Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 133

At the beginning of Yin, at more than three o\'clock in the morning, Fang Xing stood on the hill. Behind him were hundreds of scouts with horses on their backs. They were preparing to go down the mountain from the side.

Putting down the infrared telescope in front of him, Fang woke up and turned back to the others and said, "they\'re almost here. Let\'s get ready!"

Xin Laoqi was the first to enter the village gate, and Lin Qun\'an and Meng Jiao hesitated and followed in. Then came the hundred families, who quietly went down the mountain under the leadership of Fang Wu.

"How did he know?"

Meng Jiao asked.

Lin Qun\'an moved his hands and feet and said, "maybe people\'s eyesight is very good."

As for telescopes, it is impossible to get them at the level of 1000 households.

Fang Xing returned to the camp and said to Xin Laoqi, "the area above is small, which is just convenient for our army\'s fire gun layout. You go to coordinate. It is mainly positive defense. As for the direction of the back mountain, as long as they are not stupid, they will not bypass the attack."

The terrain of Houshan mountain is dangerous, which is a good place for the attacker to commit suicide, so Fang Xing only put a hundred guards.

Directly ahead, there is a stronghold gate as a bunker, with a transverse length of only more than 100 meters, which is enough for Fang Xing to calmly arrange fire.

After Xin Laoqi went to decorate, Fang woke up and struggled to pick up something from his tent.

In the dark, Chen Jizhan followed the Chinese army. When the scouts said that the other party had no response, Bai Shengsheng\'s teeth bared out and said with a low smile: "divide 5000 people and touch the mountain. The army continued to move forward and strive for both sides to attack at the same time!"

Zhang Fu stood on the wooden commanding platform and looked at the dark outside with great anxiety.

"Will Chen Jizhan start with Fang Xing?"

Mu Sheng also had this worry, but he wanted to understand and said bluntly: "brother Wen Bi, if Chen Jiguang dared to hit Fang Xingbu first, the raid would become a Ming attack. He wouldn\'t be so stupid."

Zhang Fu nodded and said, "yes, according to the time, Chen Jizhan\'s brigade should have passed the foot of the mountain at the moment."

The waiting time was hard. The troops in Zhang Fu\'s camp had long been dispersed, and the encircling men and horses on the left and right wings were ready to attack at any time.

"Lord, the enemy is coming."

A soldier ran over and said excitedly.

An angry wind lamp lit up Zhang Fu\'s face. He motioned to the firearm battalion to fire first.

"Bang Bang Bang..."

A faint gunshot came. Zhang Fu was surprised. He looked up at the hill and saw that the lights on the top of the hill were bright, and the gunfire like firecrackers had not stopped.

Zhang Fu\'s cheek trembled and turned into an expressionless shout: "Herald, do it!"


"Bang Bang Bang..."

Dense lead bullets flew from top to bottom, and those enemies who were bending down to charge were immediately knocked down.

By the light of the fire, Fang woke up to see the enemy coming up the mountain and said to Xin Laoqi, "Laoqi, there are at least three or five thousand. Pay attention to the reserve team."

Xin Laoqi nodded and shouted, "young master, the other two thousand households are to pick up the leftovers and make up the deficiencies. As long as the enemy doesn\'t break in much, I\'m sure I can drive them down!"

Although the words were easy to say, when the flash of fire lit up the dark crowd, the hearts of the people on the mountain were tense.

Fang Xing held the thing to the side. From here, it was the waist of the enemy.

When the bipod was open, Fang woke up and pulled up the elastic chain, and then fell on the ground.


The enemies on the hillside are shouting madly, like a wave of people surging up.

"Bang Bang Bang..."


Rows of sergeants went to the stronghold door and put their guns on the gap. They didn\'t need to aim. They could shoot as long as the general direction was good.

While the enemy below suffered heavy casualties, he also summoned up courage, covered with a shield and sent the archer to the place close to the top of the mountain.

The archers bravely stood up and threw the arrows in their hands between shots.

Meng Jiao saw the scene and shouted, "no!"

Lin Qun\'an also changed his face. He shouted to his subordinates gathered behind him: "prepare for assault!"

Once the enemy rushes up, the Musketeers can\'t keep up with the speed of bayonets. At this time, they need these cold weapon teams to carry out anti assault.


Dozens of arrows shot up, and a row of sergeants who had just finished shooting immediately fell seven or eight.

The front fell to the ground, and the back did not come up for a while. The enemy below shouted excitedly and rushed up suddenly.

The situation was critical, but Xin Laoqi didn\'t panic. He shouted, "grenade!"

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Dozens of burning leads were immediately added behind the wooden fence.

"Throw it out!"

The enemy who is rushing up sees something coming down on his head and thinks it\'s stones. He thinks what can you do with a small stone like you!

"Boom, boom!"

Dozens of explosions stopped the people at the scene in an instant.

More than ten meters below the wooden fence, now it has become a hell. The explosion of the grenade ejected the "feeding" sundries at high speed, and all the victims screamed miserably.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xin Laoqi quickly asked someone to drag away several wounded, and the firemen behind opened fire below like shooting a target.

"Bang bang bang!"

The rest of the enemy fled with the platoon, and then Xin Laoqi lost no time to increase the firepower output.

"The enemy retreated!"

Zhang Fu has also started

When the camp door opened, the enemies who had just touched the camp door were stunned and looked at the bright camp, a Biao cavalry rushed out.


Ready to attack others, I found that the opponent was ready and used cavalry as soon as he came up.

This battle can\'t be fought!

In a burst of impact, sabers and spears chopped up like a forest.

"Lost! Lost!"

Seeing the bright light ahead, Chen Jikuan of the Chinese Army knew that his sneak attack had been found. He looked at the sky absently, turned the horse fiercely, and said to Ruan Shuai, "take down the hill on the right immediately!"

Ruan Shuai knew that this was necessary for defense. With this hill, even if he was defeated by Zhang Fu\'s army, he could retreat calmly.

As for those who stay on the hill, they are abandoned children.

Be kind and not be in charge of soldiers!

Ruan Shuai immediately shouted: "press on the front, sneak attack on the flank!"

War has never been a way. Upright and sneak attacks are like a pair of brothers, one bright and self destructive, and the other dark and victorious.

Flank, although the road is difficult, but the victory is that there is not much defense.

The sound of shouting and killing from the front rose again, but Fang Xing did not waver and continued to keep his plan here. When he kept looking down, he finally saw the shadow in the strange infrared field of vision.

"You\'re finally here. God helps me!"

Fang Xing\'s heart shook and finally saw the hope of leaving Chen Jizhan.

You\'re not desperate!

On the flank, only two hundred households of Meng Jiao are watching, and Fang Xing has sneaked into the dug pit and waited for this.

"Don\'t get shot in the front, but come here to eat bullets... Let\'s go!"

When the enemy who touched the flank saw the top of the mountain, before he could digest the joy of only more than 200 people here, he was interrupted by a chain of fire.

"Hiss, hiss..."

A series of cloth tearing sounds came, and Fang woke up and finished the bullet chain in a little more than ten seconds.