Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 150

With the stability of Fang Xing\'s mood, even Xiaobai dared to inquire about gossip and spread it back.

"Young master, it\'s said that you lost a peerless secret script. If you learn it, you can at least be a county magistrate!"

Fang Xing put down his book and said lazily, "explore again!"

Xiaobai immediately ran away with the bell. Fang Xing got Zhang Shuhui\'s white eye.

"Just tease her!"

Fang Xing was lying in the armchair, wondering whose nail Qiuju was.

It\'s impossible for the Han king. After that meeting, Fang woke up and knew that the Han king in the history books was probably a loser. Therefore, in order to set off the wisdom of Zhu gaochi and Zhu Zhanji, he was despised by historians.

And King Zhao is in Peiping, but

"Hey! I don\'t want to!"

Fang Xing was not willing to use his brain. He simply moved his head, put his head on Zhang Shuhui\'s thigh, and sighed with satisfaction: "I really don\'t want to move."

"Young master, I......"


Fang woke up and quickly moved his head back and asked, "what\'s the matter?"

"Young master, it is said that your secret scripts are useless and can only harm people\'s children!"


Xiaobai went out. In a quiet place, he couldn\'t help touching his front and back, flat his mouth and said, "I\'ve grown up!"

"Brother Dehua, it\'s said that your lost secret script can kill people, flesh and bones!"

Zhu Zhanji shook the folding fan and said with a smile.

Ma Su also smiled and said, "teacher, some people say that your secret script can be cultivated into experts such as Guiguzi and Tianshi Zhang."

Fang woke up and immediately sat cross legged on the chair and said solemnly, "look... Do I want to find a shrine to offer myself in the future?"

With the fermentation of the incident, Fang Xing\'s lost \'secret script\' has attracted the attention of gangsters in Beijing.

"Pay attention! If strangers come and go, be sure to tell us, or you\'ll lift your stall!"

There are many big men on the streets of the capital. They ask those businessmen to pay attention to the presence and absence of strangers. Once there are sneaky strangers, they will report them immediately.

Ying Tianfu\'s official Yin recently felt that the people\'s style in the capital was great, so he was satisfied and went to a memorial to ask for credit.

Seeing this memorial, Zhu Di thought of Ji Gang\'s information and said angrily, "it\'s shameless to be greedy for heavenly achievements for yourself!"

So the first big impact of Fang Xing\'s loss appeared.

The official Yin was scolded as shameless by Zhu Di, and lost his official position and went home to eat old rice. It spread all over the capital in an instant.

So he got a cheap new governor, and Yu Qian, the former governor of Jianchang, took office. The first thing he did after taking office was to crack down on those gangsters and deal with the overcrowding in the prison of Tianfu.

Fang Xing had some leisure recently, so he often went into the warehouse to look for books. As a result, he found more than ten pirated novels.

"What rice? Zhu Di actually cut 3000 palace maids alive?"

Fang Xing threw down the book and then attracted Liang Zhong who brought wan wan to play.

As soon as Liang Zhong came in, he joked: "Mr. Fang, it is said that those secrets you lost can make people rejuvenate!"

Fang woke up with a mysterious face and said, "in fact, it\'s far more than that. Lao Liang, let me tell you! Those secret scripts record how to turn stone into gold, and this is just one of the secret skills!"

Liang Zhong raised his hand and said, "count, I didn\'t say anything just now."

Fang woke up and said, "Lao Liang, I want to ask a question. Don\'t get me wrong. I don\'t want to inquire about any secrets."

"You say."

Fang woke up and looked around and whispered, "there are many people who can cut alive in Daming?"

Liang Zhong was silly. He tilted his neck and woke up to Fang. It was like looking at a fool. He sighed with half pay: "when I said Mr. Fang, where did you hear that?"

Fang Xing also felt that there might be a problem with this matter, but he still hardened his head and said, "I heard what a Korean said."

"I bah!"

Liang Zhong gave a Pooh to the north and scolded angrily: "Gaoli cheap seed, it\'s really frivolous and useless!"

"It\'s a great crime to cut alive. It\'s rare for me to see. How could the country raise so many people?"

If it was during the Hongwu Period, there were still some people. Because there were too many corrupt officials, Lao Zhu needed these craftsmen to skin people and fill them with thatch to intimidate his successors.

If you dare to embezzle again, that\'s what you\'re waiting for!

Fang woke up reluctantly and continued to ask, "what if Daming wants to cut thousands of people one day?"

"Mr. Fang, you\'re not here to tease me today, are you?"

Since Fang Xing spoke out for Liang Zhong, they talked casually like old friends.

Liang Zhong said contemptuously, "if you cut thousands of people alive, it will be written in the history books for thousands of years!"

No matter how cruel the emperor is, he has to worry about his name behind him. Especially Zhu Di, who wanted to leave a good name in history books.

Seeing Fang awake, Liang Zhong advised, "Mr. Fang, don\'t believe the words of those Korean people. They just rely on some Korean concubines in the palace, so after entering the palace, it\'s like going from the countryside to a place of great wealth. Then someone who returns home will talk nonsense and open a river."

In order to strengthen persuasion, Liang Zhong also cited an example.

"A few years ago, the nursing mother of a Korean concubine returned home. This woman once saw the prince scolding an internal waiter. Guess what?"

Fang Xing has some ominous premonition: the lineage of the first power in the universe will not be cast at this time, will it?

Liang Zhong hehe said, "when she returned home, the woman bragged about how powerful she was in the Daming Palace, and then blew the palace into a place similar to the immortal\'s residence. Finally, she said that her royal highness had to whip ten servants before dinner to have an appetite."

Fang Xing felt very empty and asked, "what happened later?"

"Later? Later, I knew that someone sent an envoy to hear about it and immediately denounced Koryo\'s infidelity. Later, it was forgotten."

Fang Xing meditated alone. Gradually, he slowly recovered from his shock.

According to Manqing records, there were more than 100000 eunuchs in the Imperial Palace during the reign of Chongzhen. For the time being, whether the imperial palace can afford to live and support so many eunuchs despite the collapse of finance, it is questionable whether my "Qing Dynasty" has always been "correct".

The key is that during my "Great Qing emperor" period, there were only 700 eunuchs in the Imperial Palace, which

From 100000 to 700, what\'s the difference between the Forbidden City and the ghost city?

It is said that the historical data of cutting 3000 palace maids alive came from Koryo records, which was also said by the nursing mother of a concubine.

I said! If it were true, the various literati notes of the Ming Dynasty would have been full. You still need to go to Koryo to find historical materials!

Besides, are there three thousand maids in the palace?

Fang Xing doesn\'t know and it\'s hard to ask, otherwise he will be suspected of spying on the Forbidden Palace.

"Your Majesty once said that the Korean people, saying that the women you pay tribute are fat, pockmarked, and short. It\'s not good! It\'s just because of your king\'s heart that I\'ve given the title of imperial concubine and Zhaorong\'s Zhaorong a seat!"

"Ha ha ha!"

When Fang Xing heard this, he couldn\'t help laughing.

Liang Zhong also smiled. Looking at the wanwan little princess playing with big girl outside, they couldn\'t help feeling a lot softer in their hearts.

"Haven\'t you found it yet?"

Fang woke up and asked without a head, and Liang Zhong could pick it up.

"No, I found the man, but it was in a dry well."