Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 135

At dawn, Fang Xing and his men walked through countless friendly forces and prisoners.

When the prisoners saw Chen Jizhan picked on the branch, they all hung their heads and let the Ming army escort them to the prisoner camp.

"It\'s a pity that we didn\'t catch Chen Jizhan, otherwise there won\'t be much left in our army."

In the big account of the Chinese army, Mu Sheng said with some regret.

The generals who came to explain the hunting situation also had some regrets. As for Zhang Fu, he could only hope that Chen Jizhan would not escape too far.

"Good news for thousands of households in Jubao mountain!"

At this time, a soldier rushed in regardless of etiquette and said with ecstasy: "Lord, the headquarters of Jubao mountain has captured Chen Jizhan!"


Zhang Fu couldn\'t hold his airs this time and asked, "where are they?"

"Report, the enemy chieftain Chen Jizhan sent by thousands of households in Jubao mountain!"

"Go and have a look!"

Led by Zhang Fu, everyone poured out big accounts.

Outside the big tent, Chen Jichuan was like a pig waiting to be slaughtered, which was put down from the branch.

Even if Zhang Fu\'s happiness and anger were not in color, after seeing the culprit of the Jiaozhi accident, he still couldn\'t help patting Fang\'s awake shoulder and almost patted him down.

"Good! Dehua, well done!"

Fang Xing endured the pain on his shoulder and said with a sad face, "then there\'s nothing for me here?"

Zhang Fu is a general, and he is also a general who can rush into the array. The power of a slap under great joy is so great that when he saw Fang\'s wake-up look, he laughed and said, "go, the victory banquet is waiting for you in the evening."

Looking at those envious eyes, Fang woke up to know that the limelight was too big this time.

The first achievement of the first landing war was Fang Xingbu, and this time it is indisputable.

First, we found the enemy\'s night attack, second, we blocked the enemy\'s crazy attack, and third, we captured Chen Jikuan, the culprit of the cross toe rebellion.

"Young master, do you hope to be an uncle this time?"

On the way back, Fang Wu asked.

If Fang Xing becomes uncle, the natural treatment of his men will be improved, so this is what the servants are looking forward to.

"Not necessarily!"

Fang woke up and shook his head and said, "if you want to reserve, the supporting people have to prepare."

Fang Wumeng felt that his IQ disappeared overnight. He couldn\'t understand his young master\'s words.

Fang Xing didn\'t explain. He thought of the great scholars tossed by Zhu Di and the auxiliary ministers of the east palace. It\'s just that I want to leave it to the prince for later use, so I just need to suppress it now.

And Fang Xing, as the emperor\'s grandson\'s lineage, how will Zhu Di arrange in the future? To tell the truth, Fang Xing has no bottom.

"It should be to slow down."

Uncle? Fang Xing feels that his credit has not yet arrived. Moreover, based on his relationship with Zhu Zhanji, he may be ignored for the time being.

When he returned to the camp, Fang Xing first went to see the twelve sergeants killed in the war and a small flag.

In the establishment of the Ming army, the small flag was similar to the position of monitor.

Facing the sacrifice of his subordinates for the second time, Fang woke up and felt that he still didn\'t adapt.

"Collect the ashes. Since I brought them, I should also take them back to the land of Daming."

Fang Xing\'s words moved the people around him. In this era, the death of ordinary sergeants is really a small thing. It may be that Fang Xing, an officer who attaches importance to the things behind him, has to move people.

Fang woke up and looked around for a week. He said in a deep voice, "you should do the same in the future. Try to let the brothers who died in the war return to their relatives and offer sacrifices at four o\'clock, so as not to stay outside and be a lonely ghost!"

Almost all the casualties were caused by bows and arrows, which reminded Fang of his armor.

In the evening, the whole army was rewarded except 20000 people on guard.

"Hey! I want meat on my stomach, not pig feet!"

The fire was blazing, and meat was barbecued on each fire.

"Wine, wine?"

A sergeant with half a roast chicken got up and shouted.

"Come, come!"

"Yuan Laowu, did you steal it?"

"No, nothing..."

Fang Xing walked past these sergeants with his own soldiers, and his heart was quiet.

Walking outside the Chinese Army\'s big tent, Fang woke up and heard the shouts inside.

The big tent was full of low tables. Seeing Fang waking up and drinking with Mu Sheng, Zhang Fu waved and said, "Dehua, come to us."

The way of running the army is relaxed one by one. Zhang Fu obviously knows this way well, so tonight he doesn\'t care about etiquette and allows these generals to drink wine.

"Fang Xing, come here and have a drink with our brothers!"

When Fang Xing passed through the middle, he was caught by Fang Zheng. Then, regardless of Zhang Fu\'s face above, Fang Xing drank a bowl, and then laughed and let him go.

The degree of wine was not high. Fang woke up and pretended to be drunk. He went to Zhang Fu\'s table and sat down without waiting for greeting.

"Marshal, Duke of Guizhou."

Mu Sheng looked at Fang Xing with interest and said, "Fang Xing, how do you know that Chen Jizhan will escape to the valley?"

There is a trap in this remark, because if Chen Jizhan is a normal reaction, he should run along the main road. While running, we clean up the defeated army so as to make a comeback.

Fang woke up and said with a smile: "Chen jikuo has been beaten by the commander-in-chief. As long as the commander-in-chief doesn\'t go, he won\'t dare to stay at Jiaozhi again, so running from the mountain is the best way to save his life!"

Zhang fumu, who was ready to ask Mu Sheng again, then said, "although Dehua and Chen Jikuan were arrested, there are still those haos who are restless. What countermeasures do you have?"

Fang Xing took a bite of fried kidney flower and said with a bitter face, "this cook is unqualified. He still smells fishy! He is much worse than my flower mother."

Mu Sheng and Zhang Fu looked at each other and knew something secretly.

At this time, after Chen Jikuan was arrested, for those ambitious Haozu, it is a waist flower with a fishy smell. Even if they know that there will be endless trouble, some people will still flock to it.

Fang woke up to his letter to Zhu Zhanji and said, "the best thing is to instigate control and be better to the farmers to ensure that no one listens to the calls of the haos."

Mu Sheng sighed, "but no one wants to be our chess pieces! What can I do?"

When Fang woke up and remembered the repetition of Jiaozhi, he was silent for a moment, and then asked, "is Ruan Shuai enough?"

Deng Rong was killed in the chase last night. Among the senior officials under Chen Ji\'s command, Ruan Shuai is currently alive, and the appeal of others is not enough.

Mu Sheng took his glass, stared at Fang Xing and said, "of course, that\'s enough, but how can we control him? Son? As long as there are women, why don\'t we worry about having no son!"

Fang woke up and thought about it. He made an excuse to go out to change clothes, and then disappeared for a while.

In a small building in the warehouse, Fang woke up and entered a room with a key. There were all the contraband found, including some bags.

Looking at the things in the bag and looking at this obviously closed secret room, Fang woke up and said with a smile: "Lao Mei actually eats black for nothing?"

With a bag, Fang woke up and came out again.

"What is this?"

Fang Xing asked the soldiers to invite Zhang Fu out and give him the bag.

Fang woke up and whispered, "the things here follow that..."

After explaining the usage, Fang woke up and said in a deep voice: "brother, this thing can make people feel like the Jade Emperor, but it can only be used by Ruan Shuai. If others steal it, the consequences will be... You and I will be taboo from now on."

After thinking, Zhang Fuliu finally nodded and accepted this thing and the control scheme it brought.

"I wrote a memorial at the meeting, saying that we had controlled Ruan Shuai\'s only son and could use him to confuse the rebel forces."