Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 129

PS: Sir, I\'m on a business trip today. This chapter uses mobile phone code. Please forgive me for any mistakes and omissions!


At the end of the war, the battlefield was full of bodies.


A small war horse suddenly stood up from the ground and whirled in a daze. It sniffed the corpses on the ground with its nose and was restless.

There was no smoke of gunpowder, no blood flowing into a river, some were just solemn, occasionally with a few low howls.

The soldiers are cleaning the battlefield, carrying out their own wounded and corpses, and then stacking the enemy\'s corpses together.

The flags on the ground were broken and trampled under his feet. Dong PI strode forward in high spirits. Looking at the desolate scene, he thought of two poems.

"Poor Wuding River bone, still... Still a man in a boudoir\'s dream!"

Fang woke up without looking back, "how are the casualties in our department?"

Dong PI said proudly, "three people were killed and five injured. Mr. Fang, this is a great victory!"

With 1000 people, they not only blocked the impact of the other party\'s partial division, but also fought back boldly, sweeping the other party\'s main force.

Jubaoshan thousand headquarters should be the first merit in this war!

Dong PI looked at the pursuers who came back with great pride.

Fang Xing\'s body was covered with blood, which was caught during the chase. He narrowed his eyes and didn\'t want some of his red eyes to be seen.

"Gou RI! Kneel down!"

A sergeant with red eyes beat an enemy prisoner of war with the back of his knife.


The little prisoner shouted in horror, his eyes turned, eager for someone to find out and stop what was about to happen here.

The civilian men took a look, and the sergeants who escorted the prisoners back also took a look, and then turned coldly.

Killing prisoners is a rare scene.

Fang woke up and found that he had no idea of the virgin bitch. He also looked at the scene indifferently.

Dong PI said in a low voice, "this man should have a good friend or brother who died in the war. Even the British Council will turn a blind eye to this kind of thing."

At this time, the sergeant forced the prisoner to kneel down. He raised his head and shouted. Tears ran down, and the big knife in his hand waved down.

"Elder brother, I sent the people who serve you down!"

Fang woke up and turned his head. He didn\'t want to hear the wailing again.

The thousand families of Jubao mountain are gathering together. When they wake up, they can\'t see the joy of victory, but are silent.

Xin Laoqi was kneeling on the ground to cover the three corpses with white cloth.

"I\'ll come."

Fang Xing also knelt on the side, pulled up the white cloth and slowly covered up the pale face below.

Seeing this, Tung PI was a little muttering.

Seeing people who are used to fighting, that heart will slowly cool down.

Fang woke up slowly, turned his eyes, saw those gloomy faces, and knew that this was the normal reaction of the recruits.

But morale can\'t vent!


When Fang woke up, everyone stood up straight and held their heads high.

"Brothers, there is no war for the undead, nor is there an army that will win forever."

Fang Xing needed to boost his morale, so he pointed to the three remains covered with white cloth and said, "the dead are gone, they will win our respect, and their families will get their due pension, which I assure you."

"No one can lose my brother\'s pension. If so, I swear, even if I catch up with the ends of the earth, I will let him regret his greed in hell!"

What are the soldiers most worried about at this time? The worry is that no one cares after death.

Seeing those obviously excited faces, Fang woke up and smiled: "today, I gathered thousands of households in Baoshan to fight one enemy and five, which not only blocked the enemy\'s offensive, but also fought back in time, making the first contribution to the great defeat of the enemy!"

"I\'m proud of you!" Fang shouted with bright eyes

"I Jubao mountain thousand households, powerful!"

"I am Daming and powerful!"

A cavalry ordered to summon Fang Xing could not help but rein in when he saw this scene.

Everyone\'s faces were red. When they saw Fang Xing waving his fists, they shouted in unison, "I\'m Daming, powerful!"

Zhang Fu and Mu Sheng, who were at the edge of the camp, heard the uproar. They looked back and Mu Sheng said with a smile, "your brother-in-law is really good. Just after the war, he will cheer up his subordinates."

Zhang Fu Fuxu said, "victory is not arrogant and defeat is not discouraged. It\'s really my Zhangjia people."

Mu Sheng said with a smile, "you have a thick skin, but people\'s surname is Fang!"

Zhang Fu said faintly, "I\'ll give the door a pulse, lose glory, and divide what surname!"

This involves the civil and military dispute, and Mu Sheng is speechless.

Fang Xing received the notice, so he handed it over to Xin Laoqi and Dong PI, and went to the Chinese army with two servants.

The Chinese army quickly established a big account. When Fang woke up, the soldiers at the door couldn\'t help paying attention to it.

"Jubao mountain Qianhu Office... Mr. Fang is here!"

This title makes Fang Xing a little uncomfortable. He prefers to be called a teacher.

Walking into the big tent, there were two rows of generals with more than 1000 households standing in order, so the soldiers who had just been ordered didn\'t call Dong PI.

Seeing Fang waking up, all eyes focused on him, some admired, some appreciated, and, of course, a few envied.

Zhang Fu sits at the head, and Mu Sheng is in the lower position of his left hand.

Zhang Fu stroked his beard with a smile. It seems that the victory made him happy.

After a dry cough, Zhang Fu began to summarize.

"... in the first world war today, our army killed more than 23000 enemies and captured more than 2000 prisoners. It can be said to be a great victory!"

The generals and officers below are excited. Winning the war means meritorious service, and meritorious service will be rewarded.

Sure enough, Zhang Fu continued: "the first merit in this war..."

All eyes turned to Fang Xing. No one dared to rob the first merit.

Zhang Fu looked at Fang Xing with comfort. When he knew that his brother-in-law was coming, he was worried that it would affect his prestige in the army, but unexpectedly, his brother-in-law gave him a big surprise.

"Fang Xing!"

Fang woke up and arched his hands towards the four sides: "the battle was well commanded by the commander first."

Everyone nodded in agreement. It\'s not flattery.

If hundreds of thousands of troops fail to convince the people of their authority, accidents will happen sooner or later.

Therefore, the old generals know how to maintain the authority of the uniformer.

Fang Xing then said, "then the boat master is capable."

This is no problem. Without the efforts of the boat division, the troops on shore cannot have enough time to adapt to the land and array.

Nice boy!

Zhang Fu and Mu Sheng exchanged eyes. They both felt that the young man was calm and not impetuous.

Fang woke up the other party\'s political arch hand and said, "maybe we were a family with Lord Fang 300 years ago, so today he just withstood the impact of the enemy\'s main force and provided a guarantee for our Chinese army to land and maintain the front with the flanks."

"Without Lord Fang to resist the enemy\'s main force, our thousand households in Jubaoshan are just a spray in the sea, and the enemy\'s main force will disappear as soon as it rushes!"


Zhang Fu shouted with appreciation.

The boatman commander and Fang Zheng looked at Fang Xing with grateful eyes.

This is not a sedan chair carried by everyone. If Fang Zheng\'s Qianfeng camp had not blocked the main force of the enemy today, Fang Xingsuo would probably have been made dumplings.