Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 137

In the morning, Fang woke up and moved comfortably in the yard.

Today, the training of the servants was cancelled, so the yard was quiet. Even masu didn\'t come.

"Xiaobai, what are you doing?"

Fang Xing walks to Xiaobai and looks at her sitting on the veranda with her hands on her knees. The bell is pathetic on the side.

Xiaobai got up, lowered her eyes and said shyly, "young master, I\'m fourteen... Fifteen."


The bell rang and the dog\'s face was twisted.

Fang Xing slapped Xiaobai\'s ass and said, "fourteen is fourteen. Do you grow one year old overnight? Or are you a flower and bone flower!"


Just then, Zhang Shuhui came out and joked with a radiant face: "it can be seen that my concubine is old and yellow. Husband, do you want to make a face for Xiaobai? Then I\'ll ask Hua Niang to prepare a table tonight."


Xiaobai is so ashamed that she turns around and runs. Lingdang looks back at Fang Xing and Zhang Shuhui, and follows them out.

"This dead girl will make trouble!"

Zhang Shuhui stretched a little and saw Fang Xing\'s line of sight. She couldn\'t help leaning over, "husband, it\'s still early in the morning. Ma Su must have arrived."

"Brother Dehua!"


In the front yard, not only Ma Su arrived, but also Liu PU.

Just a moment later, Zhu Zhanji came running excitedly.

"Brother Dehua, why did you come back first yesterday? Won\'t you participate in the prisoner offering tomorrow?"

Those who attended the prisoner offering ceremony had to bathe and burn incense, and they had to learn etiquette from the officials of the etiquette department. Although it\'s troublesome, many people want to go but can\'t.

Fang Xing was watching the students\' homework during this period. When he heard the speech, he smiled and said, "I\'m white. It\'s embarrassing for all officials to go. It\'s better to go home and sleep in."

Zhu Zhanji smiled a little, and Liu Pu immediately said, "brother Dehua, I heard you have made great achievements this time. I think the reward will be very thick."

Fang Xing said faintly, "what\'s thick? I\'m not going for fame and wealth."

This is better than pretending. Ma Su\'s eyes showed admiration and said, "teacher, it\'s impossible for the national Dynasty not to reward it!"

Zhu Zhanji replied, "of course not, but it is estimated that the reward will not be unified until the southern expedition army comes back."

Having said that, Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji both know that it is probably impossible for Fang Xing to be knighted.

The goods are young. If they were to be knighted now, when Zhu Zhanji ascended, Fang would wake up and get a position?

The Lord is weak and the minister is strong. This is not a long-term way.

Fang woke up very calm. Zhu Zhanji felt guilty. Only Ma Su and Liu PU were still pulling the fishing action.

"Come on, let\'s catch fish."

Fang woke up and saw that Zhu Zhanji was a little depressed, so he smiled and took them to the field.

The sun is high in the sky. It\'s a good day to catch fish.

Farmers have been using baskets to drain water since last night. Seeing Fang waking up, they all asked Fang to wake up to his own field to catch fish.

Fang Xing waved his hand and finally found old Zhao. He was so happy that his two sons revolved around Fang Xing.

Seeing Fang Xing take off his shoes and socks, boss Li rubbed his hands and said, "young master, why don\'t you wait on the shore and wait for me and the two boys to catch it."

Fang Xing glanced sideways at him and said, "why? I thought your young master couldn\'t catch fish?"

"I dare not."

When boss Zhao saw Fang Xing taking the lead, Zhu Zhanji and the others followed, and the water in it, which was not deep, immediately began to muddy.

Fang Xing walked up the ditch with a net bag in his hand. After a while, he picked up his net bag and was splashed with mud and water by those jumping fish.

"Brother Dehua, look at me!"

Zhu Zhanji in a ditch on the side also had a harvest and was excited with a net bag.

Poor boy, his grandpa is making him crazy!


Fang Xing was pitying Zhu Zhanji, who seemed to be out for a breeze, but Liu Pu over there slipped and fell in the ditch.


Liu Pu tried to stand up like a drowned chicken.

"Go ashore and bask in the sun."

"No, it\'s not cold."

After sweeping the field, the bucket on the bank has been filled with several buckets. Boss Li quickly carried them away and prepared to put them in the pond to continue to raise them.

As for the fish to eat today, boss Li\'s family will not go into the water until Fang wakes up and they leave, looking for those who have missed the net.

When Fang woke up and went ashore, he asked boss Li\'s daughter-in-law, "there must be at least ten kilograms here?"

Boss Li\'s daughter-in-law said with a smile: "yes, only more and more. And young master, look at the rice. I heard from the old man in the villa that the harvest in our villa this year should be at least half of it!"

Fang Xing nodded and said with a smile, "yes, this rice fish farming not only has fewer pests, but also fish manure can enrich the field. Kill two birds with one stone. Let\'s continue next year."

Because there is no experience this year, it is too late for late rice. We can only wait for next year and ask an experienced old farmer to guide us.

However, the per mu yield of this Chuang Tzu is much higher than that in the north. Don\'t you see that the farmers who moved to Jinling are smiling.

So at noon, the whole village had a whole fish feast. Although the fish were small, the meat was very sweet.

After lunch, Zhu Zhanji had to go, and he had to prepare for the prisoner offering ceremony tomorrow.

"Brother Dehua, are you really not going tomorrow?"

Before leaving, Zhu Zhanji asked again. He wanted Fang to wake up. At least he made his first appearance in front of all officials.

Fang woke up and shook his head and said with a smile, "I don\'t have to appear in public. I can watch the excitement on the side at most."

After Zhu Zhanji left, Zhang Shuhui asked, "husband, what does my eldest brother say?"

Fang Xing grabbed Zhang Shuhui\'s small hand and rubbed it. Looking at her reddish face, he said, "brother and I agree. We all think this is not a good time to be knighted."

"Oh! Let\'s teach first. Anyway, we don\'t lack that salary."

Although Zhang Shuhui was relieved on the surface, she was a little lost in her heart.

As a bedside person, Fang Xing certainly knew what she thought, so he said with a smile: "don\'t worry, even if you don\'t become a knight, you can still have a casual official."

The so-called scattered officials refer to those who have grade but have no real power. However, Fang Xing\'s salary must be real.

Zhang Shuhui patted Kaifang\'s restless hand and said angrily, "I\'m greedy for Gaofeng. Don\'t wrong people."

Fang wakes up laughing and is ready to leave. He is going to visit Fang Zheng\'s wife this afternoon.

This was entrusted by Fang Zheng after Fang Xing got the treatment of coming back first. For this reason, he was afraid that Fang Xing would avoid suspicion, so he told him

"Dehua, my wife is so powerful. Please help me see if she\'s in trouble. If so, please help me see. I\'ll use military skills when I go back."

"There is no such a powerful woman! I think Fang Zheng is worried..."

Zhang Shuhui packed her gifts and prepared to go with her.

The carriage slowly entered the city and headed for the west city.

Walking around the avenue, Xin Laoqi drove the carriage to Tianfei lane and finally stopped outside a small courtyard.

"Young master, that\'s it."

Xin Laoqi got out of the car naturally, and then protected him on the side. The man who commanded firmly on the Jiaozhi battlefield seemed to disappear.

But Fang woke up to know that Xin Laoqi can take the knife to battle at any time as long as he needs it.

"Old seven, there\'s wine in the car. Take it out and drink it yourself."

Fang woke up, jumped down and said, then turned and helped Zhang Shuhui get off the bus.