Go to your majesty and I\'ll ask your majesty."

Li Ermo blushed and said, "teacher, the disciples have enough money."

"You still have to get married and raise a baby. What\'s enough at once? It\'s settled. It\'s your ability to owe your majesty money!"

This is Fang\'s wake-up call. Li Ermo understands.

If you want to be the emperor\'s lineage, you have to choose the right way!

Borrowing money from the emperor is not afraid. It\'s even better to shout poor. It can\'t be better.


This position immediately stood firm and was later labeled as an imperial party.

Fang Xing said earnestly, "the academy is not my academy. I\'m just a planter. After you become useful, your majesty is the one who takes what you need. Do you understand?"

Li Er Mao nodded, "teacher, I know."

"Then hurry back and say well, don\'t talk back to your mother. If it\'s done, I\'ll send someone to Yunnan to pick you up."

Li Ermo said in embarrassment, "teacher..."

Fang Xing was still thinking about Zhu Zhanji\'s strategy for the southwest sea port. When he heard the speech, he scolded: "is it a man? It\'s your mother, not a tiger!"

"Teacher... She came with me."

I said!

Fang Xing blinked and almost wanted to ask: the king of heaven covers the earth tiger!

This is the pioneer of free love!

"You can\'t... Elope?"

Fang Xing asked, covering his forehead. He was worried that Li Ermo would detonate a bomb that could detonate the officialdom in the capital.

The students of the Academy, still officials, actually abducted the daughter of the chieftain.

Moral decay!

——Soaked pig cage

While Fang Xing was thinking, Li Ermo blushed and said, "teacher, it\'s not elopement. Her parents agreed and... Pulled a few carts of things and said it was a dowry."

Fang Xing was already a little dizzy. He pointed to Li Er Mao\'s house and said, "get out of here! Get out of here!"

Don\'t worry!

Fang woke up with a headache, and then went to the palace. He had to go to Zhu Zhanji to prepare a case, so as not to cause material discussion when he could.