Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 132

Three thousand headquarters began to get busy, and wooden piles began to appear on the hill.

The trees on the hill are about to be cut down. With a good view, both the enemy and ourselves will have nowhere to hide.

Fang woke up, touched his chin and said with some sobs, "I wanted to garrison quietly. It\'s a pity that I could catch the enemy unprepared."

The wooden piles are driven down one by one, and the scope is extending.

After communicating with the two generals for a while, Dong Pei came over and said, "Mr. Fang, why don\'t you prepare rolling stones?"

Fang Xing glanced at Dong Pei coldly and said faintly, "although I am white, I came here at the order. Won\'t they talk to me directly?"

Dong Pi\'s back was hairy with this look, and he quickly flashed to the side.

Fang Xing squints at the two thousand presidents and distrusts Dong Pi\'s IQ.

It was obvious that he was flattered, and then the goods came to test.


The two people over there saw this behind the scenes and deadlocked for a moment. Finally, Lin Qun\'an came over.

"Mr. Fang, why don\'t you prepare rolling stones?"

The man smiled, but the temptation at the bottom of his eyes was bright.

"Go and trim the branches first, and then carry a rolling log up."

Fang xinglengleng left a word without explaining, and then ordered: "order, everyone except the scouts to start cleaning up the hillside where the enemy can hide."

Seeing Fang waking up and leaving, and Lin Qun\'an standing there in a daze, Meng Jiao came up and asked, "Lao Lin, have you been scolded?"

Lin Qun\'an didn\'t look back. He just looked at the uneven places on the hillside for a long time and sighed, "I\'m also a fool. I didn\'t think of these details."

With an order, the sergeants who were about to finish the work of fixing the stronghold began to be busy again.

Lin Qun\'an and Meng Jiao were patrolling up and down. After several times, Lin Qun\'an patted his head. Meng Jiao couldn\'t help but wonder: "I said, Lao Lin, what\'s the matter with you today?"

Lin Qun\'an regretted, "I underestimated Mr. Fang!"

Meng Jiao didn\'t understand. Lin Qun\'an explained, "just now I asked him why he didn\'t prepare rolling logs and stones, but I forgot the difficulty of going up the mountain. After several times, the sergeant was out of strength. Once the enemy appeared, wouldn\'t we become lambs to be slaughtered?"

Meng Jiao nodded and felt that this was reasonable. Most of the other party\'s waking contempt also went away.

"But there\'s more."

Lin Qun\'an pointed to the sergeants cleaning up the small earth bags and pits on the hillside and said, "he asked people to clean up these things. The purpose must be to remove the obstacles of gun shooting."

Meng Jiao followed the Chinese Army ashore that day, so he didn\'t see the power of Fang Xingbu\'s firearm, so he doubted: "I said, Lao Lin, what firearm can compare with our men\'s knife and gun?"

Lin Qun\'an said solemnly, "Lao Meng, if there is no fire gun, you and I will not stay here!"

In the afternoon, Fang woke up and inspected it. He smiled with sore back and leg pain.

"Old seven, after the shooting range is cleared, as long as the enemy dares to attack on the back, unless it is pressed by the army, we will be as stable as a mountain."

Master Xin nodded at seven and said, "young master, the enemy must not dare to send out an army."

Once the enemy sends out a large army to attack this hill, with Zhang Fu\'s ability, he will never miss the opportunity to make the enemy weak and me strong.

"Chicken ribs!"

The Scouts of the Ming army went deep into the enemy\'s territory, and Chen jikuo\'s scouts also detected the situation on the hill.

Chen Ji expanded his jaw and looked thin. When he heard the reward from the scouts, he sighed: "it\'s on the side of our army line. Don\'t fight. You\'ll be attacked at any time, but if you really fight..."

The next two generals are Ruan Shuai and Deng Rong. Ruan Shuai said loudly, "Lord, a small mountain bag, my department can go down with a drum."

Deng Rong said in a gloomy way on the side: "small mountain bag? Then you will attack."

Chen Jikuan didn\'t seem to see the dispute among his subordinates. He thought of his uncertain future. With a cross in his heart, he got up and said, "don\'t quarrel! Go back and prepare, let\'s..."

Since Chen Jikuan started the army, in order to rally the morale of the army and win the support of the people, he only became king as a descendant of the Chen Dynasty, but when he would see some hope, he found that he might have no way back.

At that time, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty wanted to make him a Jiaozhi envoy during Chen jikuo\'s rebellion, but he scoffed at him.

Looking at the sergeants in rags and even many without serious shoes, Chen Jifan murmured, "I want Annan, not Daming\'s toes!"

Chen Jizhan\'s army has been on the move, and he hid the soldiers in the countryside for food, so as to avoid the risk of being detected by the Daming scouts and save the lack of military food.

After receiving Chen Jizhan\'s order, the scattered soldiers returning from around slowly and finally gathered into a torrent

Chen jikuo\'s guerrilla warfare is Zhang Fu\'s biggest headache. Now I hear that Chen\'s army is gathering. Of course, Zhang Fu should be prepared to take the initiative to attack.

"Alas! The trees have been cut down for nothing!"

After receiving the order to start tomorrow, all the people in Fang Xingbu complained.

The next day, Fang Xing was going to fight. He habitually wrote a letter and was ready to give it to the messenger before the war.

"Take it as a suicide note!"

This war is facing the main force of Chen Jizhan. It is said that there are elephant soldiers, so Fang Xing can\'t guarantee that he can come back alive.

At night, when Fang woke up and was sleeping soundly, a hurried voice came from outside the account.

"Young master, there is a situation!"

When Fang woke up, he turned over, cleaned himself up and called someone in.

The guests are Fang Wu and Xin Laoqi.

Old Xin\'s face was dignified and said, "young master, old five said that the scouts found that Chen Ji\'s expanding army is running towards this side."

When Fang woke up, he immediately asked, "how many people? How far? How fast?"

Fang Wu calmly replied: "I can\'t see the number of people, but there must be a lot. It\'s less than four miles away. At the current speed, we\'ll be here in two quarters of an hour."

Fang woke up sleepless. He rubbed his face and ordered, "let the brothers get up and get ready."

"Also, send someone to inform the Chinese Army immediately. Hurry!"

Fang Xing took out his signature pen, wrote down his views on a piece of paper and handed them to Xin Laoqi.

"Send someone to the Chinese Army immediately. Pay attention and avoid the enemy\'s scouts."

Xin Laoqi answered and went out, but Fang Wu said proudly: "young master, when we returned, we had mastered the position of the enemy scouts, just to avoid alerting the snake, so we didn\'t touch them."


Zhang Fu, who received Fang Xing\'s letter, immediately showed his general\'s true colors. He said to the generals: "cover up everywhere. No abnormalities are allowed. Let\'s expand a pot for Chen Ji today!"

All the generals answered excitedly. Zhang Fu got up and hurried for humanity: "go back and prepare. In addition, our scouts should also be rectified. The Scouts of the thousand households in Jubao mountain have come to report to us, but what about us? We still know nothing!"