Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 146

The atmosphere in the palace has been very good in recent days because the emperor is in a good mood.

Zhu Zhanji therefore had a lot of time to check the data.

"Brother Dehua, show me. This is the resentment accumulated by the king of Han over the years."

Zhu Zhanji looked complacent and waited for praise.

Fang Xing then looked at it. Most of it was about whipping people in the way and trampling on the field. The biggest thing is that the king of Han boasted after drinking, saying that it was the battle of Jingnan. Without him, his father would fail at the precipice.

Fang Xing threw away the information and said carelessly, "I don\'t think the king of Han did the wanwan thing and my interception."

Zhu Zhanji hated: "who is he? Wan Wan is so small, and who can know the relationship between Liang and that person?"

Fang Xing fiddled with the fishing rod, skillfully tied the hook and said with a smile, "who knows who is watching your family\'s jokes in the dark inside and outside the palace. Dare to assume and be careful to verify. Didn\'t you see that the king of Han also went to cut rice yesterday?"

Zhu Zhanji was stunned and remembered that the king of the Han Dynasty could appear yesterday, which represented that the emperor was endorsing him.

——The king of Han didn\'t do this!

"Young master, someone gave you a post."

Fang Jielun outside the door took a post and said with a white face.

"Whose post?"

Fang Xing took the post and stared round.

Having never seen Fang Xing, Zhu Zhanji asked curiously, "brother Dehua, who is it?"

Fang Xing covered his head and sighed, "it\'s your second uncle."

Zhu Zhanji was stunned and took the post. He couldn\'t help but be stunned to see that it was indeed a taboo of the king of Han Dynasty.

"Brother Dehua, I\'ll go with you!"

Fang woke up depressed and said, "don\'t worry about it. Since your second uncle dares to invite me, there will be no accident."

At the dawn of the lantern, the Feiyan building is bustling with visitors.

When Fang woke up downstairs, a tough man came forward and asked, "dare you ask, but Mr. Fang?"

"It\'s me."

Xin Laoqi stared at the man and showed no weakness.

The tough man looked at Xin Laoqi and said, "it\'s really a meritorious hero of the southern expedition. Let\'s have a drink later."

Xin Laoqi didn\'t answer, but took the first half step and blocked Fang Xing\'s side.

Fang Xing said with a smile, "relax. I also want to see what good dishes His Highness the king of Han ordered tonight. Don\'t waste it."

Looking back, Fang Xing said to Xin Laoqi, "eat when you should. Don\'t think about it. The king of Han is not that kind of person."

What he said was beautiful, but Fang woke up with no bottom in his heart. He just thought that if the king of Han really wanted to do it, he would rely on himself and Xin Laoqi

The man smiled and said, "sure enough, it\'s Mr. Fang. He\'s very brave. Please go upstairs."

"Young master!"

Xin Laoqi felt a dangerous smell on the man. He took Fang Xing\'s arm and said cautiously, "young master, I\'ll go up with you."

Fang Xing said faintly, "old seven, this is the capital."

Xin Laoqi thought so, so he stayed downstairs, but he always leaned his ears upstairs and was ready to kill him at any time.

The second floor was empty today, and the lanterns hanging on the wall showed a light red.

Fang woke up and remembered the meeting with Zhu gaochi in the restaurant in Peiping. The difference is that he didn\'t see the shopkeeper today.

"I drive this building."

A thick voice came. Fang woke up and turned around and saw Zhu gaoxu.

He is tall, burly, and his beard is a little messy, which reminds Fang of Zhang Fei.

Zhu gaoxu strode forward, and a smell of wine came along, making Fang awake some impulse to cover his nose. He looked at it and pushed the door directly into the room on the left.

There was no one in the room. Fang woke up and went in. Then he sat down. It was like magic. Small boys came one by one.

Nineteen dishes, this is the number of Fang Xingmo.

"It\'s too extravagant."

Fang Xing frowned and said.

Bear\'s paw, sheep\'s brain, beef tendon, pigeon

Zhu gaoxu glanced sideways at Fang Xing: "it\'s really a corrupt scholar. I opened this restaurant."

Fang Xing also took out a bottle of wine like magic, opened the lid and said, "I hate corrupt Confucianism!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Zhu gaoxu laughed. Then he grabbed the bottle and sniffed it at the end of his nose. He said happily, "good wine!"

"Of course!"

Fang Xing didn\'t eat before he came today, so he impolitely took a bear\'s paw and was immediately conquered by the taste.

"I have good food and you have good wine. Tonight is really perfect."

Zhu gaoxu poured the wine, looked up and killed it. Ha, he shouted, "refreshing!"

Fang Xing chewed bear paws and squinted at those happy eyes.

It turns out that the king of Han is not that person!

Eyes can\'t deceive people. Even the best actor can still have flaws in his eyes.

After several drinks, the king of Han put down the bottle and said, "I didn\'t do it!"

Fang woke up and sipped the wine, nodded and said, "before seeing your highness, I still have 30% doubt, but now these 30% are gone."


As soon as Zhu gaoxu patted the table, he scolded, "madder! I don\'t like those literati, but I will never do it to my niece. Isn\'t that an animal?"

"Young master!"

Just then, there was a mess below, and then the door was kicked open.

Xin Laoqi rushed in with a knife, and the blade clearly pointed to Zhu gaoxu. Behind him, several guards of Zhu gaoxu had surrounded him with swords.

Fang Xing and Zhu gaoxu looked at the table strangely.

Zhu gaoxu suddenly smiled and said, "it\'s really a loyal servant. The king just patted the table and was under the knife in the twinkling of an eye."

Fang Xing said with a smile, "old seven, go down first. My highness the king of Han and I are talking."

Xin Laoqi\'s eyes were sharp. After a careful look, he woke up and found that there was no sign of coercion, he slowly regressed.

"Young master, I\'m downstairs. Please shout if you have something."

The door was closed, but Xin Laoqi\'s foot was a little heavy just now, so it couldn\'t be closed tightly.

Zhu gaoxu was not affected, but said to himself, "why don\'t you want to help me? Can\'t I really compare with the prince?"

Fang Xing recalled his contacts with Zhu gaoxu in amazement. There was really no trace of being solicited.

"Hum! If the king hadn\'t told the people of the army to take care of you, you would think it would be so cheap for thousands of families in Jubao mountain!"


Fang Xing was stunned. He looked at Zhu gaoxu in disbelief, trying to make sure he was joking.

"At that time, someone wanted to trip you, but my people stopped it, or they would roar at you about the military headquarters. At least they could beat you with thirty army sticks!"

When Zhu gaoxu was angry, he didn\'t need any king.

"Well... Isn\'t the man who stuck my gun your hand?"

"Fart! That\'s the third man\'s men!"

Zhu gaoxu said disdainfully. Then he was stunned, patted the table again and scolded, "madder! I said how I carried so many black pots, and I was Yin by the third!"

what the fuck!

Fang woke up and was not calm. He reminded the prince to pay attention to the Yin people behind Zhao Wang, but he didn\'t expect to be Yin first.

If it weren\'t for the king of Han Dynasty, thinking about the thirty army sticks, Fang woke up and felt that he couldn\'t live.