Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 134

"Sleeping trough! I don\'t have enough experience!"

Fang Xing wanted to control the rate of fire, but he forgot as soon as he fought. He hurriedly wanted to connect the ammunition, but the slow speed made him nervous.


Several screams rang out, which made Fang wake up and slow down his action to wear the bullet chain.

"Sleeping trough NIMA! Don\'t chatter!"

When Fang woke up and finally installed the elastic chain, he looked up and couldn\'t close his mouth.

"Where are the people?"

Except for the bodies on the ground below, all the people are gone.

Fang Xing quickly looked through the infrared telescope. As a result, he saw some figures running crazy down the mountain.

"Why did you run away?"


Just as the defeated soldiers ran down the mountain, a huge noise sounded, and then all the enemies fled in all directions.


Zhang Fu sent out all the remaining reserves and chased the enemy all over the mountains and fields.

In the torch, Fang Xing also walked down the mountain. When he bent over and looked at his ten second shooting result, he immediately turned and knelt down.



Chen Jikuan was caught in the middle by more than 100 soldiers and ran wildly.

He didn\'t expect this defeat. When he wanted to come, even if Zhang Fu responded in time, he also had the advantage of night attack. He can retreat all over again.

"I can\'t return!"

At this time, a soldier leaned over. Chen Jizhan immediately vigilantly forced him and shouted, "what\'s the matter?"

In the history of Jiaozhi war, there has never been a lack of vendors seeking glory, so when the war was defeated, Chen jikuo certainly kept vigilant all the time.

But the man shouted while beating the horse: "Lord, we can go to Siam man!"

Chen Jichuan ignored these words, but he was secretly preparing in his heart.

The so-called Siam man was later Laos, where Chen jikuo also had some influence, so it was no problem to protect his life.

"When I escape, I swear, I will make a comeback again!"

Chen Jikuan gritted his teeth and fought hard. He was escorted away from the main battlefield.

There are mountains ahead. As long as he gets there, Zhang Fu can\'t find anyone if he has the ability.


The north is parallel. Today, Zhu Di got up early. He took Zhu Zhanji\'s letter in his hand and hummed: "sow discord, kill each other, divide the land equally, and remove the tenant\'s slave status... This is not what Zhan Ji thought of!"

Huang Huai and Yang Rongtian were called into the palace before dawn. Seeing Zhu Di muttering, they couldn\'t help yawning.

Zhu Di handed over the letter, knocked the table with his fingers and said, "emperor TAISUN wrote a letter and put forward some strategies for the Jiaozhi war. Have a look."

Both of them were quick thinking people. After reading the letter a few times, Yang Rong smiled and said nothing, waiting for Huang Huai to say first.

Huang Huai pondered, "Your Majesty, it\'s excellent to start an internal fight and profit from it."

"Jiaozhi rebellion is repeated. Our army has been stationed for many years. Money and food are tight!"

Zhu Di also nodded secretly. His goal has never been to cross toes, but those alien people on the grassland.

Huang Huai then said, "as for the equal distribution of land, his highness TAISUN said that most of the Jiaozhi rebellion was led by the haos. It was a wise move! I congratulate your majesty!"

Yang Rong also said, "Your Majesty has this Saint sun. It can be said that there are successors!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Zhu Di laughed with pride at the words of the two important ministers around him.

At this time, the population in Daming was small, but there was a lot of abandoned land, so there was no need to curb land annexation.

Yang ronglang said in a voice, "Your Highness, these two strategies can be carried out in parallel, and you can get miraculous results."

Zhu Di stayed in Peiping for the future northern expedition. Seeing that Jiaozhi was expected to have long-term peace and stability, he couldn\'t help but rejoice, and didn\'t notice the trap buried in the bisector land behind him.

When Jiaozhi became a province of the Ming Dynasty, when land mergers occurred frequently in the territory of the Ming Dynasty, Jiaozhi, which could divide the land equally, became a vent.

Huang Huai went to their duty room and thought about it while having breakfast.

Finally, Yang Rong was the first to pick it out.

"Brother Zongyu, do you think this was the idea of Huang TAISUN himself?"

Huang Huai slowly ate spring cakes and porridge, wiped his mouth with half pay, and said, "it doesn\'t matter whether it\'s not important. The important thing is that if the Jiaozhi can calm down, there will be less enemies in one direction after Ming Dynasty, and you and my government affairs will be less tight."

Jiaozhi and the Northern Expedition broke out together, which brought a heavy burden to the whole Daming. Therefore, although Huang Huai\'s words were obscure, Yang Rong heard the taste.

However, no one can say that Zhu Di was militaristic, because foreign people on the grassland provoke conflicts at the border every year. If they don\'t fight at this time, they may not be able to fight when they reach their children and grandchildren.

Yang Rong put down the spoon and said contentedly, "I am so good at both literature and martial arts as the foundation of the Ming Dynasty. It is the blessing of our generation and the blessing of all the people!"

As for who gave Zhu Zhanji\'s attention, it doesn\'t matter. What matters is that emperor TAISUN accepted advice with an open mind. This is a sign of prosperity!

Huang Huai picked up his tea cup and said faintly, "if we can catch Chen Jikuan, how much can I save!"


Chen jikuo is a descendant of the previous dynasty and has great appeal among the people. Therefore, as long as we can catch him, the cross toe rebel forces will become a plate of loose sand in a short time and can be broken one by one.

"I want to go home early, so pray that you can escape this disaster!"

Fang woke up and looked at the torch in front of him. He knew that the time had come.

"Yi law!"

Chen Jikuan and the remaining dozens of soldiers just saw the canyon entering the mountain. When they were overjoyed, seven or eight horses in front of them hissed and roared, and then fell out heavily.

"There\'s a trap!"

Chen jikuo\'s heart was cold and desperately wanted to rein in the horse under his crotch, but he couldn\'t stop at a time when he was running at high speed.

Chen Jizhan just felt a bump under his body and flew out.

In mid air, Chen jikuo saw a row of dark things in the place he had just thrown out, which seemed to be

Triangular nail foetus breaker, from the later interception artifact. Whether you are a small car or a large truck, there is absolutely only one way to go if you run over it.

Moreover, Fang Xing madly asked Fang Wu to bring more than ten tire breakers, and laid this line of defense along the front and back. Chen Ji was caught off guard and finally planted.

Fang Wu took people out of the dark, lit torches and killed the soldiers one by one with muskets.

Chen jikuo broke his arm, but he didn\'t scream. He just hoped that the Ming army in black wouldn\'t find himself.

"There\'s a dressed guy here!"

After a surprise cry, Chen Jifan pulled out his dagger and wiped it neatly on his neck.


Fang Wu kicked off the dagger, looked at it with a torch, and then laughed, "ha ha! We\'ve caught a big guy! Put those things away and go back to report the good news to the young master!"

A smelly rag blocked Chen Jikuan\'s mouth. After being tied up, the two sergeants looked like carrying a pig and met the pursuers with the brigade.