Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1805

The group was accepted, and the leader was free to ask for food, but the tribe had only more than 100 people... But the group at huangjinlu had more than 50 people.

The temple is too small and there are too many immortals.

Seeing the leader eating a white cake, Chen Mo did not hesitate to gather together and divide it in half. He turned back and said, "it\'s not delicious. It\'s light. It\'s not a pastry."

Everyone could not help being hungry when they saw him.

"Come, come!"

For the sake of that small bowl, the tribe began to cook for them.

It is conceivable that the people of the tribe wrapped some white things with vines and stirred them vigorously.

After smashing the contents, open it and see that it is the raw material of the cake Chen Mo eats.

A child came and ate some white powder, and huangjinlu also ate some. He didn\'t think it tasted very good.

Then the people of the tribe made these white things into a cake, and then got a pan.

This is a clay pot, which is similar to frying and baking. After the dough comes out, everyone who eats the meat of prey all the way devours it. They just feel that their intestines and stomach are a little more comfortable.

In other words, when Chen Mo was full, he mingled with the natives and soon became one with a simple and honest smile.

"Ask them if they have anything like that, if so..."

Huangjinlu didn\'t want to deal with the natives. He asked someone to send a message to Chen Mo, and then... Then

Then he saw a ball!

"Throw it over!"

Chen Mo sees a child playing with a small ball. The ball bounces on the ground and catches it. It\'s very interesting. He has the cheek to shout.

The child glanced at him. Chen Mo quickly took out a piece of sugar he was reluctant to eat to bribe him, so he got the ball smoothly.

Seeing that he repeatedly smashed the ball to the ground, bouncing higher and higher again and again, with a smile, huangjinlu whispered, "this pig!"

Chen Mo gradually didn\'t throw it away. He stared at the small ball falling and bouncing up again and again. He turned back and looked at the golden foot. They were almost happy at the same time.


Jian Shuren, this is the name for Zhu Yunwen\'s young son.

After Jingnan\'s success, Zhu Yunwen and his eldest son disappeared. The remaining young son Zhu Wengui was still at the age of nursing. Zhu Di couldn\'t do it, so he took him to Fengyang to be raised and isolated from the world.

"He doesn\'t know outside..."

Zhu Zhanji said with some difficulty, "I don\'t know anything. I haven\'t even seen cattle and sheep."

The officials were silent, and Zhu Zhanji said in a tangled way: "I... No matter how many mistakes have passed, Emperor Wen probably forgot him..."

Zhu Zhanji had to get rid of Zhu Di, but he was a little tangled when he remembered that he was only three years older than his cousin.

When he was held by the crowd and shouted by the emperor\'s grandson, the child was lonely in Fengyang and didn\'t even know chickens, ducks, fish and geese.

"Building a common man is useless to the country and harmless to the country. Let him come out and marry him... Some things finally need to be settled. Let\'s start from me!"

"Your Majesty..."

The ministers were surprised. Some were relieved, some were frightened and some were at a loss

"Your Majesty, this matter... Can we discuss it again?"

LV Zhen is very busy. He is too busy to touch the ground, but he will never ask for leave when it\'s time to discuss business.

He had something to do with etiquette, and he wondered... Could it be the emperor\'s gesture?

One of the so-called criteria for courteous officials is affirmed, that is, to observe words and expressions. Listen to the king\'s words, figure out the king\'s mind, and then cater to the king.

This is a courtier!

Courteous officials in the eyes of Confucianism!

This is the emperor\'s housework. It\'s only the old ministers of Jianwen Dynasty who are embarrassed, but Xia Yuanji smiles calmly. Who cares!

Jin Youzi went out of class and said, "Your Majesty, after all, it\'s... A common man. If someone has ulterior motives, this will be a ready-made flag at that time. I think it\'s better to... Do so."

If someone took Zhu Wengui away and pulled up the flag of emperor Jianwen\'s son at that time, who knows if someone will follow the rebellion?

Some ministers nodded one after another and immediately suggested that it was best to keep it as it was.

Zhu Zhanji listened to these words, then got up and walked to the front, overlooking the ministers. "The Ming Dynasty was established not before the Song Dynasty, not before the Tang Dynasty. It was Emperor Gao, the emperor Taizu, who pushed the Ming Dynasty step by step. Although I was ignorant, I also know what the people want. The world is invincible."

Zhu Zhanji glanced at the officials and said, "if the people\'s will is there, the people will survive. If the people\'s will is not there, the people will rise up!"

This... How is it like Emperor Wen\'s speaking style?

The ministers were so solemn that they seemed to see Zhu Di standing there with a paperweight in his hand.

Zhu Zhanji stood with his hands down and said in a loud voice, "if the emperor has no virtue, the people\'s livelihood is embarrassed, and the foreign enemy invades, it is the destruction of heaven! If the people abandon me and build common people, it is that I have no virtue, heaven and man abandon me, and I have no resentment!"

The ministers were shocked and couldn\'t help looking up at the young emperor above.

This is clearly the way of kings!

The ministers stopped talking, and Zhu Zhanji immediately ordered them to go to Fengyang to send a message.

This is a broad-minded and brave emperor!

"That\'s what the emperor said?"

"Yes, madam. Your majesty also sent people to Fengyang to release Jianshu and let him marry and have children."

The Empress Dowager nodded and said faintly, "it\'s difficult for the emperor, but it\'s good to let it out."


"Release the Jianshu people. Your Majesty\'s mind is admirable. Do you see? Your Majesty\'s mind!"

Yang Rong said excitedly in the duty room: "Your Majesty doesn\'t think about past gratitude and hatred. Think about those in the history books. Those may live?"

In the struggle for the throne, the loser, let alone being imprisoned, can\'t live.

"Think about the former Song Dynasty, how many descendants of song Taizu?"

Scholars like to look at the change of dynasties from the perspective of conspiracy. The outcome of Zhao Kuangyin\'s sons will naturally be guessed, and then all kinds of conspiracy theories come out.

Politics is not clean. Several auxiliary ministers turned this idea in their hearts, but they were very pleased.


"Your Majesty is really promoting advantages and eliminating disadvantages. This alone proves his mind."

Xie Jin\'s eyes were more eager to try, but he immediately said with a bitter smile: "I\'m old, but I suddenly have the idea of official travel. If I\'m really old but don\'t die, I\'m a thief! Just, Dehua, I have to see you in the future!"

Fang Xing didn\'t attend the meeting. The news came from Xia Yuanji through masu.

"I didn\'t expect your majesty to be so open-minded, but it\'s a good thing. Being tough can only be the emperor\'s side. It can\'t be long. After your majesty released Jianshu, those worries will be a little less, at least stand still. Then..."

"Vassal king?"

Xie Jin said, "the king of Jin was abolished and imprisoned in the imperial city. This is revenge. But your majesty didn\'t immediately give a candidate to take over the king of Jin. What does that mean?"

Fang woke up, poured him tea, and then leaned back comfortably in his chair.

The breeze blew in from the open window, and the lush smell of everything made people sleepy.

"Your Majesty means something like that, but he is still considering it. It mainly depends on the response of the vassal."

Xie Jin was dissatisfied with the implied meaning in Fang Xing\'s words. He said, "it\'s a little rash. Those vassal kings have been dependent on each place for many years. Once the winds and clouds rise everywhere, who will be tired? Then the mountains and rivers will be broken. After cultivating students and recuperating, it will be another reincarnation. How can we revitalize Daming?"

Fang Xing said awkwardly, "I advised you, but your majesty has his own mind. You should know that the vassal kings are like invisible chains, which makes Daming feel a little uncomfortable. Your Majesty must want to break these chains."

"Hurry up, too young!"

Xie Jin showed off his old qualifications and pointed out: "if I were an old man, I would advise your majesty Xu xutuzhi to find their loopholes, cut off the guards first, and then play with them slowly."

This is what everyone wants. Fang woke up and shook his head and said, "once you start, those vassal kings are not fools. They will certainly make some moves. At that time..."

Zhu Zhanji\'s mind woke up and touched some, but he refused to tell Xie Jin.

Xie Jin observed his words and looks, and said coldly, "what are you hiding from me? Come on, am I a spy? It\'s worth hiding it."

The older a person is, the more curious he is.

Fang Xing said helplessly, "killing can\'t solve the problem. If there are so many vassal kings, all of them are killed or all of them are cleaned up, the reputation is bad. It\'s better to... Go out and have a look."

"Going to the west?!" Xie Jin stared at Fang Xing and asked, "you told me this before. If so, those are enfeoffment. Do you think about the consequences? It will make people\'s scalp numb if they fight each other for their country at that time."

Fang Xing said with a smile, "the meat is always rotten in the pot. Besides, who can make it clear in the future, take the strategic places in each place in his hand, and let them govern the others? Just as your majesty said today, if the people in the Ming Dynasty are miserable, why not let people of the same origin take it."