Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1804


"Ha ha ha!"

This is the jungle, the vast jungle!

A deer fell to the ground. The leader put down his long blowpipe and muttered modestly.

CHIGUO\'s upper body, Chen Mo, translated: "he said it was just casual. He didn\'t like it."

Several sergeants went to pull out the "hidden weapon" on the deer and return it to the leader. Then they carried the deer and everyone moved on.

"How far is it?"

Liao a San\'s right arm was wrapped around his wrist. He was bitten by an unknown fish when he was preparing to fish by the river a few days ago.

Fortunately, the leader reacted quickly at that time, otherwise the small fish with sharp teeth would bite his wrist madly.

Chen Mo is very proud. Because he has a good relationship with the leader, after some running in, they can basically guess each other\'s meaning.

The leader had changed his straw skirt and wore a straw hat. He communicated with Chen mo. he pointed to the front and stretched out three fingers.

"Three days! He said he would arrive on three days."

Huangjinlu nodded, and then the team moved forward slowly.

In the evening, the leader found a camp. Everyone washed and stripped all the prey they got along the way, and then they were too lazy to take care of it and burned it directly.

Starting from the seaside, they walked a long distance and were intercepted on the way. Finally, relying on the relationship of the leader, they opened the way with the bribe of a kitchen knife, and then they were able to reach the forest.

They had trekked in the forest for a long time. The leader wanted to take them to the boat, but after seeing the small and poor boat, huangjinlu and others shook their heads.

The fire started and smoke filled the jungle.

Chen Mo carefully found a place to sit down, then stepped on several red ants and said comfortably, "now..."

"Get up!"

When huangjinlu saw him sitting down, he shouted, pulled out his long knife and rushed over.

Chen Mo also feels his ass moving, like


Chen Mo fiercely bounced up, but he was a step late. The colorful Python under his ass wrapped around his calf, dragged him to the ground.

On the branch, a long tailed monkey with a child on its back screamed, ran up twice, and then hissed at the python.

The python slowly and firmly winds up, the snake head hovers up, the snake\'s letter is huff and puff, and the snake\'s eyes are cold.

"Lao Huang, help..."

Chen Mo is entangled in the ground by a python. He desperately cries for help.

Huangjinlu was the first to arrive. He went around behind the Python and chopped it with a knife.

The python around Chen Mo twisted and struggled for a while, but then it became more and more tight.

"Lao Huang, ah..."

The boa constrictor accelerates and wraps around Chen Mo\'s neck. As soon as he takes it back, Chen Mo\'s words are strangled back.

The golden foot was chopping and chopping continuously. The leader came to stop his violence, then took a branch, found a small hole near the tail of the python, and poked it in with the branch.

Huangjinlu stared at the python slowly release Chen Mo, and then fell down in circles.

The leader took out his knife, stabbed the Python and retreated quickly.

Huangjinlu dragged Chen Mo back to the side and watched the python with thick and thin arms churning on the ground.

Chen Mo\'s face was blue, and he gasped. The mosquito repellent plants made noises from time to time in the fire, and everyone stared at the gradually calming python.

For a long time, the python stopped moving. Chen Mo touched his painful ribs and asked Huang Jinlu, "Lao Huang, how did he let the python loose just now?"

Huangjinlu pointed to the python. Several sergeants came with a knife to cut the snake\'s skin, and then baked it.

For strangers, it is extremely dangerous here, but with the leadership of the leader, at least they will not lack food.

Huangjinlu looked at the sergeants cutting their skin and said, "it seems to be a place to shit."

Chen Mo backhanded touched his back and said, "Lao Huang, I won\'t come here again next time, I swear! I will!"

A vulture swooped down from the air, and the leader shouted to get everyone ready to do it.

Vultures spread their wings and covered the sky. A circle of silver hair around their neck was like wearing a silver ring.

"Can you eat?"

Chen Mo gets up and asks.


"Bang bang bang!"

In the smoke of gunpowder, the vulture suddenly retracted its wings in the air. After a strange cry, it fell down.

A sergeant pulled out his knife and cut off the vulture at the moment it bounced off the ground.

With its feathers flying, the headless vulture hopped around and was finally knocked down by one foot.

A strange cry came from the sky. Everyone looked up and saw another vulture moaning. It circled several times and still refused to leave.

"Come down if you can!"

Chen Mo recovers his spirit. He kills a mosquito with his back hand and proudly goes to clean up the vulture.

The leader shook his head and kicked the vulture with one foot.

"Can\'t eat?"

The leader nodded and retched. Chen Mo understood.

"We should find the tribe as soon as possible, otherwise..."


On the third day, the leader who was exploring the way in front suddenly stopped. Chen Mo leaned over and saw that more than ten steps away, a long tube was aimed at the leader and immediately aimed at him.

"Friends! Daming\'s friends! We are friends!"

Chen Mo raises his hands, shakes his waist and crotch, and his pants fall down.

Since he was recognized by the leader, he thought that people here like to meet each other sincerely and had better not wear clothes.

There was a long tube on the side. The leader muttered a lot, but it was like chickens and ducks talking.

A man with unknown paint on his face came out. He had only his crotch, a straw skirt, long hair and sharp eyes.

The leader stretched out his hands and said something, but the man ignored him. Instead, he went to Chen Mo and looked down.

Chen Mo also looked down and said with a smile, "friends! We are friends from Daming. Look, we all have the same skin color and look the same. We were brothers hundreds of years ago!"

Huangjinlu pinched a sweat for him in the back and whispered, "get ready to do it!"

The former bandit is not good. If these people do it, he can guarantee that he will kill everything here.

The musket was loaded and aimed quietly.

The long sword slowly came out of its sheath, but the bow and arrow lost their function because of moisture.

There was more and more movement in the woods. I heard the sound all around.

Huang Jinlu\'s forehead was sweating, and he was worried about the blowpipe.

There are blowers in the tribe by the sea. I have seen them in huangjinlu. With long blowers, experts can accurately hit the target within dozens of steps.

Moreover, the arrows blown out of the blowpipe have paralyzing toxins. Once they are shot, they can almost be declared dead.

The soldiers will cut off the enemy\'s head and cheer for their victory.

"It\'s a brother!"

Chen Mo turns around slowly, smiling and looking very amiable.

The leader untied the decoration on his neck and threw it to the visitor, then stepped back.

The visitor looked at the statue above, then looked at huangjinlu and others, and shouted a few words. The rustle around accelerated.

Huangjinlu looked at the natives coming out of the surrounding jungle and said slowly, "don\'t do it, be careful."

There were women among these dozens of people, but Chen Mo didn\'t want to peep at this time. His forehead was full of sweat, and the native patted him on the shoulder.

The native stepped back, pointed at Chen Mo and laughed.

"Ha ha ha!"

This time even the leader smiled. He pointed to Chen Mo\'s lower body and said a few words.

Huangjinlu breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, "Chen Mo\'s small, people will laugh wherever he goes. Plus, he\'s fat, he doesn\'t look threatening, okay!"

The leader turned back and waved his hand, indicating that the threat had been lifted, but huangjinlu still didn\'t dare to be careless and asked people to keep on alert.

Chen Mo comes back and asks for a small bowl, but the leader shakes his head, points to the distance and signals to give it later.

The group of people were wrapped by these natives and walked about three or four miles before they saw the tribe.

This is a dense tribe. Most of the houses are built with palm leaves on columns. It is simple.

When huangjinlu and others were escorted in, the whole tribe came out.

Men, women and children are red fruit upper body. They look at these outsiders curiously. Someone is still shouting and their voice is angry.

They probably don\'t welcome outsiders.

A middle-aged female native came over. The leader hurried over and the two sides kept talking. Finally, the leader squatted on the ground and drew some curves and strange things with branches. The female native nodded.

"Silence! Silence!"

The leader gestures in a circle, and Chen Mo immediately comes with a small bowl. The pile smiled and said, "good things! Only a few good things come out in a hundred years!"

The leader looks at Chen Mo suspiciously. Chen Mo quickly moves his eyes up and laughs.

The exquisite bowl looked at the white jade like moistening. After taking it, the native leader looked carefully. Just when Chen Mo thought she couldn\'t see it, the native leader suddenly turned around in ecstasy and roared.


Chen Mo also turns around and proudly shakes his fat body at the golden foot.