Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 136

"Great victory! Our southern expedition army exterminated the rebels and captured the thief chieftain Chen jikuo!"

"Great victory..."

From south to north, the whole Daming was detonated by continuous good news.

"See, that\'s the messenger who reported the victory just now. Even the master in the county dare not stop it, or he deserves to be killed!"

An old man was drinking wine at the counter, squinting to show his knowledge.

The shopkeeper said happily, "is the southern expedition coming to an end? Then our days will be better and better."

The old man took a sip, then licked the corners of his mouth with his tongue, and said reluctantly, "isn\'t there still those foreigners in the north? These days! As long as they don\'t call in like the former Song Dynasty, it\'s a peaceful and prosperous age!"

The good news came all the way to Peiping. Zhu Di, who was preparing to return to Beijing, immediately ordered to speed up the process.

After arriving in the capital, Zhu Di didn\'t even bother to check the measures taken during the period of the crown prince\'s supervision, so he ordered people to prepare for the prisoner offering ceremony.

In the Qianqing palace, Zhu Di\'s face was still flushed. He said, "I have agreed to Zhang Fu\'s idea. Since he has repeatedly crossed his toes, let it sink!"

Although Jiaozhi pays tribute every year, it can\'t compare with the annual military expenditure. Everyone will calculate this account.

Yang Rong came out and said, "Your Majesty, Mahmud of tile thorn is now strong, and alutai is already a little weak. Once Mahmud unifies Mongolia and yuan, we will have a great enemy again. Therefore, it is best to calm Jiaozhi as soon as possible."

Hu Guang also agreed: "Your Majesty, Mahmud is ambitious, arutai is ambitious and talented, and tile thorn is the trouble of my great mind!"

Zhu Di glanced and saw that everyone supported ending the cross toe war as soon as possible. He said, "that\'s settled. I will immediately transfer someone to replace Zhang Fu and prepare for the northern expedition!"

Hu Yan praised, "Your Majesty is wise."

Zhu Di\'s cold face suddenly appeared a touch of looseness. "I didn\'t say whether I was wise or not, but Fang woke up and made the first merit twice. He has escorted Chen Jizhan to arrive. How to reward him? I haven\'t had an abdominal case so far. Let\'s discuss it with you."


Fang Xing, with his men and horses, showed the Chen Jizhan all the way, and finally saw the wall of Jinling.

Thinking of the letter sent by Zhu Zhanji, Fang Xing said to Xin Laoqi, "Laoqi, call the people of fangjiazhuang. Let\'s go back first."

Dong PI watched the people of fangjiazhuang come out of the team in a hurry. Under the leadership of Xin Laoqi, he cleaned up the specialties brought from Jiaozhi, then protected Fang Xinghu in the middle and left.

"Mr. Fang! I, what should I do?"

Dong Pei did not play a central role in the southern expedition. He was always used to being Fang Xing\'s master, but Fang Xing dodged without calling.

What should I do?

"Sir, there are officials from the etiquette department!"

"The Ministry of rites? What\'s the Ministry of rites doing?"

"What! You can\'t go to the city yet. You have to take a bath first and change Chen Jizhan\'s clothes?"

Knowing that he would lead the prisoner offering ceremony, Dong PI had offered Fang Xing three big pig heads in his heart.

Good man!

He didn\'t know that he had been awakened by Fang who had sent a good man card. At this time, his heart was like an arrow to return.

At the beginning of July, the rice in the field had begun to drop heavy ears of rice. The farmers of fangjiazhuang looked at the harvest with joy. Unfortunately, the young master was not there.

Boss Li gently touched his own ears of rice and said with emotion: "I don\'t know when the young master will come back. Seeing that the rice is about to be harvested, why should the young master have the first bite of the rice!"

His wife also frowned and said, "I went to Nengren Temple yesterday and burned some incense for the young master. I asked the Buddha to bless the young master\'s safe return."

Boss Li wanted to say that his wife was too wasteful, but he was silent when he thought that Fang woke up and didn\'t come back for a long time.

"There\'s a big horse!"

At this time, a child running wildly in the field suddenly pointed to the direction of entering the village and shouted.

"It\'s the young master! It\'s the young master back!"

When the farmers who were checking in the field heard the cry, they all ran from the field to the main road and greeted them.

A line of knights came running like a whirlwind, and then slowed down slowly.

Fang Xing sat on his horse and looked at the farmers with hot eyes. He waved and said, "I\'m back. Let\'s be at ease."

The farmers crowded around and saw that Fang Xing had no signs of injury, so they cheered and went home to inform the good news.

"Young lady, the young master is back!"

In fact, Zhang Shuhui has heard the cheers outside, but she doesn\'t believe it. I just received a letter half a month ago saying that there would be a war soon. How can I get home today?

Seeing that she didn\'t move, Xiaobai stamped her foot and rushed out.

Zhang Shuhui felt that her quiet heart began to fluctuate gradually.

"Young master!"

"Woof, woof, woof!"

Zhang Shuhui felt that her eyes were a little hot. She slowly turned around and saw a man with a disheveled head and a gray face, looking at herself with a much grown bell.

"Husband... Husband..."

As soon as Fang woke up and saw the tears on Zhang Shuhui\'s face, he immediately raised his hand and said, "don\'t cry. I\'ll come back after taking a bath."

The person who just arrived disappeared in the twinkling of an eye. Zhang Shuhui couldn\'t help laughing, and then asked Xiaobai to prepare the clothes to change together.

"Go and inform Hua Niang to prepare wine and vegetables. Oh, no, she must know the news of her husband\'s return."

They took their clothes and went outside the bathroom. Zhang Shuhui was a little shy and embarrassed to go in.

"... the feeling of going home is not far ahead. Ancient songs are singing childhood dreams. No matter how vast the world is, the thoughts in my heart are the same place..."

Just when Zhang Shuhui hesitated, a burst of ghost crying and wolf howling songs came from inside.

Finally, Zhang Shuhui didn\'t dare to go in and pushed a small white way: "send your clothes to your husband and wipe his back by the way."

More than ten minutes later, Fang Xing\'s hair came out wet. Zhang Shuhui paid special attention to Xiaobai. As a result, she was inexplicably relaxed when she saw that Xiaobai didn\'t change her clothes.

Ling Dang wagged his tail in circles under the Kang. Fang woke up and immediately threw a piece of dried meat down.

This is dried crocodile meat. Fang Xing brought it back for Ling Dang to eat.

Ling Dang lowered his head and sniffed at Fang Xing\'s feet. Then he lay on the side with dried meat in his mouth.

Looking at Zhang Shuhui with a reddish face, Fang woke up and wished it was night. The hot eyes looked down on Zhang Shuhui.

"Young master, the food is ready. Do you want to serve it now?"

Fang woke up and took back his sight. Looking at the smiling flower mother outside, he coughed: "flower mother has worked hard. Let\'s go."

A table of dishes is very rich, and there is actually a bowl of fish soup, which tastes very good.

Xiaobai smiled and said, "young master, this fish is raised in our field. I\'m waiting for you to come back and catch it!"

Rice is about to be harvested and water must be released.

Fang Xing felt that although the fish was not big, the meat was sweet and much better than what was sold on the market.

"Then these two days."