Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 149

"Where did she get in and out?"

Fang Jielun felt that he had lost his duty and was gnashing his teeth.


Fang woke up and shouted. Then a dog rushed in quickly. He was sticking out his tongue and looking at everyone.

"Find Qiuju\'s clothes."

Since the last time Ling Dang performed the unique skill of finding people in Tai\'s womb, Fang woke up and didn\'t worry about finding anyone anymore.

When the clothes were found, Ling Dang sniffed and rushed out.

"Keep up!"

Xin Laoqi immediately followed him in person.

Ling Dang ran all the way and finally came to a part of the courtyard wall and shouted at it.

"Young master, can Qiuju climb over the wall? And it\'s so high!"

Xin Laoqi felt that he was a little out of date. He tried to step back a few steps, then jumped up and put his hands on the wall.

Seeing Xin Laoqi turned over, Fang woke up and shouted, "bell, hurry."

Ling Dang really lived up to expectations. After sniffing outside, he ran to the left.

When it ran to the canal, it had no choice but to spin in place.

Xin Laoqi jumped over and said, "bell, come here."

But the bell didn\'t move until Fang woke up.

"No trace."

After the canal, it is Li Mao\'s territory. Lingdang obviously loses the smell of Qiuju here.

Xin Laoqi said murderously, "young master, is it the Li family? Or... I\'ll take some people over tonight."

Ma Su actually agreed with Xin Laoqi this time.

"Teacher, those textbooks can\'t be lost!"

Fang Xing touched Ling Dang\'s head and scolded, "what nonsense! I know to fight and kill in one day!"

Looking at the direction of the canal leading to the river, Fang woke up and said faintly, "let\'s go back."

When they got home, Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai were already interrogating the servant girls. Fang woke up and said with a smile, "well, that Qiuju is an outsider. Our own people can still trust it."

This is very warm. Fang Xing feels that the loyalty value of those servant girls has increased by at least 10%.

But then Fang woke up and felt chilly. He glanced and received two eye darts.

Don\'t you know that this is dismantling the hostess\'s desk?

"Ha ha! You go on, believe what madam Shao said..."

Fang woke up with a few dry smiles and hurried away.

Zhang Shuhui then just gave a few tasteless warnings and the meeting ended. When she returned to the bedroom, she saw Fang Xing sitting upright with a serious face.

"Shuhui, I lost a textbook today."


Zhang Shuhui didn\'t know what she had lost. She was surprised at the speech and asked, "does it matter?"

"What subject is it?"

Zhu Zhanji also came. The goods are much more urgent than Ma su. I wish I could send my own guard to search Li Jiazhuang immediately.

Fang Xing said expressionless, "it\'s a math book."

"Oh! That\'s OK!"

Zhu Zhanji was most afraid of Fang Xing\'s loss of teaching materials for geography, science and society, so he was relieved.

Fang woke up and called Xin Laoqi. He explained, "go to find Zhu Fang and ask him to stop the current test, remove all the gears in the bellows and come back first."

Xin Laoqi took orders and went away. Zhu Zhanji frowned and said, "brother Dehua, are you still worried that the other party will attack smelting?"

"I\'ll have a glass of wine first."

Fang Xing killed the red wine in the glass and said, "I\'m not sure about it, but since you\'ve done it to me, it\'s hard to ensure that the other party won\'t covet Jubao mountain\'s fire gun technology."

Zhu Zhanji shook his eyebrows and said, "I\'ll see for myself. If someone dares to collude inside and outside, don\'t blame the ruthlessness of the national law!"

"Hey! Wait!"

Fang woke up and stopped Zhu Zhanji, then pondered for a moment and said, "you just let someone tell you that I was stolen here and lost a lot of textbooks. It\'s all inclusive. If you learn how to handle it, you can... Be a shopkeeper."

Zhu Zhanji agreed with a smile. As soon as he arrived at the door, he couldn\'t help but laugh and leave.

Grandiose TAISUN\'s teacher actually taught those shopkeepers what they learned. I don\'t know how many people can spit blood.

But isn\'t math important?

Ma Su asked suspiciously, "teacher, didn\'t you say that mathematics is the king of kings?"


Fang Xing said helplessly, "but it has been stolen. I hope it doesn\'t spread out."

In fact, Fang Xing\'s current teaching of mathematics is not very cutting-edge, but the textbook has become more suitable for students after years of summary.

But this is only for Europe. In the east at this time, mathematics is still a remote knowledge.

The mathematical progress of Daming didn\'t keep up with the times until the middle and late stage, with the introduction of Western science.

Fang Xing stayed in the study until the servant girl came and asked him to have dinner.

Tonight\'s Zhang Shuhui is very enthusiastic. Since she took off her clothes, Fang Xing has enjoyed the catering like water.

Fang woke up and went to bed, but Zhu Di was still working as the chairman of the great empire of the Ming Dynasty.

"Are you sure that Qiuju is not from King Han and King Zhao?"

Ji Gang\'s eyes turned and hung his head: "Your Majesty, his Highness the king of Han has been drinking in recent days, and his Highness the king of Zhao, isn\'t that far away in Peiping?"

Since the second year of Yongle, Zhu gaosui, king of Zhao, has been in charge of Beiping mansion. It can be seen that Zhu Di still loves this young son.

Peiping is Zhu Di\'s nest and the place of his prosperity. It is inevitable to let King Zhao take charge of it.

Now Daming is preparing to move its capital to Peiping, which means that the capital has moved to Zhu gaosui\'s territory. After years of operation, Zhu gaosui\'s influence in Peiping has been deeply rooted.

Zhu Di asked without raising his head, "what did Fang Xing lose?"

Ji Gang was embarrassed and said, "Your Majesty, it\'s estimated that you have to ask your highness TAISUN. I really don\'t know!"

Zhu Di waved. After Ji Gang left, he said to the eunuch who served him: "let the emperor\'s grandson come tomorrow."

After rubbing his forehead, Zhu Di read the disaster relief report of Hangzhou.

Early in the morning, Fang woke up and saw Zhang Shuhui dressing up. She attached it to her shoulder and said with a smile, "Shuhui, if it\'s the case since then, I\'d rather live in bed with you."

Zhang Shuhui, who was praised by her husband, was radiant when she met mother-in-law Ming. When mother-in-law Ming saw it, she smiled and said, "no wonder the second lady at home said that our two girls fell into the blessing nest. If so!"

Zhang Fu has two wives and two younger brothers under him, so when talking, we should pay attention to distinguish two "second ladies", otherwise we will make a big joke.

Zhang Shuhui chuckled: "I\'m flattered, sister-in-law. The Fang family is just an ordinary family, which can\'t compare with the wife in charge of the government!"

After chatting a few words, mother-in-law Ming said her intention.

"I heard some gossip at home recently that my uncle\'s Secret script was stolen?"

Zhang Shuhui was stunned, and then said with a smile: "what happened yesterday, it spread too fast! But don\'t worry, my husband said, what was stolen is only a small part, which is not worth a big search."