Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 147

"Thank you, your highness."

Fang Xing raised his glass to express his thanks, but Zhu gaoxu shook his head and said, "do you know when I began to be interested in you?"

Fang Xing felt the goose bumps under his clothes and said with a strong smile, "Your Highness is serious. I\'m just a farmer. How dare I?"

Zhu gaoxu played with his glass and said thoughtfully, "at first I thought you were just a corrupt scholar, so I didn\'t take you seriously."

If you don\'t take me seriously, you\'d better wake up and wish to stay away from the goods in front of you.

"But then you fell out with the Imperial College, which opened my eyes!"

Fang Xing couldn\'t help but say, "you don\'t think I\'m a corrupt scholar, do you?"

Zhu gaoxu nodded and said, "of course, corrupt scholars don\'t have a place to stand here."

Fang woke up and remembered that many scholars, including several teachers of the crown prince, were trapped in the imperial edict prison until Zhu gaochi ascended the throne.

However, Zhu gaochi was really interesting to the two brothers and saved them from Zhu Di in anger several times.

"Your Highness, why don\'t you calm down and practice martial arts and fitness every day to tease children."

Fang Xing felt that it would be a pity if the king of Han followed the original track. This man was born as a military general, but he had been idle in recent years.

Zhu gaoxu waved his hand and fell on the table as if he were asleep.

"Lord, Lord?"

Fang woke up and cried a few times. Seeing no response, he went out and said to the guard of the king of Han, "Your Highness is asleep. Go in."

Downstairs, Xin Laoqi, who had been guarding, quickly woke Fang up.



As soon as I got to the door, there was a roar and a thump upstairs.

Fang Xing\'s body was stifled, then shook his head and rode away with Xin Laoqi.

When he got home, Fang Xing held the bell and said, "this man, don\'t drill into the horns, otherwise he will be unlucky sooner or later."

Zhang Shuhui was making winter clothes. When she heard the speech, she stopped her needle and said with a smile, "who are you with today? How come you have such feelings."

Fang Xing ravaged Ling Dang\'s head and said, "a fool, a fool who thinks he deserves more."

Zhang Shuhui smiled: "how much can a person enjoy? Contentment is the long-term way."

Fang woke up, put down the bell, then leaned over and whispered, "can the action last night be used later?"


Zhang Shuhui gave Fang Xing a Pooh on her cheeks. Her eyes were so charming that Fang Xing couldn\'t help looking at the time frequently.

At night, when Fang woke up like a tired old cow panting, Zhang Shuhui couldn\'t help giggling and said, "husband, it\'s time to be content."

Fang woke up and counted with his fingers: "eh! It\'s been three times!"

Tightly embracing the delicate body in his arms, Fang woke up and said, "stop the troops tonight and teach you a lesson tomorrow."

The next day, Fang Xing ran a few laps in the yard, then looked up and said proudly, "villagers, I Hu Hansan is back again!"

Outside, Liu Pu stuck out his tongue and ran behind Xin Laoqi.

After running today\'s morning exercises, Liu Pu sat down on the ground and looked at Ma Su who still had the spare power to help Chunsheng move breakfast. He couldn\'t help asking, "I said pony, looking at your weak, how can you run better than me?"

Ma Su arranged a pile of big bowls and said with a smile, "the teacher said that diligence can make up for weakness. I just insisted for a long time, so I\'ve been making progress."

"Get up!"

At this time, Fang woke up and saw Liu Pu sitting on the ground, stretching his legs with one foot.

Liu Pu quickly got up and said with a smile, "brother Dehua, my little brother slept late last night."

Fang Xing sneered, "I don\'t know how to take care of my body at a young age. Sooner or later, I will be exhausted... Into noodles!"

Thinking of Ma Su here, Fang woke up and changed his mouth temporarily, otherwise there are many routines waiting for Liu Pu!

After finishing a bowl of noodles, Liu Pu wiped the sweat off his face and praised, "brother Dehua, why do you think your food is still delicious? I can\'t eat so much at home."

At this time, Zhu Zhanji also came. Fang Xing taught a few words by the way: "this is also a form of people\'s livelihood."

Zhu Zhanji gathered together when he heard the speech, and masu and several servants also raised their ears to listen.

"As you all know, although there are few hungry people in Daming, the people\'s table is mainly coarse grain and there is little meat."

Liu Pu glanced and thought that when the war broke out, he didn\'t even have coarse grain. He ate bark, grass roots and even Guanyin soil.

"To improve the dietary structure, first, it can make the people in Daming stronger; second, after increasing meat, the consumption of rice and wheat will be reduced. For example, if Liu Pu is at home, it is estimated that one meal is two bowls."

"Just one bowl."

Liu Pu said triumphantly.

Fang woke up and didn\'t clean him up. He said with a smile, "but if people want to really eat, they have to eat at least three bowls at a meal. This is the role of meat."

Liu Pu was unconvinced and said, "but brother Dehua, if I eat meat every meal, how can I get so much meat?"

Fang Xing glanced sideways at Liu Pu and moved under his feet. He was so frightened that the goods retreated a few steps that he denounced: "raising pigs, chickens and fish. As for feed, the government should come forward to look for improved seed promotion, such as alfalfa."

"Of course, there is another one, that is to trade directly."

"Brother Dehua, how do you deal?"

Zhu Zhanji asked.

Fang woke up and said, "for example, use a knife and gun. If you are more civilized, exchange it with my Daming specialty."

Zhu Zhanji couldn\'t help laughing, because Fang Xing\'s first choice was to rob, and the second was the transaction.

Fang Xing pointed to the outside and said, "come back for the new year and see how the farmers here are doing."

Liu Pu remembered that the fangjiazhuang family had pigs and countless poultry. It must be that when the Chinese New Year comes, they can not only sell a sum of money, but also often eat meat.

"Brother Dehua, you don\'t accept the things raised by the farmers?"

Fang woke up and said, "take it, why don\'t you take it! I\'ve provided materials. Don\'t you lose a lot!"

Fang Xing will not be the virgin, which will encourage the inertia of the farmers.

But even so, the farmers of fangjiazhuang are still looking forward to a good day this year.

Ma Su went to the Imperial College according to the time. Since Fang Xing fell out with Qin Siye of the Imperial College last time, Ma Su has basically no friends here.

If Zhu Zhanji had not personally brought him to the Imperial College at that time, those professors would have driven him out.

Walking in the Imperial College, the students were far away from him and looked contemptuous.

"That\'s masu. His teacher specializes in miscellaneous studies."

"It\'s really frustrating for me to sneak into such a gentle scum in the place of Imperial College and scholarly fragrance."

"Unfortunately, Qin Siye was dismissed, otherwise he would never sit idly by."

"Qin Siye, a great Confucian, should also be implicated by these people. In the long run, I am in danger!"