Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 148

"Ma Jun, you\'re here early today."

Masu slowly turned back and saw that it was the Japanese Komatsu who was very active in the Imperial College. He frowned and said, "it\'s getting late."

At present, there are many foreign students in the Imperial College. These people are of noble origin. Ordinary people can\'t get this opportunity.

Therefore, when most Japanese people do not have surnames, Komatsu\'s identity can basically be determined.

Masu replied coldly, and then accelerated his pace.

"Ma Jun..."

Komatsu shouted disappointed.

Under the influence of Fang Xing, masu has this attitude towards foreigners, so this is one of the reasons why the students in the Imperial College hate him very much.

Those foreign students like to find someone to "ask for advice", and most of them are willing to answer, so as to find some sense of superiority.

But masu was different and ignored it at all.

The Imperial College has started another day\'s course. Today\'s first class is mathematics. The professor basically doesn\'t look at Ma Su when teaching, let alone give him the opportunity to ask questions.

The professor hasn\'t spoken to masu since masu asked a question last time.

After class, Ma Su bowed his head and packed up his things. When he looked up again, he saw Zheng Tian who took over the company instead of Qin ban.

"Zheng Siye, what\'s up?"

As the Department of the Imperial College, it generally doesn\'t appear here, so Ma Su feels a little strange.

"Masu, would you like to worship in my name?"


More than a dozen students who haven\'t left the classroom are shocked.

This is a great Confucian! If you can worship under his door, nothing else, you will definitely get extra points to take part in the imperial examination. Moreover, taking up official posts in the future can get great help.

Although everyone can call Zheng Tian a teacher or a gentleman, it is only a name after all.

Promise! You\'re going to be lucky!

How did this boy get Zheng Siye\'s green eyes?

Why not me!

Under all kinds of abdominal Fei, Ma Su bowed and said, "thank you for Zheng Siye\'s attention, but..."

What rice! How dare you take Joe?

Several students and Zheng Tian thought that Ma Su wanted to be modest, so they were jealous and jealous. Zheng Tian himself stroked his long beard and smiled.

"... it\'s just that the students have paid homage to their teachers and failed to live up to the love of Zheng Siye."


As soon as Zheng Tian\'s hand tightened, he immediately tore off several beards.

Those students looked at Ma Su like fools. They were relieved. At the same time, they couldn\'t help but gloat.

Zheng Tian\'s face turned white and purple. He said with a strong smile, "I\'m afraid you\'re young and ignorant. I\'m afraid you\'ll be taught badly. That\'s why I feel pity for talents. But since you don\'t want to, I won\'t force you."

Zheng Tian claimed that from me to my official, we can see the great changes in emotion.

Several long beards fell from the air, and Zheng Tian left slowly with official steps.

Fang Xinggang, who didn\'t know he had been robbed, just finished class. Several students ran away in a hurry.

You can\'t run! Look at the farmers in Fangjia village. They have started to collect livestock feed. If you don\'t run, you\'ll be caught, strong man.

Fang Xing tossed in his study for a while before coming out.

Just about to move, a scream came from outside.

"Someone robbed something!"

Fang woke up and ran outside immediately.

Paralyzed! Who dares to rob things in fangjiazhuang? Do you really think those servants are furnishings?

Since ancient times, thieves have been called by everyone. After hearing the scream, almost all the people in the main house poured out. Even Hua Niang was carrying a kitchen knife. The flesh on her face trembled and shouted, "catch the robber!"

In the field of fangjiazhuang, two tall men are running in two directions, and around here, more than 100 people have been surrounded like fishing nets.

"Get out of the way!"

With a loud drink, Xin Laoqi came out with his servants. They were all riding horses, each with a big stick in his hand.

With the help of the servants, the two people were soon brought back like chickens.

In the firewood room, Fang woke up and saw that the two men were ferocious, so he asked, "what did they rob?"

Fang Jielun said angrily, "these two people robbed the dealer\'s money bag."

"Or rushed into the house to rob!"

Fang Jielun added.

"How brave!"

Fang woke up and shouted, "this is a house robbery. Wait for the soldiers of the five cities to come."

It\'s close to Jinling City. It\'s very convenient to find the soldiers and horses Department of the five cities.

The two men looked flustered and blurted out, "didn\'t they get caught in the Yamen?"


Fang Xing covered his head and said nothing.

Fang Jielun shouted, "beautiful idea! This is the foot of Jubao mountain. Which one is not with a deep background, and the people of the Yamen dare to take care of it?"

The two men were even more flustered when they heard the speech. They struggled and shouted, "it\'s not us, it\'s not us!"

Fang Xing sneered, "no, who are you?"

"We were called."

"Who is it?"

Fang Xing and Fang Jielun asked questions almost at the same time. Fang Jielun quickly stepped back.

Seeing that Fang Xing was in charge, the two men failed to live up to their tall stature. They cried with tears: "it\'s a woman. She said that as long as we can come in and grab one, we will give us ten liang of silver..."

After secretly looking at Fang and waking up, the man then said, "she gave us one or two silver first and promised to give the rest afterwards."

"Where will you talk to him afterwards?"

Now, everyone thinks it\'s not just about stealing money.

Fang woke up and asked. Seeing the dementia on the faces of the two men, he scolded: "madder! You didn\'t even say where to meet later. You just came to fangjiazhuang to die. It\'s a waste... Eh! No!"

Fang woke up and remembered something. He turned and ran to the inner yard.

When Ma Su came back, he patted his forehead on hearing this: "no! This is luring the tiger away from the mountain!"

When masu ran into the backyard, he saw the door of the study open wide. When he went in, he was in a mess.

Fang woke up with his hand on the table and shouted, "Uncle Jay, go and find out who\'s missing at home?"

Fang Jielun, who was guarding by the door of the inner yard, quickly answered and grabbed some servants to check together.

Ma Su looked at the messy study and asked anxiously, "teacher, what have you lost?"

Fang woke up and looked up with scattered eyes: "nothing, just some teaching materials."

That\'s nothing?

Ma Su said anxiously, "teacher, those textbooks are priceless. You can\'t ignore them!"

Fang woke up, looked up and sighed, "it\'s all right. Let\'s find the thief first."

Fangjiazhuang is not small, but it\'s easy to find a missing person.

"Young master, Qiuju is gone!"

Fang Jielun came back panting.

"Autumn chrysanthemum?"

Fang Xing squinted at Fang Jielun, "how did Qiuju enter the inner yard?"

The inner courtyard of the Fang family is basically a family child. When I went out today, I left a servant girl to guard at the gate according to the rules.

Soon the servant girl was called. Seeing that everyone\'s faces were not good, she said in a panic: "young master, I swear I never left before."