Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1801

Zhu Zhanji\'s eyebrows were more gloomy and his eyes were cold. Yan Gu regrets. Fang Xing didn\'t get angry, but said helplessly: "when the martial arts regulations were initially determined, I just started, but I didn\'t take care of it. However, these students taught according to the requirements of generals and backbone of the army, this..."

Liu Sheng smiled bitterly. While he was in charge of Shenji camp, he had to take a part-time job in martial arts. In addition, the Northern Expedition and the alternation of two emperors, he really took less care of martial arts.

Fang Xing said faintly: "At the beginning, the details should be your business. Do you want me to check the details? I\'m afraid many people don\'t agree? You are now a deputy thousand families. Since you have entered martial arts and have this resume after graduation, at least you can\'t run away a thousand officials, and it\'s possible to get a commander with knowledge. But... Initiative? Xiao Guicao follows. I don\'t know how to explore the details. Why do you want to wait Use? The wooden statues in the temple are better than you! "

Yan Gu blushed and wanted to argue. Fang woke up and shouted, "soldier! What is a soldier? Being tough, strategizing and full of initiative is a soldier. Look at you! Even the students of the academy are better than you!"

Yan Gu was forced into a corner by Fang Xing\'s words. If he didn\'t refute, he would have a stain on his body and it would be difficult to get promoted.

"Uncle, from the Academy... Those are scholars."

Fang Xing said coldly, "that\'s your Majesty\'s Academy. What scholar? The students in it are both literate and martial arts. If they enter martial arts, they will make you ashamed!"

"This is the system of Jubao mountain guard. Once there are casualties of generals in wartime, the people below will immediately make up for them. There will be no problems at the command level. What if there is no such preparation at ordinary times? Make a mess?"

"That\'s what I mean!"

Zhu Zhanji pointed to the students in the array and said, "run!"

This was punishment. The array began to turn and run around the school field under the leadership of the officer.

Zhu Zhanji paced on the side, with a line of martial artists behind him.

"Emperor Wen re established martial arts, placed high hopes, and made martial arts form thousands of families to participate in the war during the northern expedition. Although he was young, he was bold..."

Yan Gu and Hu Jinzhang were excited when they mentioned this. Yan Gu jumped in line behind Fang Xing regardless of his dignity and inferiority, and whispered, "uncle, the official is presumptuous. Dare you ask Uncle to punish me."

Fang Xing nodded slightly. If Yan Gu had just apologized loudly, the beam would have ended. His low voice represented sincerity. Fang Xing didn\'t want to argue with him about this.

"You can\'t play with martial arts. You need blood!"

Zhu Zhanji thought of Hei thorn and Jubao mountain guard and said, "since these students are generals at all levels after they go out, why don\'t they practice at ordinary times? Should they be taught? Or don\'t want to move without urging?"

Liu Sheng apologized again and resigned from the martial arts sacrifice.

Zhu Zhanji looked back at him, then smiled and said, "in those years, you inherited your father\'s position and became a hundred families. After dozens of wars, from the war of Jingnan to fighting Japanese pirates, to the expedition to Jiaozhi, and several northern expeditions... There are countless military achievements."

Liu Sheng\'s eyes are red and his nose is sour.

Zhu Zhanji said, "the emperor wanted you to take charge of the right army governor\'s house, but you have two posts. Let others master the Shenji camp. No one can rest assured, so you have to be wronged."

"Your Majesty..."

Liu Sheng wept, and the Wu Xun beside him were envious of his holy family.

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "I said that I would not grant rewards wantonly when I ascended the throne, but you are an exception. The imperial court is already preparing, Prince and Fu."

Zhu Zhanji\'s sudden humor didn\'t make Liu Sheng laugh. He bowed and choked and said, "minister... Minister, I\'ll do my best and die!"

The parties were confused and the onlookers were clear. Everyone immediately understood the cooperation between Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing.

Fang Xing scolded Zhu Zhanji. He was not satisfied, but then he comforted Liu Sheng and martial arts with the honor of a prince and Fu.

This is clearly the tacit understanding between kings and officials!

Zhu Zhanji comforted Liu Sheng and finally explained, "come in rotation. Let these students experience in rotation in the future. At least there are more talents. Remember, I don\'t have too many talents, but none of them want to stay."

This is the emperor, who never forgets to beat the people below.

Fang Xing was very pleased with this. Seeing that Zhu Zhanji was ready to go back, he also wanted to escape.

It\'s neither hot nor cold. How comfortable to stay at home!

"Xinghebo, stay!"

After Liu Sheng was excited, he grabbed Fang Xing and retained most of the martial arts heroes. I want to ask you to discuss what improvements are needed in martial arts.

This is initiative!

Fang Xing was helpless. He sat in the classroom listening to Liu Sheng\'s impassioned talk about the future of martial arts, and promised that he would not tamper with the distribution of students in the future to ensure fairness and justice.

The Wu Xun people were interested, so they said a lot of suggestions. Liu Sheng asked Liu Pu to write them down one by one, and then explained these suggestions.


Fang Xing was thinking about what to eat at noon. When he heard the speech, Liu Sheng looked up and said with a smile, "you are a firearm soldier. Please give us your advice today."

Everyone\'s eyes focused on him. Fang woke up and said, "in actual combat, everything starts from the consideration of the battle array. It\'s enough to be pragmatic and realistic and don\'t put on airs. In addition, we should encourage students to think and put forward new combat methods. No matter how young, we should not attack. We should encourage them."

He wants to slowly turn martial arts into the staff committee of Daming... And even slowly become the center of Daming military in the future!

Liu Sheng nodded with a smile and recognized it very much.

Zhang Fu noticed some clues. After going out, he walked with him and asked in a low voice, "do you want to improve the status of a martial arts man? Be careful, it\'s difficult to be a man in the palace."

The new emperor has just ascended the throne. At present, everyone is in the running in stage, so it seems very stable. But once someone breaks this balance, the Korean dispute will rise again.

"Can\'t you? Martial arts people can\'t be silent, otherwise it will be the disaster of Daming!"


Fang Xing couldn\'t go home. Zhu Zhanji asked someone to call him into the palace on the way.

Xue Lu is back!

Fang Xing\'s treatment in the palace is much better now. Those sergeants and bodyguards laughed when they saw him.

Before reaching the Qianqing palace, Fang woke up and caught up with Xue Lu and his party.

Zhu Jiyu was dressed neatly, but Fang woke up and noticed that his right foot was lame.

"Your Highness king of Jin, long time no see! Ha ha!"

Fang\'s laughter echoed in the palace. Xiao Fang was getting better. The dog\'s eyes looked at him curiously, then ran over to smell his feet and sobbed a few times.

Zhu Jiyu turned around and saw that it was Fang Xing. He smiled and said, "Xing He Bo left in a hurry after the last murder in the street, which frightened the king. Today, Xing He Bo seems to be happy, but his majesty is more flattered? The king congratulated here. I think Xing He Bo will become Xing He Gong in the coming year."

Xue Lu looked at Fang Xing with great interest and leaned over to tease Xiao Fang. Zhu Jiyu\'s methods of provoking and planting disasters are not clever, but they are very effective. He wants to see how Fang Xing responds.

Fang woke up, touched Xiao Fang\'s head, raised his eyes, saw two eunuchs coming at a fast pace, and said, "how do I feel like I\'ve met a poisonous snake?"

As soon as Fang woke up and let go, Xiao Fang ran away, and ran to the Qianqing palace. The two eunuchs hurried to catch up.

Zhu Jiyu smiled. Fang woke up, walked up to him and said in a loud voice, "you are a poisonous snake. From the time you set a trap for your first brother, from the time you took your father\'s maid, from the time you poisoned your first mother... Your heart is rotten and more poisonous than a poisonous snake!"

"It\'s easy to get my brother down and lock him up. I\'m not satisfied to be the king of Jin. I still think of the highest seat, but can you covet it?"

Fang Xing patted him on the shoulder and felt that the biggest failure of Zhu Yuanzhang in his life was the enfeoffment system, which hurt Zhu Yunwen and later kings.

Zhu Jiyu smiled and said, "I\'m just... Deceived by those people. I\'ve long regretted it. I just want to apologize to my majesty."

"Are you still imagining that you can escape guilt?"

Fang Xing was stunned and felt that although Zhu Jiyu did great things and cherished his body, he was no worse than those owls in the thickness of his face.

Zhu Jiyu turned around and Xue Lu watched the play for a long time. His depression finally dissipated.

The party arrived outside the Qianqing palace, but they were not summoned immediately.

"Xiao Fang, come out! Come out!"

Xue Lu and Fang Xing looked at each other. Before long, Fang Xing was recruited.

Zhu Zhanji was also very upset. He pointed to Xiao Fang hiding under the copper stove and said, "this guy won\'t go."

This is a large copper stove. It was originally used for heating in winter. Now it is empty and no one carries it away.

Fang woke up and feigned Yu Jia\'s dereliction of duty. He went to the side of the copper stove and squatted down. He said to Xiao Fang, who only poked out half his head: "what do you want to eat?"

Xiao Fang sobbed and looked pitifully at Fang awake.

Fang Xing reached out to touch the bridge of his nose and asked, "but is the princess unhappy? Do you want to take her to play?"

Xiao Fang came out when he heard the word "Princess", then ran to the door of the main hall and turned to watch Fang wake up.


Fang woke up with a sigh. Wan Wan used to like to bring Xiao Fang here. At that time, Zhu gaochi was still there, one person and one dog were free in the hall.

But now Wan Wan doesn\'t come out much.

Outside stood Xue Lu, Zhu Jiyu and others. Zhu Zhanji had a gloomy look on his eyebrows and said, "go and see Wan Wan and let her come out when she is free. It doesn\'t hurt to come to me."