Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1802

"Jin Fan has worked hard these years."

Zhu Jiyu came in and heard this sentence after saluting.

He is really very hard. He has to be busy to arch his eldest brother down to the throne of the king of Jin, meet his morbid needs and pursue the chair Zhu Zhanji is sitting on.

"Your Majesty, Minister..."

He never thought that Zhu Zhanji would be so direct and mean that he didn\'t give him room to maneuver.

Zhu Zhanji had a short beard, but it added a lot of dignity to him.

"Treason is a great sin. What else can you say?"

This is the helplessness of the royal family. We have to listen to this\'s explanation before disposal. In the past, this work was the business of the patriarchal government, but Zhu Zhanji personally went to battle, which shows his hatred for Zhu Jiyu.

Zhu Jiyu felt a strong crisis. He said, "Your Majesty, I was only bewitched by those people. I regret it and beg your majesty to deal with it."

This is good. In a word, it puts the responsibility on Yuan Xi and others who have been cut by thousands of knives.

Fengyang life imprisonment!

Zhu Jiyu can think of the punishment he will face, so he is very calm.

Before seeing the loneliness in the wall, anyone will boast that he can live a comfortable life in it.

"What a bewitcher!"

Zhu Zhanji got up, got down, went to Zhu Jiyu and said, "do you want to go to Fengyang? But you\'re too insidious. I\'m afraid I\'ll dirty that place. Come on!"

"Your majesty!"

Outside the door came Jia Quan, kneeling on one knee.

Zhu Jiyu trembled and looked up at Zhu Zhanji, hoping that he would not cut him with a knife.

Zhu Zhanji looked at the gate and said faintly, "in addition to his title, he is in custody in Beijing. Watch it!"

Zhu Jiyu immediately knelt down to thank him, covered his secretly happy heart and was taken out.

Zhu Zhanji looked at him with a sneer on his lips and said, "in addition to the Lord\'s will, he thought I would let him enjoy happiness in Beijing?"

"Who is behind the title of King Jin?"

Fang Xing felt that Zhu Jixi was unlikely. After all, the goods had been against Zhu Di.

Zhu Meigui, Fang Xing thought.

Zhu Zhanji said thoughtfully, "I don\'t want this for the time being."

"You\'re playing with fire!"

Fang woke up and said in a low voice, "those vassal kings are staring! If Zhu Jiyu\'s first Department has always been the king of Jin, it\'s OK, but the father and son are very honest! The rabbit dies and the fox mourns!"

After Zhu Jixi was locked up by Zhu Jixi for some time, he came out and learned that Zhu Jixi was so vicious that even his mother dared to poison him, and immediately became a quail.

And Zhu Meigui was honest, leaving people speechless. If Zhu Zhanji abolished the title of king of Jin, the vassal kings everywhere would have to toss about.

Zhu Zhanji\'s eyebrows were more cold and Su, and said, "if you want to see, you have to see how brave these people are. It\'s best to be bold. In that case, I\'ll simply take back all the fiefdoms and concentrate on the capital to support them."

Fang woke up and looked around. Yu Jia nodded, saying that no one would dare to reveal it.

"You have to be steady first. If you want to make an example, you have to be slow."

Fang woke up and looked at Zhu Zhanji and said seriously, "you\'re anxious, you know? You\'re a little anxious. This is a big taboo for the king. Daming has no foreign invasion at this time. Once the fan king makes trouble, it\'s not difficult to calm down, but after all, the mountains and rivers are broken..."

According to Fang Xing\'s idea, the king should force them step by step to cook frogs in warm water. When they reflect, they can\'t move.

But Zhu Zhanji shook his head and said, "Uncle Han is still in the capital, I......"


After being detained in a small courtyard inside the gate of Xi\'an, Zhu Jiyu was a little uneasy because he didn\'t see the people from the Zongren mansion.

People from the Zongren\'s residence come forward. It\'s a household chore of the Zhu family. The consequences will not be serious.

Now it is obvious that Zhu Zhanji wants to abandon the patriarchal government and do private things with the respect of the emperor.

Vent your anger?

Zhu Jiyu was a little uneasy.

The key is that his family didn\'t come together, which makes him even more confused.

There are only three rooms. One is a bedroom, the other is empty, which can probably entertain guests, and the other is a toilet.

Two bodyguards were walking in the yard. As for Zhu Jiyu\'s safety, according to Zhu Zhanji, "if he wants to die, it\'s up to him!"

Zhu Jiyu wanted to drink water. He only found a large water tank outside. There was half a tank of water inside. The key is that the bottom of the tank is green.

He smiled and said, "I want to drink water."

Although he was removed from the title of king of Jin, he was also a descendant of emperor Gao, Taizu, and his dignity should not be ignored.

A bodyguard looked at him in amazement, then pointed to the woodpile beside him and said, "there is a stove. You can make a fire and boil water yourself. You don\'t have to eat. Someone will bring you two meals a day."

Two meals?

Make your own fire and boil water?

Zhu Jiyu\'s heart sank to the bottom of the valley!


First, in Xianli, Zhu gaoxu simply regarded the rules as nothing and drank one cup after another.

After getting a little drunk, Zhu gaoxu knocked the wine cup heavily on the table, hiccupped, and said blankly, "the king said that the vassal king is a pig."

Fang Xing was frightened and said, "Your Highness, it\'s a pig."

Zhu gaoxu squinted at him and said, "Your Majesty asked me to come to you. What\'s the reason?"

Zhu Zhanji finally changed his mind. He didn\'t want Fang to wake up and operate directly, but started it himself. It can be called the benevolence of women and people.

Fang Xing said, "let\'s wait for another person."

"Who? How dare you let me wait for him!"

There was a knock outside the door. Fang woke up and said, "come in."

When someone opened the door outside, Zhu gaoxu frowned and shouted, "what are you doing furtively?"

Liu Pu didn\'t expect that there was a king of the Han Dynasty. He quickly explained: "Your Highness, I have just received the news that I have beaten a horse in the city. It is estimated that I will be impeached by the censor tomorrow..."

As soon as Zhu gaoxu threw the glass, Liu Pu dodged quickly. With a bang, he arched his hand and said, "Your Highness, what the minister said is true..."

"Sir, the people of the five cities army and horses department have come to find the young marquis."

A man came in outside the door. Fang woke up and asked, "did you hit someone?"

Liu Pu said proudly, "no, my little brother\'s equestrian skills can be killed back and forth in the ten thousand armies without blowing!"

When Zhu gaoxu heard that his face was a little Ji, he said to the waiter, "tell them to get out!"

Fang Xing was stunned!

This is the style of the top old dandies in the Ming Dynasty!

Fang woke up and gave the waiter a wink and asked the store to say something good.

Liu Pu dared not drink. Finally, Zhu gaoxu stared and drank.

Fang woke up and didn\'t drink. Looking at the two people pushing cups and changing lamps, they gradually began to get a little drunk. Then they asked someone to clean up.

"Fang Xing, where are you going next? Don\'t go home. Ben Wang\'s house is empty and has nothing!"

Liu Pu\'s drinking capacity was far worse than Zhu gaoxu\'s. He said drunk, "brother Dehua, let\'s go hunting!"

Fang woke up and coughed, "well... Here comes Zhu Jiyu."


Zhu gaoxu immediately became angry, got up and asked, "where is he?"

Liu Pu also said with a big tongue, "brother Dehua, that man dares to Yin you and plot against you. If you don\'t say anything, fight!"


Zhu Jiyu boiled water and filled the yard with thick smoke, but he didn\'t light the fire.

"You have no strength to bind a chicken. It\'s a waste! You dare to rebel like this. Tut! Your majesty is too tolerant. You should... Uncle? Er... Your highness, little Marquis!"

The two guards were make complaints about Zhu Jihuang\'s incompetence and the emperor\'s soft hands. He saw three people awake.

Fang Xing said, "let\'s go in and talk to him. You\'d better not listen."

The two guards were stunned and said in fear: "uncle, your majesty..."

"Get out!"

Zhu gaoxu had a bit of an alcoholic attack all the way, and strode into the yard.

Liu Pu, on the contrary, had just drunk urgent wine before. Now he woke up and asked Fang Xing, "brother Dehua, what are you doing?"

Fang woke up and didn\'t go in. Seeing that the two bodyguards didn\'t return, he said, "Your Majesty gives you a chance. Go in."

"Zhu Jiyu!"

Inside came Zhu gaoxu\'s violent drinking, and then the sound of heavy footsteps.

"Come on! Come on!"

Zhu Jiyu\'s voice changed tone and sounded like a woman\'s voice.

Liu Pu was still in a daze. Fang woke up and kicked him in.

"How dare you conspire against me? Did you hurt brother? Stop!"

As soon as Liu Pu went in, he just saw Zhu gaoxu chasing Zhu Jiyu in the yard. He thought of Fang Xing\'s words. When Zhu Jiyu ran to his side, he threw him directly to the ground.

Zhu gaoxu was overjoyed when he saw it. He rushed over and threw a tiger at him.


Fang Xing stood outside the courtyard. When he heard Liu Pu\'s scream, he looked inside and just saw Zhu gaoxu pressing on him and Zhu Jiyu.

After closing the door of the courtyard, Fang woke up and looked around. He felt that Zhu Zhanji\'s technique was really utilitarian.

Zhu gaoxu started, that is, he made clear his position. With his character, he probably won\'t go back.

Liu pu... This boy will probably take over from Shenji camp in the future.

Zhu Zhanji must want to beat Zhu Jiyu half to death in person, and then lock him up here. He will never be reborn. But the emperor\'s identity made him unable to do it. What a pity!

So the two people he wanted to win over became knives!

A vassal can set an example.

A Wuxun can be used to control the Shenji camp and appease the Wuxun by the way.

The small courtyard behind him howled miserably, but it did not prevent Fang Xing from continuing to think about Zhu Zhanji\'s ideas.

After waiting for a little more time, Fang woke up and felt almost finished. If he went down again, Zhu Jixuan probably couldn\'t live, so he pushed open the gate of the courtyard.

"Almost, your highness... Eh!"