Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 141

"Geese, song Xiang Tiange, white hair floating green water, red palm pulling clear waves..."

Early in the morning, Doudou was sent to fangjiazhuang by his own soldiers, and then followed the children of fangjiazhuang to accept masu\'s enlightenment.

After class, a group of bear children and Doudou agreed to maintain peaceful coexistence for the time being after some negotiations.

Fang Xing is also ready for the class. Doudou naturally doesn\'t understand, so he asked him to learn some tricks from Xin Laoqi.

Today, Fang Xing talked about the mathematical equation, and then added some application problems in it. For example, when the two cars are separated from each other, under the specific conditions of speed and distance, it is required to calculate the time of meeting.

Ma Su seemed confident. Zhu Zhanji also wrote after a little thought. Only Liu Pu looked at the question pitifully and wanted to peek at the answers of the two classmates.


Fang Xing took out his yardstick and warned, "if you don\'t, you won\'t. at most, go home at night and do ten more exercises, but if you peek at the answers, hey hey!"

Liu Pu shrunk his neck. Last time he peeked at Ma Su\'s answer, he was punished to run around fangjiazhuang twice and almost died.

Next, Fang woke up and looked at the three people\'s problem-solving. Ma Su and Zhu Zhanji were praised, while Liu Pu was cared for - there are ten big problems waiting for him in tonight\'s homework.

"Next, let\'s talk about parabola. We should pay attention to it. If we use it well, we can make great achievements in the army."

"For what?"

Liu Pu asked depressed. He made an appointment with some friends tonight to tease his sister in the Qinhuai River! But there are ten big questions, not to mention teasing sister paper. It\'s good to be able to sleep at midnight.

Fang Xing said faintly, "for example, if you can calculate the trajectory of the stone in advance, can you improve the hit rate?"

After Fang Xing\'s induction, he may be able to work out a preliminary ballistic theory when he has a copper gun and an iron gun.

After class, Zhu Zhanji woke up and said with a smile, "brother Dehua, why do you have a charming little lady here today? Aren\'t you afraid of a fire in the backyard?"

This is Qiu Ju. Fang woke up and sorted out the teaching materials and said carelessly, "this man was kidnapped and trafficked. Didn\'t I send the abductor to Jia Quan? Didn\'t he tell you?"

Zhu Zhanji was about to make fun of him, but he saw an attendant at the door who was anxious and wanted to stop talking to him, so he went out.

After Fang Xing packed up his things, he was ready to retort, but Zhu Zhanji came in with a worried face and said, "brother Dehua, I have something to deal with at home. I\'ll go back first."

"What\'s so urgent?"

Seeing Zhu Zhanji hurried away, Fang woke up and wondered if it would be Zhu Di\'s call.

Shaking his head, Fang woke up and went to the front hall.

In the front hall, a father and son were waiting for Fang to wake up. When they saw him coming in, the middle-aged man sitting got up and said, "Mr. Fang, I\'m Li Dezheng."

Fang woke up and stared at Li Mao. Hehe said, "Lord Li, I don\'t know if you can give me some advice when you come to my humble house today?"

Dare to seduce my little daughter-in-law. Believe it or not, I\'ll beat you into a pig\'s head immediately!

Li Mao was forced to hang his head by Fang Xing\'s eyes. He hasn\'t dared to stay in Chuang Tzu since the last water grab. But I didn\'t expect to be severely beaten by someone covering his head with a sack in Jinling City.

You must have done it, villain!

With the support of his official Father, Li Mao raised his head again and pulled out the corners of his eyes. He felt that the place where he was beaten last time was still painful.

After sitting down, Li Dezheng looked at Qiuju who came in to serve tea, his eyes flashed, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Fang is willing to be poor and devoted to learning. It\'s admirable!"

Fang Xing hated this kind of cloud mountain fog mask most, so he said faintly: "where people eat grains and cereals, it is impossible to jump out of the three realms."

Don\'t try to put a high hat on me!

Li Dezheng asked Xu with a smile: "the dog is too radical. If there is any offence, please shake hands and make peace for the sake of everyone from Peiping."

The old man is so talkative!

Fang Xing believes that if he doesn\'t let go, the old ghost in front of him will definitely spit on his face, and soon there will be words outside that Fang Xing can\'t tolerate others.

Narrow minded, dare the Pope too grandson?

A lot of old scholars are eyeing it!

Moreover, Li Dezheng is now the prince\'s man. At least we are also a group. If you wake up and don\'t forgive others, isn\'t it a fight in the dark?

Fang woke up and said, "Lord Li is serious. I\'m just playing with Childe Ling. We can\'t be true."

I don\'t admit conflict. What can you do!

Li Dezheng didn\'t seem to hear Fang Xing\'s words. He said slowly, "I\'ve just come from his Royal Highness the prince. Your highness is elegant. It\'s my great fortune!"

At this point, their bottom line is clear.

Fang woke up and said, "it\'s OK to shake hands and make peace, but you should pay attention to the difference between men and women in the future."

Li Dezheng\'s face finally stretched. He got up and arched his hands and said, "in that case, let\'s live in harmony in the future!"

When he got out of fangjiazhuang, Li Dezheng frowned and asked, "what do you mean about men and women?"

Li Mao\'s face was green and he said angrily, "father, it\'s just a few words I said to a little lady in his villa. Where\'s the difference between men and women!"

Li Dezheng got into the carriage, squinted at the running children in the Fangs\' village and said, "go home and copy Shaoyi for me ten times."

Is that saying I don\'t know etiquette? Li Mao quit as soon as he heard it. Relying on his status as a teacher, he asked, "father, why?"

Li Dezheng\'s body shook with the carriage and suddenly said in a harsh voice, "if you have a reputation of being greedy and lecherous, do you think you can have a future?"

Fang Xing stood at the door of the front hall, watching Qiuju carrying a tea tray ready to come in, and flashed aside.

"Young master."

Autumn chrysanthemum raised her head and looked at Fang Xing shyly.

Fang Xing\'s eyelids were jumping. He said, "you just live temporarily. You don\'t have to call me young master."

"But young master, you are so kind to me. How can I... Young master?"

Fang Xing\'s back didn\'t hesitate and strode out of the courtyard.

In the backyard, bell whimpered and ran for comfort. Fang woke up and found that the hair on his head was wet and stood up.


Xiaobai shouted and rushed over. After struggling to pick up the bell, he asked Fang to wake up like a treasure: "young master, is the bell so beautiful?"

Fang Xing touched lingdang\'s head and sighed, "don\'t torture it until it grows up."

After Fang woke up, Xiaobai rubbed lingdang\'s head and complained, "you know to complain to the young master all day. See if I pay attention to you next time!"

As soon as Fang woke up and went in, he saw that the old woman last time was talking to Zhang Shuhui, so he quickly waved his hand and said, "you talk, I\'m just coming back to have a look."

After Fang woke up and left, mother-in-law Ming said with a smile, "my uncle really loves the girl. Go back and tell the old lady and promise to let her eat half a bowl of rice for dinner."

Zhang Shuhui blushed: "mother Ming, I heard Dehua say about the situation over there. There is no big rebellion in Jiaozhi. It won\'t be too late for the class teacher."

"That\'s good, that\'s good..."