Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 140

"Lord Ji, let me propose a toast to you."

A man in three grade official clothes raised his glass. Ji Gang just moved the corners of his mouth and took a sip of wine.

A royal guards came in with a knife. When he came to Ji Gang, he bowed his head and said, "Sir, that Xin Laoqi refused."

Ji Gang\'s hand holding the wine glass was still stable, "where\'s Fang awake?"

"Also refused, and he said... It\'s best for everyone to be in peace."

After that, the man looked at Ji Gang with some trepidation.

"Ha ha ha!"

Ji Gang sat expressionless and suddenly burst out laughing. Everyone looked at him.

At this time, the prisoner offering team arrived. Everyone thought Ji Gang was happy about it, so they crowded into the window. They didn\'t notice Ji Gang nodding under the window, and then a thin man squeezed into the crowd.

Sitting on horseback, Dong PI enjoyed this remarkable treatment for the first time.

The cheers were followed by a series of ceremonies. While Chen jikuo was pulled to behead, Dong PI was also received by Zhu Di.

"Are you dong Pi?"

Dong Pi is very happy. Your majesty, do you remember me? He hurriedly replied, "the minister is Dong PI, the thousand household official of the thousand households in Jubao mountain."

"Then tell me about several battles."

Dong PI was a little embarrassed. He was a puppet in several battles. There\'s nothing to say.

But when the emperor wanted to listen, he had to tell all the things he knew.

The more he spoke, the hotter he felt. When he finally finished, big drops of sweat had covered his face.

At this time, a young voice said, "Grandpa Huang, you should listen to the specific matters. Why not let Fang wake up and say it, so that there will be no omissions."

The sweat on Dong Pi\'s face finally fell to the ground.

"Well, I just listened a little, that\'s all."

Dong PI was led out sweating all over. Outside, he was blown by a gust of wind, and he immediately fought a cold war.

——Fortunately, I didn\'t wake up to any disrespect, otherwise... It would be dangerous today!

Fang woke up and basked in the half paid sun by the river. Then he lazily went home with his fishing rod and fish.

It\'s more than a mile from here to fangjiazhuang. There are forests along the way. Walking along the path and listening to the sound of the wind blowing the leaves, I woke up with a sense of dust.

"Help... Uh... Woo woo..."

Just as Fang woke up to empty his brain, a woman\'s intermittent sobs suddenly came from the woods on the right.

Fang woke up with a sharp whistle and went in.

Under a big tree, a crime is going on.

"Shut up! Bitch, tell me to kill you again!"

A man was sitting across a woman\'s lower abdomen and holding her hands.

oh I haven\'t undressed yet!

Fang woke up and looked at it. When the man thought it was wrong behind him, the bell had arrived.

"Get out! Don\'t get in the way of men!"

The man got up from the woman, felt out a short knife and threatened.

Fang Xing leaned against the tree trunk, pointed to the village not far away and said, "I hope your escape speed can be faster than in the past, otherwise today you..."


Before Fang woke up, the man had run away.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

Ling Dang wants to chase, but Fang wakes up and stops. Then, a man and a dog looked at the woman trembling with her chest.

Fang woke up with a low sigh and said, "go yourself."

The woman lifted several strands of hair on her face with her small hand, her long eyelashes trembled, and said in her gentle voice: "eunuch Rong, the little woman lost her husband and was homeless. She was abducted to Jinling by the man just now..."

Fang woke up with a dry cough and said, "then go home."

A woman hangs her head, and her white and tender neck is as beautiful as a swan.

"The little woman\'s name is Qiuju. My husband\'s family has no place for me. Please show mercy."

Fang woke up and coughed. After hearing the footsteps, he didn\'t look back and asked, "did you catch it?"

Fang Wu\'s voice came, "young master, I\'ve caught it."

Just now the man was carried in by two servants. He looked at Fang awake in fear and shouted, "I bought this woman!"

Fang Xing\'s eyes turned around and said faintly, "break his legs, call Jia Quan and send him where he should go."

"No! I... ah!"

The man thought he was sent to an official at most, but he didn\'t expect Fang Xing, who looked like a dealer, to be so cruel. When he had time to shout, the two servants behind him kicked each other.

"Click! CLICK!"

In the man\'s howl, Fang Xing strolled to fangjiazhuang with a bell.

After walking out of more than 100 meters, Fang Xing suddenly looked back, pointed to the Li family village next door and said, "I said, sister, that family is very rich, and the owner is still the governor of shuntianfu. I think it\'s more suitable for you there. What do you say?"

But until Fang woke up and came home, the woman was still following.

"Young master? She is..."

Seeing Fang Xing leading a woman into the house, Xin Laoqi was scared out of his wits.

——Is this the rhythm for the couple to fall out completely?

Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai also came at the news. They didn\'t look right at the Qiuju.

Zhang Shuhui just asked with a pale face, "husband, is this a guest?"

Xiaobai\'s eyes turned red and said wrongfully, "young master, how can you keep that outside?"

Fang Xing walked over and said, "this woman is called Qiuju. She has just been rescued. You can do it. Don\'t go into the inner yard."

Zhang Shuhui smiled and whispered with Xiaobai. Then Xiaobai jumped and took lingdang away.

"Qiuju, since you have nowhere to go for the time being, is there a way? Where is your native place?"

When hiking in the Ming Dynasty, there was no road guide, that was blind, that was dangerous, that was terror... Er, there was no such thing at this time. Anyway, if you catch it, you\'ll send it to the construction site or prison.

Qiuju raised her head. Even Zhang Shuhui felt pathetic for her melon seed face.

"Madam, the little woman\'s native place is Chaozhou Prefecture, and her husband\'s family lives in..."

Zhang Shuhui smiled unchanged and waited for her to finish. Then she arranged to say, "go to the outer court and have a rest. When the government finds out about you, we\'ll discuss it then."


Zhang Shuhui ignored the low cry behind her and went directly into the bedroom.

Fang Xing was putting away the fishing rod. Looking back, he saw that Zhang Shuhui was smiling. He hurriedly said, "well, this autumn chrysanthemum has nothing to do with me! If you don\'t believe it, ask Fang Wu them."

Zhang Shuhui said, "my husband can teach TAISUN, and Wu can fix his toes. I think those little girls\' big daughter-in-law have some love for my husband..."

Fang woke up and looked at the pretty little face, his teeth itching with anger. If Xiaobai hadn\'t teased the bell outside the door, he would have jumped on it.

Let\'s prove it with practical action!

The arrival of Qiuju makes those singles in fangjiazhuang as diligent as beating chicken blood. Every day, someone always finds an excuse to come to the main house. Do nothing, just squat at the door. When Qiuju came in and out with something, she got up and smiled foolishly.