Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 122

Unlike Mu Sheng\'s firearm camp, Fang Xing first had a neat queue.

"Take a hundred households as a row and form an array!"

Xin Laoqi shouted loudly, and the team was changing rapidly in an orderly manner.

A row of 100 people is nothing in this camp.

But when all the people lowered their heads to simulate loading, the firearm camp that began training nearby was a little absent-minded.

When Xin Laoqi saw that the loading was completed, the whistle in his mouth sounded immediately.


The centurion officers in the first row immediately waved their swords, and the sergeants who heard the whistle immediately pulled the trigger.

After the first row of simulated firing, it immediately retreated, and the second row came to the front.

It\'s not uncommon to shoot several times, but it\'s strange that the whistle is used to command here. Moreover, the formation changed so fast that the officers of the firearm battalion were somewhat frustrated.

"Their fire guns are different from ours!"

At this time, someone found that Fang Xingbu\'s weapon was very different from his own fire gun in appearance.

In fact, this gun is more like a "shotgun" in the future.

The so-called shotgun comes from Japan. More than 100 years later, a Portuguese merchant ship lost its way to Japan\'s seed island. As a result, the Japanese at that time bought two Portuguese muskets with huge sums of money, which were called "iron guns" after imitation.

At present, Fang Xingsuo\'s firearm can be regarded as an epoch-making weapon.

Mixed bullets, this has been a success. The use of thin bamboo paper, first loaded with gunpowder, then loaded with lead bullets, sealed, so that a bullet can be made.

When shooting, put such a bullet into the barrel. After a poke, the bamboo paper is broken and the medicine and bullet are separated.

Finally, put the finely ground igniter in the medicine pool and cover the fire door.

Here is an improvement of Zhu GUI: because he was worried that he could not normally ignite the ignition powder in strong wind and drizzle, he creatively opened a hole in the fire door, which was larger than the fire rope.

When the trigger is pulled, the fire rope drops into the hole.

Ignite the gunpowder and ignite the firing powder through the small hole. After the firing powder deflagration, the lead bomb is fired.

The bamboo paper was burnt out just when the medicine was fired.

This is what Fang Xing is ready to let Jiaozhi people taste.

"Look at other people\'s fire guns. How many things have been saved!"

"They only need a few moves to get out, but we are not slow."

"The key is that we can\'t use this for many times, otherwise it\'s too hot and we can\'t hold it stably."

These muskets with protective wood as the support made Mu Sheng\'s men envious.

Half an hour later, Fang woke up and nodded to Xin Laoqi.

Xin Laoqi shouted, "get ready to kill!"


Everyone pulled out a long blade from their waist and stuck it on the barrel.






Neat action, rapid assassination, frightening cry

Zhang Fu on the high platform saw this corner. He was stunned and ordered his own soldiers to see the situation.

The soldiers rushed over on horseback. The closer they saw along the way, the less serious the sergeants were in training.



The horse snorted and was uneasy. Looking at the long blade shining cold in the sun, the soldier couldn\'t help thinking of the scene that it was stabbed into the enemy\'s body.

"What a vicious thing!"

Zhang Fu\'s own soldiers rushed out of the sea of corpses and blood. They have rich experience in fighting, so they can see the virulence of the three edged long blade at a glance.

It is conceivable that when the enemy approaches these Musketeers with heavy losses and thinks that it will be a unilateral massacre immediately, this kind of three edged long blade will teach them to be human every minute.


When the soldiers were still thinking, with an order, the sergeants were divided into two groups.


One lured or harassed the enemy from the side, while the other assassinated directly from the front.

This formation is more flexible, and the soldier harassed may become the main force of assassination at any time.

Even when the inspectors saw Fang Xingbu, they shook their heads and sighed. They felt that they were the most unusual in the whole camp.

During the battle, Mu Sheng\'s firearm camp only fired several times, then the crossbow men, and finally the cavalry rushed into the array.

But you\'re good. Most of this posture can shoot continuously. What\'s the matter with the crossbow man!

After the training, there is another task, that is, to select the advanced.

"Which one is the best today?"

Zhang Fu\'s mind was full of battle strategies after that, so his questions were also a little careless.

When the collected information came out, the man was embarrassed and said, "Lord, it\'s..."

"What is it?"

Zhang Fu asked impatiently.

The man looked at the generals on the high platform and said with drooping eyes, "today\'s military exercises are the best... Thousand households in Jubao mountain."

There was a moment of silence on the high platform. Everyone stared at the piece of paper in the man\'s hand. If Zhang Fuzhi\'s army was not good, it was estimated that someone would rob it immediately.

"Why are they the first!"

"Yes! Why?"

"For the rest of our lives, we can\'t compare with a few young children? You\'re cheating!"

Several generals were furious, especially Zhang Fu\'s beloved generals. They all commanded Fang Zheng. Relying on their war achievements, they had to be reexamined.

Zhang Fu, um, took the record, looked at it, and then recruited the soldier.

"What do you think of the thousand households in Jubao mountain?"

The soldier sighed: "thousands of people are like one, orders and prohibitions!"

Fang Zheng puffed his beard and glared: "can you see? Don\'t be dazzled? A newly-built thousand households can have thousands of people as one?"

The soldier recalled what he had just seen and said, "this department is skillful in tactics. Don\'t turn on the pivot..." next, he told everyone about Fang Xingbu\'s new fire gun and the three edged long blade.


Zhang Fu didn\'t expect that his brother-in-law could really practice something famous. He didn\'t want to dwell on this issue, so he frowned and asked, "which one is the worst?"

Seeing that Zhang Fu acquiesced to the achievements of the thousand households in Jubaoshan, several generals were a little angry, but now they asked about the worst, no one can care about the entanglement.

The man glanced at Mu Sheng and said, "the worst thing is... The firearms camp of the Duke of Guizhou."


Mu Sheng was not aware that his subordinates had a problem. He was stunned when he heard the speech.

You know, this firearm camp is mu Sheng\'s treasure. Whether it\'s suppressing the natives in the southwest or coming out to make peace with Zhang Fu, it\'s a great achievement every time!

"You didn\'t..."

Mu Sheng wanted to say that you were right, but he immediately thought that Zhang Fu was still here. Who dares to cheat.

This result makes everyone feel incredible.

Fang Zheng hesitated. "The firearm camp has never lagged behind in martial arts. How can it..."

Even Zhang Fu was surprised. He frowned and asked, "do you know why?"

The man said awkwardly, "the firearm camp is next to thousands of households in Jubao mountain. As a result, it was surprised by the people there. It was a little scattered."