Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 139

The next day, Fang woke up reluctantly and got up early. Even Zhang Shuhui dressed up, and then Qi Qi went to the front hall.

Today, Zhu Zhanji took the lead and all three disciples were there.

In a few minutes, a luxurious carriage drove into fangjiazhuang.

Fang Wu, who came in to report, said something.

"Young master, there are pearls on the horse\'s head!"

I said! This hatred is too much!

Fang Xing turned his eyes to Zhu Zhanji and motioned him to answer.

After Zhu Zhanji considered it for a while, facing masu\'s ignorant eyes, he said, "brother Dehua, this Fang Zheng is a tiger general under the command of the British public. This is probably some deliberate exaggeration."

As for why he intended to render and what he wanted to render, Zhu Zhanji needless to say.

Masu nodded to show that he understood.

This is to show your weaknesses and show that you don\'t have any fancy.

Think about it. What\'s the threat of such a person who dares to wear pearls to horses?

This is another kind of wisdom.

Because Fang Zheng was absent, Yao personally brought his son today.

After seeing Zhu Zhanji, Yao wanted to kneel down, but she saw Fang Xing sitting in the middle, while Zhu Zhanji was just standing. She immediately smiled and said, "his uncle, today my peas entered the door. Please take care of them!"

Doudou\'s name is Fang Xiao. He is tiger headed and powerful. He is the child king of Tianfei lane.

"See you, teacher."

Doudou was probably attacked last night, so he did well.

Serve tea, send shuxiu, and the worship ceremony will be over.

Yao left two of Fang Zheng\'s own soldiers and left quickly.

"I have a fight with Lady Zhao today. She will laugh at me if I go late."

After Yao left, several stunned people surrounded Doudou.

"Is your mother going to fight?"

Liu Pu said.

Doudou raised his head and said loudly, "no, my mother is going to treat them!"

Ma Su just chuckled, while Zhu Zhanji went to battle in person and teased for a long time before ending his pre class entertainment in Fang\'s dry cough.

"Everyone knows each other, so I\'ll arrange it."

Of course, Fang Xing couldn\'t enlighten Doudou himself, so he appointed Wenwu senior brother.

"Masu, you enlighten Doudou."

Masu got up and promised.

Liu Pu felt that his heart of being a teacher had begun to agitate, so he looked at Fang awake and waited for him to say that sentence.

But Fang woke up and pointed to Zhu Zhanji and said, "Taishun, teach Doudou when you\'re free."

Zhu Zhanji also agreed, leaving Liu Pu with some desire and dissatisfaction.

So Doudou sneaked into Fang Xing\'s classroom and followed everyone every day.

In fact, Liu Pu later understood that Doudou, a little guy named Fang Xiao, whose father was the commander of the Qianfeng battalion in the southern expedition, would probably be promoted to Fang Zheng this time.

With such a father, will Doudou still lack Master Wu?

This is just Fang Xing adding a network to Zhu Zhanji.

Of course, this network is two-sided. Once Zhu Zhanji is on the top, the future of the Fang family and their son will be carefree.

There is an emperor who is a martial arts master and senior brother. Who can stop the future of Doudou!

As for Fang Xing, his eyes toward Doudou became more and more "kind".

"Don\'t wake up with me!"

Princess Wan Wan has found another younger brother who is being trained.

Finally, a new "toy" attracted the little girl.

Fang Xing, who got free, was hit hard immediately.

"What are you talking about?"

Fang woke up and looked at the tall and straight man in front of him. He took out his ears and asked, "you said that your commander Ji wanted to invite me to see the prisoner offering?"

The visitor\'s face was serious: "yes, Mr. Fang, my commander, please come to the fragrance restaurant in Chongli street in an hour."

Chongli street, which is close to the Imperial City, is the only way to offer prisoners.

Fang Xing shook his head like a rattle, thinking that if I didn\'t know how to go to the capture offering scene and was known by Zhu Di, I thought I was resentful!

"Sorry, I\'m not feeling well recently. I\'m sorry for your command."

"Mr. Fang... Have you made up your mind?"

The visitor immediately changed his tone and threatened Yin.

Fang Xing immediately thought about his process of killing Yuan Jiang at that time. Finally, he felt flawless, so he shook his head and said, "don\'t threaten me. If I feel dangerous, your commander may not be better. We\'d better not offend the river!"

Are you kidding?

The look in Xiang Fang\'s eyes is like looking at a madman.

Who dares to threaten Ji Gang these days?

Fang woke up and shouted, "old seven, see off!"

Xin old seven big steps in, a pair of eyes fixed on the visitor, and the big hand holding the handle also had some green veins.

When the visitor saw Xin Laoqi, he was surprised. Only then did he think of Fang Xingjia slave who had made great contributions to the neutrality of the southern expedition.

The royal guards have comprehensive information, at least including Xin Laoqi\'s position in the Fang family and his performance in the southern expedition.

The visitor smiled and said to Xin Laoqi, "but hero Xin, my commander said that if the hero comes to us, nothing else, a commander is indispensable."

Dare you dig my corner?

Fang Xing was not angry, but looked at it with a smile.

"Get out!"

As soon as Xin Laoqi\'s eyes stared, he was angry and went to the visitor.

"Good, good! You\'re fine! Let\'s see!"

The visitor ran away in embarrassment. Fang woke up and said with a smile: "old seven, in fact, I think it\'s also good. What do you say?"

Xin Laoqi resumed his foolish appearance and said blankly, "young master, unless you are the commander."

"I don\'t want to die!"

Yes, Fang Xing knows that under the current situation, Ji Gang has actually stepped on the guillotine with one foot, but he doesn\'t know it.

Dare to collect money secretly, dare to attack senior officials privately, and dare to meddle in Royal Affairs

Committing these numerous taboos, the current inflated Ji Gang has not noticed. Or found it, but it was ignored by him.

Fang woke up and said, "old seven, arrange a servant to follow and see what Ji Gang is doing today!"

Today, many farmers of Fangjia village went to the roadside of the city to watch the prisoner offering. Suddenly, Chuang Tzu was a little deserted.

Fang Xing went to the river with a fishing rod. After wearing a straw hat, he closed his eyes comfortably.

At this time, there was a sea of people in Jinling City, and all the people from the five cities came out, but it was not enough. Finally, we had to pull people from Yulin Wei to help.

"Coming, coming!"

After a loud shout, Jinling City was boiling.

"See, I heard that the thief chieftain was caught by that one."

"It\'s a place for thousands of families in Jubao mountain. It\'s the pro army of emperor TAISUN!"

"No wonder it\'s so powerful!"


Today, Ji Gang is drinking with a group of civil servants and generals.

The atmosphere was warm