Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 128

On the main battlefield of both sides, the cross toe rebels finally bumped into each other.

"Poof poof!"

Countless sharp blades pierced into the voice of the human body, and the strikers of both sides almost scuffled together.

"How about the flank?"

Seeing that the enemy\'s offensive was slowed down by the front defense, Fang Zheng asked.

The soldier sat on his horse, covered his eyebrows, and then replied, "Sir, the smoke of gunpowder on the flank is diffuse and can\'t be seen clearly, but the enemy didn\'t come out."

"Beep, beep, beep!"

"Bang Bang Bang..."

The lead bullets were fired at a high speed. Under the smoke of gunpowder, almost no results could be seen, but the sergeants were still orderly transposed according to the training arrangement.

Fang Xing is on the side. Behind him are cavalry scouting Baihu.

When the enemy\'s Archer appeared, Fang woke up and rushed over and shouted, "step back slowly!"

Xin Laoqi whistled as soon as he heard it.


"Bang bang bang!"

After the firing of this row was completed, the whole queue began to retreat calmly, not slow.


As soon as I left the original place, an arrow pole was planted there.


that was close!

Fang Xing is glad to be blocked by the smoke of gunpowder. The enemy can\'t see the situation here. Otherwise, at least 30 people will fall under the arrow rain just now.

Now only one unlucky man was shot in the shoulder by the other party\'s diffuse arrow. He was immediately dragged out by the civilian men, and the doctors in the rear were waiting.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

The whistle sounded again and the neat volley began immediately.

"Bang Bang Bang..."


Fang woke up and saw clearly that many of the enemy\'s archers were scattered by these rounds of volley, so he waved forward:


Xin Laoqi whistled as soon as he received the instruction.


After this short battle, the sergeants whose tension was relieved followed.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

"Bang Bang Bang..."

The marching volley brought bad luck to the protruding archers. They screamed and were knocked down on the ground, crawling and rolling to get back.


Xin Laoqi, who rushed out of the smoke of gunpowder, saw this scene. Before Fang woke up, he commanded the queue to stride forward.

At this time, the situation of the flank was finally seen by Fang Zheng\'s personal soldiers. He shouted: "Sir, the flank... The flank began to attack!"


Are you going to kill a thousand people by attacking five thousand people?

Fang Zheng had been directing the frontal scuffle. Hearing this, he immediately took out a telescope - this is one of the ten.

The neat line was not in disorder. Under the leadership of Xin Laoqi, they walked steadily towards the enemy.

"Bang Bang Bang..."

Rows of enemies were knocked down, and Fang woke up quickly in the rotation of the queue.

The enemy\'s general was stunned by this change. He thought that this wave of bows and arrows just now could make the other party frightened, but he didn\'t expect

"Attack! We have many people, attack!"

In the roar, the enemy infantry began to run wildly with their companions\' bodies.

"Bang Bang Bang..."

The barrel of the gun began to heat up. The sergeants who retreated to the back and loaded the ammunition took out wet towels to cover it. There was a burst of hot air immediately.

"Bang bang bang!"


More than a dozen enemies were hit by lead bullets, and the rush stopped abruptly.

After several rounds of volley, the enemy\'s body in front has blocked the way forward.

Fang woke up and knew that the opportunity to fight back came!


After rounds of shooting, the sergeants of the thousand households in Jubao mountain entered like a wall.

The enemy\'s head was broken and bleeding in front of the iron wall. Everyone panicked when they saw the opponent\'s attack.


"Bang Dang!"

An enemy suddenly shouted, then he dropped his knife, turned and ran away.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this time, a round of Volley came again. Suddenly, the enemy\'s forwards shouted and turned around and ran away.

When Fang woke up, he stood up on his horse, waved a Tang knife and shouted, "the whole army is attacking!"


Fang Xing and his scouts rushed up on horseback, while the rest of the infantry mounted the three edged long blades and trotted to keep up.

The thousand families who were ordered to support Fang woke up regretted when they saw the scene.

"Why didn\'t I hurry up just now!"

But there are drowning dogs to fight. I didn\'t say anything.

"Brothers, kill it!"

At this time, the Chinese army has landed one after another. Zhang Fu and Mu Sheng are standing on the edge of the wharf. Both of them are looking at the war ahead with binoculars.

Mu Sheng said, "Qianfeng camp is a little tight. Brother Wen Bi, I\'ll take someone to support it."

Zhang Fu shook his head, put down his telescope and said, "the flank has broken through the enemy."

Mu Sheng didn\'t notice his flank just now. At this time, Wen Yan hurried to look again.

"Tut tut! That\'s your brother-in-law\'s thousand headquarters. I just don\'t know if he can understand. He took the opportunity to hide and kill the enemy\'s main force."

"Oh! It\'s over, brother Wen Bi. Your brother-in-law is really amazing! He really used the defeated army to sweep the main force of the enemy."

Zhang Fu also saw that in the telescope, Fang Xing\'s command was driving away the enemy and moving towards the main force of the enemy.

"The whole army hid and killed!"

Zhang Fu ordered excitedly.


Only then did Fang Xing know the meaning of that sentence.

——Defeat like a mountain!

None of the enemies in front of us turned back, but all fled desperately.

The enemies who were caught up were killed by the cavalry\'s big knife. Those who missed the net were also cleaned up by the subsequent three edged long blades and the reinforcements\' knives and guns.

The enemy\'s main force was not far from the waist. Fang woke up and shouted, "drive them! Drive them forward!"

The cavalry turned a corner and drove the enemies in circles.

Ruan Shuai was in the Chinese army. When he saw that the defeated soldiers on his side were fleeing towards this side, his heart was cold.

"Let them go from the side!"

But driven by the desire to run for life, this command doesn\'t work at all.

"Shoot an arrow!"

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

The routed soldiers in front were shot down, but the soldiers who were still farming last year were even more crazy and rushed into the big array.

"Lost! Lost!"

Ruan Shuai painfully closed his eyes and shouted, "retreat! The whole army retreats!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The catch-up volley added the last weight to the defeat.


At this time, Zhang Fu\'s brigade had rushed up, but at this time, Fang woke up and stopped his troops.

Xin Laoqi carried out Fang Xing\'s order without hesitation, but Dong PI, who beheaded five people today, rode over and complained: "Mr. Fang, our army is a good time to hunt down. Why should we stop?"

Fang Xing pointed to countless pursuers and said, "it\'s enough to have these friendly forces chasing. Besides, the credit is too great. Be careful to go out and be beaten at night!"

Dong PI said with envy, "I really want to catch those two thief chieftains alive."

Fang woke up and shook his head and said, "that\'s not what we can do at present."

Not only can Fang Xingsuo\'s department not do it, but also the current pursuers can not catch up with Ruan Shuai and Deng Rong who want to run for their lives.

The front is hunting, but Fang wakes up and arranges: "gather their own sergeants, count the casualties and report them immediately."