Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 130

After dividing the credit, Zhang Fu began to make the next battle instructions.

"Ruan Shuai returned from a big defeat today, but Deng Rong ran first. I think this is a fighter!"

What Zhang Fu didn\'t know was that in the original history, the landing war was very fierce, which directly led him to suspend further attacks.

Mu Sheng also said, "the enemy will definitely fight back, so our army should hoard supplies and prepare for the war!"

Zhang Fu nodded and said, "I\'ve told Huang Fu that I\'ll be there in a few days."

Huang Fu is a political envoy in Jiaozhi and concurrently an observer. He has a good reputation among the people in Jiaozhi.

"When the troops go back, they should encourage the officers and men, not slack off!"

After the meeting, Fang woke up and walked out in the crowd. Suddenly, he was patted on the shoulder. Looking back, it turned out to be his own Fang Zheng.

Fang Zheng said brightly, "Dehua, you are so refreshing. After the war, I\'ll buy you a drink!"

Fang Xing said with a smile, "I\'ll sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman!"

Back to his own territory, Fang Xing was in a good mood. At least he was the first general with friendship in the army!

And they are all commanders. They can be regarded as generals.

After the camp was built, Fang woke up to look at some of the wounded, and then summoned more than 100 people under his command.

Jiaozhi is not short of wood, but the new wooden house is a little wet, which makes Fang wake up and miss the tent.

With the servants, more than 20 people sat down together. Fang woke up and said, "I went to the Chinese Army just now..."

Everyone stared at Fang Xing\'s mouth and wished that good news would pop out of it immediately.

Fang Xing said with a smile, "the British public is very appreciative of our department. Maybe it\'s the first merit in this war!"


"Good! This is really good!"


The people sitting here know what the first merit is. It means money and promotion.

Who doesn\'t like getting promoted and getting rich?

Fang woke up, pressed his hand and said with a smile, "we all strive to be the first in this war. I don\'t have any order here. Do you have any opinion on this?"

When the credit is subdivided, someone must get the first prize, but Fang wakes up and is ready to report it in the name of the collective.

There was a moment of silence in the wooden house. Then Dong PI got up and said, "don\'t worry, Mr. Fang. I will advance and retreat together at Jubao mountain!"

Others have also stated that they have no opinion that it is regarded as collective credit.

Otherwise, you say your own hundred households kill the most enemies, and I say my hundred households are the most heroic. Before the credit comes down, our people will start to make trouble first.

In fact, this kind of retribution is the right of those who unify the army, but Fang Xing doesn\'t want to be arbitrary.

Next, Fang Xing will arrange for everyone to prepare for the next training.

"In today\'s World War I, our army is skillful in tactics and marches like a wall. It is worthy of the training along the way."

Fang Xing praised first, and then said, "but there are still people whose actions are deformed and their firing is unsuccessful! Some even beat out the whole bar!"

All the people below said nothing. Although the thousand families in Jubaoshan played well today, there are still a very few sergeants who are too nervous and don\'t play well in the face of war.

Fang Xing didn\'t want to reprimand, so he said in a deep voice: "after going down, don\'t scold the wrong brother for this. One life and two acquaintance! Just strengthen training."

After making a plan to strengthen training, Fang woke up and drove away the guys who were still salivating and wanted to drink.

"Old seven, you stay."

Xin Laoqi stopped at the sound. After waiting for him to leave, Fang xingcai asked him to sit down.

"Old seven, you have made great contributions to the battle command today. I want to change your membership!"

Fang Xing couldn\'t bear to be loyal to Xin Laoqi, so he was ready to get rid of his nationality.

Xin Laoqi was stunned, then blushed and waved his hand: "young master, no, No."

Fang Xing frowned and said, "why not? Today\'s battle is your command. I\'m just an observer. You\'re not the first skill. Who\'s the first skill?!"

In Fang Xing\'s heart, today\'s first achievement is Xin Laoqi. The silly man burst out shocking talent in the battle, but he couldn\'t count merit because he was a slave.

Xin Laoqi blushed, waved his hand and said, "young master, I won\'t. don\'t embarrass me!"

Hundreds of scattered households and servants outside heard the words inside. Gradually, Fang woke up with a high voice.

"Nonsense! You\'ve made great achievements. You\'ll be blind if you don\'t get rid of your nationality!"

Although Xin Laoqi\'s voice is weak, it is firm.

"Young master, I won\'t leave fangjiazhuang. I think I live very well. You..."


Soon, as the first person to wake up, Xin Laoqi was not willing to leave his hometown. Therefore, the news that he would rather give up his great work spread all over the camp.

Worried about Fang Xing\'s mistakes, Zhang Fu called him and said, "Xin Laoqi was originally your dealer. How can you extrapolate such a loyal servant?"

Fang Xing looked at Zhang Fu in surprise and felt that his brother-in-law was really cold-blooded.

"Eldest brother, he has a bright future. If I trap him in fangjiazhuang, wouldn\'t it be a waste of his talent? And I\'m too kind to others!"

Seeing Fang\'s anger on his face, Zhang Fu smiled: "but he is a slave. Even if such a person can be promoted, you can either turn against him completely, or he can only take some idle positions and can\'t be reused. Do you understand?"

Fang woke up and didn\'t understand, but he soon figured it out.

"But worried about the army for private use?"

Zhang Fu nodded and said with a teachable expression: "exactly. If you appoint people like this, there will be a Xin old seven today and a Xin old eight tomorrow. For a long time, Dehua, can you still keep your head steady?"

Fang woke up in a cold sweat. He thought that this problem had happened in the future, so that something big had happened and many people were unlucky.

Yeah! Your awakened slaves can take charge of the army. Will this army listen to your majesty or to you?

The private army is the most disgusting thing for those in power at all times, at home and abroad. Even in future generations, neither the United States nor China will allow this to happen.

Fang woke up quietly and Zhang Fu sighed, "you are still young and the days are still long! What\'s the hurry!"

Fang woke up and looked calm on his face: "brother, this war is counted on me. When you report it, you say I don\'t want to take a real job."

Zhang Fu shook his head and said, "what\'s good about those empty positions? It\'s just looking decent, but there\'s no real power at all. But you\'ve thought about it?"

Fang woke up with a smile and said, "I think so!"

At this time, the risk of being an official is too great. It may be cannon fodder in the struggle at any time, so Fang Xing\'s goal is Rongfeng.

Zhang Fu nodded admiringly and said, "I didn\'t expect you to see it clearly. Since you have that kind of relationship with Huang TAISUN, you really shouldn\'t be an official at present. Let me take care of it."

Fang Xing didn\'t expect Zhang Fu to know what he thought. He couldn\'t help boxing and said, "brother, you still see deeply."

Zhang Fu stroked his beard and smiled and frankly accepted the flattery. At the age of ten, he returned to Daming with his father Zhang Yu from Mengyuan. He has experienced wars and various political battles for many times. If he didn\'t see it deeply, he would have been idle long ago.