Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1803

Zhu Jiyu has become a pig\'s head, with his nose tilted to one side and one arm bent at an odd angle.

In the scream, Zhu gaoxu got up, kicked angrily, and then said, "just wait to die!"

Zhu Jiyu rolled on the ground and howled miserably. It really made people\'s scalp numb.

Zhu Jiyu saw Fang Xing in the tumbling. He shouted sharply, "Fang Xing, you can\'t die!"

Liu Pu turned back and rushed over with a kick, then came out and said, "I can\'t see such a wolf heart and dog lung, but it\'s still the fan king? ER! What\'s the matter with the fan king? It\'s the fan king!"

"Yes, it\'s the king!"

Zhu gaoxu obviously didn\'t vent his anger and came out unhappily.

The three walked out of here, and the two bodyguards came back quietly. When they saw Zhu Jiyu tumbling and screaming in the yard, they couldn\'t help looking at each other. Then one of them hurried to report to his Shangguan, but got an answer.

——Find a doctor to show him. Leave the rest alone!

As soon as they reconciled, they immediately knew the cause of the matter, so Zhu Jiyu\'s life became more and more colorful.


Zhu gaoxu went back, but Fang Xing took Liu Pu to the palace.

"Liu pu..."

Zhu Zhanji got up and looked at Liu Pu with a memorial in his hand.

Liu Pu then remembered that he had drunk wine today and beat Zhu Jiyu. Suddenly, the wine turned into cold sweat.

Seeing his face flushed and sweating, Zhu Zhanji said, "I heard you are very diligent in martial arts. It\'s good."

The only thing Liu Pu could do was giggle. Then Zhu Zhanji waved his hand and he went away.

"You can use other methods."

Fang Xing said.


Zhu Zhanji put the memorial back, turned around and said, "I want to go and end him myself, but I\'m afraid of material discussions and historical records. But I let him live in it, and I feel oppressed..."

Fang Xing shook his head slightly and felt that Zhu Zhanji was imitating Zhu Di, but he didn\'t get his God.

If Zhu Di had changed these things, he would not have bothered so much. If he was unhappy, he would have started directly and let Zhu Jiyu regret against him.

"You should rest!"

Zhu Zhanji was still immersed in hatred for Zhu Jiyu. Fang woke up and said again, "you should rest."

Zhu Zhanji was stunned. Fang woke up and pointed to his eyes and said, "there are black circles under your eyes. You haven\'t had a good sleep since you started in Jinling?"

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said with a bitter smile, "suddenly, such a big country was thrown on my shoulder. With the aftermath, where can I sleep? As soon as I go to bed, I think about the troubles that have happened and the troubles that will come in the future. I often stay awake all night. But I am young and have no problems."

"You are a little too anxious. As I said, I will always be there, and Xia yuan guitars will be there. You should not only see those people with ulterior motives, you should see our existence... No one can shake your position, I promise!"

Zhu gaochi left abruptly, and Zhu Zhanji\'s succession seemed particularly hasty.

All kinds of people were watching him to see if he wanted to deviate from the classics.

Under the spotlight, Zhu Zhanji couldn\'t sleep at night and couldn\'t eat. He was anxious.

"It\'s hard to be an emperor."

Zhu Zhanji mocked himself: "you said at the beginning that the emperor was sitting on the stove. Now I feel it."

He forgot my name and looked at the door with a negative hand. His eyes were deep, but he was tired.

"You burst too tight, it\'s not good..."

Fang Xing frowned and said, "think about building common people."

Zhu Zhanji was surprised and immediately fell into meditation. He didn\'t even know Fang woke up and left.

Yu Jiagang just heard the words "Jian Shu Ren". He shrunk his neck and felt that Fang Xing was really brave enough.

"Go to ningshou palace."


Recently, the women in Zhu Zhanji\'s harem like to come to the empress dowager, but the Empress Dowager is a little impatient. She often talks casually after saluting, and then starts to rush people.

When Zhu Zhanji came, it was just an empty window. Only Hu Shanxiang was chatting with the Empress Dowager.

Duan Duan, a three-year-old, was having fun. She was lying on the Empress Dowager\'s lap and her small body was swinging like a swing.

"Your Majesty."

Hu Shanxiang got up to meet each other. The Empress Dowager picked up Duanduan and put it on the ground and said, "your father is coming."

Duanduan looked up and saw Zhu Zhanji. He smiled and walked over.

This is just \'swing\' a little dizzy.


When Zhu Zhanji saw the innocent end of the smile, his heart softened. He came up and picked her up, and then his father and daughter saluted together.

"How is your mother today?"

"The palace is fine. When you are free, go out and walk around. When you are tired, talk to someone, and then sleep. You don\'t worry about everything. You look more worried..."

The Empress Dowager told him to sit down and then asked someone to get medicinal tea.

Hu Shanxiang went in person. The Empress Dowager said, "she is stupid, but simple and kind-hearted."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and hugged Hu Shanxiang and suddenly asked, "empress mother, what do you think of Jianshu?"

The Empress Dowager wanted to take over Duan Duan. Hearing that her face changed slightly, she frowned and waved her hand. Those who served her quietly stepped down.


The Empress Dowager sighed, "don\'t mention it. Let it pass, so as not to make trouble again."

Zhu Zhanji put down Duan Duan and watched her run outside the hall. Two maids in waiting appeared outside the hall and reached out to meet them.

"He was also a poor man. How old was he then? He was still sucking! He went there and thought..."

The Empress Dowager looked up at the void, her eyes narrowed slightly, showing a trace of wrinkles, and sighed, "yes, he is a poor man."

Zhu Zhanji got up and said, "empress mother, my children and ministers know."

The Empress Dowager looked at his back with complex eyes and murmured, "this is all injustice! Why let my son bear it!"


Zhu Zhanji went all the way to the Xi\'an gate. At that time, the doctor was just setting Zhu Jiyu\'s bone. The scream was sharp and harsh.

Zhu Zhanji went in and stood on the side watching.

When the imperial doctor saw Zhu Zhanji, he hurried to salute, but left his elderberry and received half of Zhu Jiyu, resulting in the continuous scream.

Zhu Zhanji pointed to Zhu Jiyu, and the royal doctor hurried to do it again, which ended soon.

Zhu Jiyu\'s body was soaked with sweat. He leaned over on the bed tired and said angrily to Zhu Zhanji, "do you come to see my joke?"

Zhu Zhanji looked at his almost unrecognizable face, frowned and asked, "Why are you... Dissatisfied?"

"Ha ha! Ha ha ha!"

Zhu Jiyu gasped, smiled and said sarcastically, "I\'m a common son, understand? You\'re the emperor\'s grandson, who has been regarded as a treasure by Emperor Wen since birth. What about me? I\'m mud!"

Severe pain came from the broken bone, tearing the heart and cracking the lungs. Zhu Jiyu endured, his face full of sweat, and said, "since I was born, I have been the mud in the king\'s house of Jin. If I don\'t fight, I will be trampled on the ground and regarded as nothing! Do you understand?"

Zhu Zhanji frowned and shook his head. He was the favorite of heaven since childhood. He was held in the palm of Zhu Di\'s hand. Who dares to step on him? Those people dare to step on Zhu gaochi.

Seeing that Zhu Zhanji didn\'t deny it, Zhu Jiyu said, "at that time, I was studying in Jinling. Emperor Taizu Gao didn\'t like me. Later, I got a king of meiyang. I know what day it will be in the future. I\'m just waiting to die!"

"People\'s whole life... This life is just a few decades. They have fought and not fought, but I\'m not reconciled!"

Zhu Jiyu\'s eyes were covered with sweat. He shook his head and said with a sneer, "I\'m rebellious. How? If I don\'t, I\'ll have to be locked up in that place and die! How old is Taiyuan? Should I be trapped in it all my life?"

Zhu Zhanji narrowed his eyes and said, "but I am also trapped in this deep palace!"

This is what he said from the bottom of his heart. Since he became king, he felt that the palace was a big prison, so that he could not escape.

"Ha ha ha!"

Zhu Jiyu said sarcastically, "you have countless things to do, but what can I do? Hang out with women? Or raise children? My children are destined to be locked up somewhere from birth. It won\'t take long for them to live like this. I don\'t accept it! I don\'t accept it!"

"Why can you be the emperor? Why can you take anything from us? I can too!"

Zhu Jiyu roared angrily, "come on! Kill me! If you can, kill me! I don\'t care if you cut me a thousand times!"

Zhu Zhanji was silent. Later, he turned and went out. Behind him came Zhu Jiyu\'s rampant laughter.

"Come on! Use your means, use them all!"

When he went outside the courtyard, Jia Quan was angry and said, "Your Majesty, I\'ll clean him up!"

Zhu Zhanji shook his head and looked blankly.

"Why are you fighting? This position is not so easy to sit. It\'s like walking on thin ice!"

Worried about Zhu Zhanji\'s bewilderment, Yu Jia advised, "Your Majesty, if you want to do a good job in natural suffering, those people just want to enjoy it. How can they compare with you!"

Zhu Zhanji nodded with a smile and said, "yes, I think about the future of Daming. I\'m afraid I\'m going the wrong way, so I\'m inevitably trembling."

Back in the palace, Zhu Zhanji sent people to Fengyang, and his purpose was not covered up.

"Go and see Jianshu."

In an instant, the news became the biggest bomb detonated since Zhu Zhanji ascended the throne. Many people were at a loss or stunned!

What does the emperor want?

Kill all, or further restrict Jianshu people?