Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 131

"... Shu Hui, the army has nothing to do recently. I just follow my brother all day. In terms of security, no one in the southern expedition army can go out of my right... I miss you..."

The beacon fire in March, the family letter is ten thousand gold.

Fang Xing has received a letter from Zhang Shuhui, saying that everything is fine in fangjiazhuang, but everyone is worried about his safety. Xiaobai takes lingdang to guard at the gate of the village every day, hoping to see the messenger returning from the southern expedition... Huang TAISUN often comes to check and inquire, so no one dares to despise Fang\'s family.


Fang woke up and remembered that sometimes she was dignified like a lady, sometimes she was playful like a wife who didn\'t grow up, and that Xiaobai who never knew how to be sad, as well as the housekeeper and flower mother

Homesick, Fang Xingxing is really homesick.

Blow dry the ink on the letter and put it into the envelope. Fang Xing is about to send it, but Fang Wu asks for an interview.

After several battles, Fang Wu grew up very fast. He bowed down and said, "young master, we have discussed it, and we have reported our false posts."

Fang Xing handed over the envelope, nodded and said, "Huang TAISUN is still young. Let\'s not worry."

At five o\'clock, Fang said, "everyone knows, young master, then I\'ll go out?"

This is Fang Xing\'s right, just to make the servants mature faster.


After Fang Xing arranged special training for the servants, as well as the people and horses who scouted hundreds of families, Fang Xing believes that they can definitely bloom a dazzling brilliance at Jiaozhi.


"Great victory! Great victory for my southern army!"

Lubu reported the victory, which was a surprise Zhang Fu wanted to give to the emperor. At the same time, it was also exciting. There was some low morale of the army and the people because of the impatience of the tile outside the pass.

"Great victory, the southern expedition army defeated 50000 enemies in one battle!"

Zhu Di was discussing with several assistant ministers about the preparations for the northern expedition in the coming year. Hearing the sound, he laughed and said, "I know Zhang Fu can live up to expectations, OK!"

Yang Rong hurried out to pick up dew cloth and memorials, and handed them to Zhu Di when he came in.

Zhu Di didn\'t look at Lu Bu, but carefully looked at Zhang Fu\'s memorials.

"... the minister landed with a determination to die, and the rebels fought back. They wanted to break it in one fell swoop when our army was scattered..."

"... our left wing Jubaoshan thousand headquarters boldly responded to the enemy and swept through the main force of the enemy with one enemy and five... Our landing army took advantage of the situation to cover up and break the enemy!..."

Yang Rong looked at Huang Huai, the Bachelor of youchunfang. Huang Huai responded with a reassuring smile.

In the middle of Yongle\'s year, Zhu Di had several ministers to assist the government, including Hu Guang, Huang Huai, Yang Shiqi, Yang Rong, Jin Youzi, and Hu Yan, who was in charge of the Imperial Academy.

Although the cabinet has been abolished, in fact, these people are equivalent to the auxiliary ministers of the previous cabinet to help the emperor manage the country.

Zhu Di\'s mind was too hard to guess. On the one hand, he ordered these auxiliary ministers to teach the prince, which meant paving the way for Prince Zhu gaochi.

But on the other hand, once Zhu Di was dissatisfied with the prince, these auxiliary ministers would be unlucky, especially Huang Huai, who almost went to jail for slander several times.

Huang Huai looked at the majestic and unpredictable emperor above, with some inexplicable worry in his heart.

After reading the memorial, Zhu Di passed it on. After these auxiliary ministers read it, he said, "Zhang Fu\'s brother-in-law let me look out of sight. I didn\'t expect to be in the army. It seems that Huang TAISUN has learned a lot from him."

Huang Huai lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty, this war has been a great victory, but Chen jikuo still has a large army in his hand. It is estimated that the battle between the two toes will continue."

Zhu Di nodded, then saw Yang Rong shaking his head and asked, "you have something to say?"

Yang Rong is smart, so only he dares to be appropriate and presumptuous in front of Zhu Di.

"Your Majesty, Ming Dynasty is really full of talents. A small person can produce martial arts and enter literature, which shows the effect of education."

Zhu Di still ate this kind of flattery, so he laughed and said, "you\'re wrong this time. Fang Xing claims to be a miscellaneous scholar and won\'t be with you."

This question made Yang Rong feel a little confused. He argued: "although Fang Xing said he was an acrobat, he was still a prodigy in Beiping mansion."

When it came to Fang Xing, several auxiliary ministers smiled and felt that this was a great victory for the literati.

One of our Confucianists can defeat the cross toe rebellion. In the future, who dares to say that we have no strength to bind chickens.

I learned that ten thousand enemies are good!

As far away as the Fangjia village in Jinling, Zhu Zhanji sent someone to pass the good news to Zhang Shuhui. She was so happy that with a wave of her small hand, each family made wine and meat.

Fang Jielun has no opinion at all. He laughs and looks proud when walking in the villa.

Only Zhu Zhanji, he and the prince had some accidents.

Zhu gaochi sighed, "I didn\'t expect that Mr. Fang would be so... Outstanding. Zhanji, you\'re lucky!"

Zhu gaochi\'s teachers are all literary ministers. There is no one like Fang Xing who is proficient in both literature and martial arts, so he also has some feelings.

Zhu Zhanji said in a deep voice, "there are some rumors outside that brother Dehua\'s credit is all given by the British public for the sake of relatives."

"Ignore it!"

Zhu gaochi smiled like a Maitreya. "Who is the British Duke? Who can do such a thing? Tell me that your emperor grandpa is the first to distrust! It\'s just a matter of worrying about others!"

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "well, the British Duke is calm and rigorous in running the army. It is impossible to be selfish!"


Zhu Zhanji looked at Wan Wan playing outside and felt melancholy.

——Why can\'t I have sex? At least you can go to battle and kill yourself!


Fang woke up and didn\'t know all the reactions brought by the good news. He was still training sergeants every day. When he was free, he went to Fang Zhengchuan to visit.

Today, Zhang Fu convened all the generals to discuss the matter outside.

The terrain here is open, but five miles away, there are several hills.

Zhang Fu pointed to the hill on the left with a whip and said, "it\'s easy to defend here but difficult to attack. If the enemy attacks, it can disturb its rear path, so I decided to garrison on this mountain. Who can bear it?"

Several generals are eager to try. The credit for this independent operation is not small.

But mu Sheng seemed to discuss with Zhang Fu and said, "I think it\'s the most appropriate for the thousand headquarters in Jubaoshan. If you can help them, they can contain the enemy."

Zhang Fu\'s eyes swept Fang Xing, looked at the generals, nodded and said, "in that case, Fang Xing."

Fang Xing hurried forward and said, "marshal, Fang Xing is here."

Zhang Fu looked at Fang Xing and said in a deep voice, "I\'ll give you this place and give you two thousand headquarters. Do you have confidence?"

Fang woke up and said, "I won\'t live up to my trust!"

The hill is less than 200 meters high, and there are large areas of flat land and water sources on it. Therefore, this is why Zhang Fu dares to garrison here and is not afraid that the isolated army will be destroyed.

After Fang woke up and returned to the camp, he immediately went to receive the two thousand headquarters.

Soon, more than 3000 people gathered in the camp.

"Officer Meng Jiao, I\'ve seen Mr. Fang."

A bearded man hugged his fist and sang, but this guy was not convinced when he saw some of the other party wake up.

"Junior officer Lin Qun\'an, I\'ve seen Mr. Fang."

Lin Qun\'an looks gentle and elegant, but he has the style of a Confucian general.