Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 121

"I want to attack Huazhou."

At the high-level military conference that Fang Xing was not eligible to attend, Zhang Fu firmly put forward his own views.

But mu Sheng had some different opinions on this. He thought that the terrain of Huazhou was dangerous and not conducive to the attacker.

The two chief officials were communicating, and the other melon eaters said they were very bored.

"Eh! The gang who arrived yesterday came out?"

It was also in the corner, but the thousand households in Jubao mountain went out before dawn, startling the two sergeants who had just woke up to pee.

In the dark, the sharp whistle sounded, and soon, a dark group of people stood in front of the camp dressed neatly.

Fang Xing resisted the desire to yawn and said to the silent sergeants, "I don\'t care what the top thinks, but we must maintain the combat effectiveness and wait for the day!"

"Let\'s go!"

"Turn right!"


There was a touch of purple on the horizon, and the orderly footsteps made the sergeant on patrol turn his head and take a look.

In the dark, the soldiers in neat lines trotted silently. The team of more than 1000 people felt like a whole.


Where is this team? Don\'t you know that all military training must obey the unified arrangements of the above?

The sentry wanted to stop him, but when he got to the side, he saw that the sergeants looked straight at him as if they didn\'t see him.

A wave of slaughter made the patrol a little weak.

When the team arrived at the gate of the camp, the outpost that wanted to stop was also surprised by the silence. When the team ran out, he hurried to find Shangguan.

Zhang Fujiu worked and rested regularly in the army.

After washing, Zhang Fu went out with a sword. As soon as I stood, I saw thousands of households on duty last night rush over.

"Lord, someone rushed out of the camp!"

Zhang Fu\'s eyebrows jumped, slowly wiped his sword and asked, "which one is it?"

Is this a sign of murder?

The thousand households swallowed their saliva and said with difficulty, "it\'s the thousand households in Jubao mountain just arrived yesterday."

The sword was shining, but the hand had stopped.

"What are they doing?"

The team official thought of the silent team and said with some self mockery, "when they came out of the camp, they ran around the side."

Mu Sheng also came. He moved his hands and feet. After asking about the situation, he smiled and said, "Wen Bi, let\'s go and have a look first."

The training sergeant was originally arranged by the camp, and no team would take the initiative to practice, so Fang Xingsuo\'s Department suddenly became an alternative.

It was getting brighter and brighter. In the camp, we could hear the voices of those shouting and scolding sergeants, but it was silent near the fence.

Those sergeants who got up didn\'t bother to wash up. They were standing by the fence and watching the team bathed in the rising sun.

Zhang Fu came with several generals. When the sergeants saw it, they hurried to the side and left the best position for them.

The sun shone on the side of the camp. In the steaming fog, a team of soldiers in neat array ran over.

"One, two, one, two, three, four!"

"One, two, three, four!"

The neat sound makes the onlookers pale, but then the footsteps are getting closer and closer, which makes people\'s heart seem to be beating with this rhythm.

"Puff, puff..."

Thousands of people are running at one rhythm. The sound is really terrible.

Mu Sheng looked at the scene and said with envy, "Wen Bi, your brother-in-law is hidden!"

Zhang Fu just said faintly, "it\'s just talk on paper. It\'s the strong team that has to be real."

Just then, the team had already run into the camp, and the pace had changed to walking in unison.

"咵 咵 咵!"

There was no difference in their clothes, but the faces of those sergeants who were soaked all over were indifferent. Obviously, this kind of training is already common for them.

Staring straight into his camp, Fang woke up and said to Xin Laoqi, "the temperature here is quite high. In the future, all the drills are naked. In this way, you can wash your clothes a few times less."

At seven o\'clock, Master Xin said, "young master, I think it\'s more convenient to practice in obscene pants."

Several earth stoves are already steaming. Today\'s breakfast is big steamed bread with pickles, and everyone has a bowl of broth.

Fang Xing also went to get a copy. After eating, he heard a herald shouting outside.

"It\'s already time today. The whole army is practicing martial arts!"

Fang Xing put down the bowl, looked at the time, and said to Xin Laoqi squatting beside him, "it\'s still early, and there\'s still more than half an hour. Let\'s learn first."

So when everyone else hurried to have breakfast, there was a loud sound of reading from Fang Xing\'s camp.

Several sergeants who were watching outside with breakfast said enviously, "they still teach to read!"

Soon, the sound of reading disappeared and a more rhythmic sound came.

"One by one, one by two, two by two..."

"What is this?"

Several spectators felt bored. They hurried back with a wooden bowl and were about to dress up!

A servant led everyone to recite the multiplication formula. Fang woke up and watched.

After reciting, the sergeants were disbanded, but when they saw Fang waking up, their eyes showed gratitude.

Which army will teach you literacy and arithmetic these days?

Once the ordinary Sergeant does not meet the requirements of the army, the outcome is probably not good.

After retirement, the old and frail returned to their hometown. There was no second way out except farming.

But Fang Xing taught the soldiers to learn, which gave them hope and life hope after leaving the army.

In the account of the Chinese army, Zhang Fu has just finished his breakfast and is discussing today\'s military training with Mu Sheng.

At this time, Zhang Fu\'s personal soldiers came in. He leaned over and said, "Lord of the country, where thousands of families in Jubao mountain teach literacy."


Even Zhang Fu, who has the demeanor of a senior general, was a little surprised. He and Mu Sheng looked at each other and finally smiled bitterly.

This army is too strange!

Mu Sheng got up, raised his eyebrows and said, "they are thousands of firearm families. I have several of the same. Well, later, I\'ll transfer people to practice together and see the foundation."

Zhang Fumo made this suggestion. He also wanted to know the details of his brother-in-law, so that he could be deployed on the battlefield.

It was just now that all the soldiers came out except the sentry.

There are tens of thousands of people, that is boundless.

Zhang Fu stood on the commanding officer\'s stage. Seeing that the time had come, he nodded, and then the flag officer shook the flag.

"Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!"

Amid the shouting, the battalions began to practice.

Mu Sheng\'s firearm camp has been in the southwest for a long time and has fought with the natives many times, so he practiced carelessly when he saw the people under Fang Xing\'s command.

At this time, the fire gun of the Ming army was like a pipe, thin in front and thick in back. There are copper and iron pipes, and there is no aiming device.

The training of these firearm battalions is to simulate charging, ammunition loading and formation changes.