Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 123

Mu Sheng feels a little hot on his face.

He had failed in the suppression of Jiaozhi, and then Chu Di sent Zhang Fu. Although they are in laws, he is still a little unconvinced.

But now the firearm battalion under his command actually fell off the chain when the whole army was practicing martial arts. It was really yellow mud falling off the crotch. It was not shit but shit.

Instead, Fang Zheng asked curiously, "what\'s so good about the soldiers in the thousand households of Jubao mountain? I\'m stunned to see the firearm camp!"

"Yes! The firearm camp has been excellent in many wars. I think it may be a temporary negligence."

Seeing that these people began to excuse the firearm camp, Zhang Fu hummed: "the thousand households in Jubao mountain are excellent in martial arts today. Reward them with wine and meat."

This is the reward. Since there is a reward, there will certainly be punishment.

"It\'s a big taboo to distract the firearm camp from training! The commander Xin radial practices the military law! The following 1000 and 100 households are all guilty of the same crime!"

Leaving this sentence, Zhang Fu got up and left.

Mu Sheng felt more ashamed and went to the firearm camp immediately.

After the two big men left, Fang Zheng encouraged some pranks and said, "I said, what do the new thousand families in Jubao mountain have..."

"Jubao mountain, where thousands of families live, is the head of the whole army today. Enjoy wine and meat!"

With this order, carts of wine and meat were pulled in. In the envious eyes of the camp on the side, Fang Xing\'s subordinates were very calm.

Of course, calm down. In order to supplement the physical consumption of the sergeants, Fang woke up and took out a lot of meat to supplement the army under the pretext of purchasing from the town.

So now when I see several big fat pigs killed, I still can\'t shake everyone\'s heart.

In the afternoon, the thousand households in Jubaoshan enjoyed a rare big meat and drinking in the military camp.

However, Fang Xing was still very alert. He divided the army into two parts. One can drink today and the other is tomorrow.

In the evening, Fang Xing was reading in his camp, but he received an order to go to the Chinese army.

Following the herald to the outside of the Chinese Army cabin, Fang woke up with a fast heartbeat.

"The thousand households in Jubao mountain... Arrive!"

The soldier at the door wanted to sign up for Fang Xing, but he was foolish in the end.

This man has no position!


He waved his hand and woke up into the wooden house.

In the wooden house, you can see a table as soon as you go in, and behind the table, there is a man with a short beard with a dignified look.

The man looked up slightly, and a sharp line of sight stabbed him.

Fang Xing was a little uncomfortable and was full of thoughts about what to call him.

After hesitating for a while, Fang Xing arched his hand and said, "brother Wen Bi."

Hearing this title, even if Zhang Fu had fought for many years and was in a high position, his majesty and momentum still collapsed.

He called me brother Wen Bi!

Can\'t you call the position? This is in the army!

Zhang Fuzheng had a headache how to deal with his disharmonious brother-in-law, and then remembered that he was not from the army.

Then you call big brother!

Brother Wenbi? I\'m almost twenty years older than you, okay!

But Fang woke up and soon woke up. He called out, "big brother."

This is from Zhang Shuhui, but Fang Xing has never called this in his previous life. It\'s really embarrassing!

Zhang Fu coughed, "sit down."

Fang woke up and immediately found an armchair to sit down. He was not polite at all, which made Zhang Fu\'s mouth smoke.

This is the Duke of England and the commander of hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Facing this fierce person, Fang Xing was careless, which made Zhang Fu feel particularly interesting.

After Fang woke up and sat down, he remembered his gift, so he got up again and took out a cylinder from his arms.

"Brother, this is a telescope. You can see the enemy\'s deployment from a distance with it."

Zhang Fu took the cylinder, asked about the method of use, and took a look at it.

Fang woke up and saw his brother-in-law shaking his hand with a telescope. His heart was full of schadenfreude.

The elder brother-in-law is nice. At least he is nice to Zhang Shuhui, as evidenced by the silver notes he sent last time.

So Fang Xing also reciprocated by sending a telescope that hasn\'t appeared yet.

Zhang Fu held his hand and walked to the door.

Pushing the door open, the telescope looked into the distance.

For a long time, Zhang Fucai hid the excited color on his face and came back and asked, "Dehua, whose invention is this?"

"Hehe! I\'m more playful, so I accidentally made this thing!"

Fang Xing didn\'t hesitate to float away the invention and didn\'t blush.

Zhang Fu stroked the single telescope and said slowly, "this thing is of great use in the army. I should ask for merit for you."

"I dare not."

Fang Xing didn\'t want to be an official under Zhu Di, so he said confidently, "brother, I don\'t want to be an official."

Zhang Fu looked at Fang Xing in surprise and felt that the goods were too dignified. The character of any famous scholar in the Wei and Jin Dynasties could not be compared with it. Even Lao Tao\'s "picking chrysanthemums under the East fence" and Lao Li\'s "an Neng can destroy eyebrows and bow down to power and dignitaries" are far from his realm.

This brother-in-law really has the potential to become a famous man!

And Fang Xing is looking down at his merits.

If you can make meritorious contributions, with the help of Zhu Zhanji, can you get a title?

There are too many benefits of a title, so Fang Xing repeatedly stressed that he did not hold a real position.

With a real job, others can find a place to attack you. In other words, you have been covered by a regular cage, and life and death are not controlled by people.

Zhang Fu sighed at his brother-in-law\'s high Fengliang Festival, and then stretched out his magic claw.

"I want a hundred of these sharp weapons!"

Fang woke up and almost got angry, but he also jumped up with grief and anger on his face.

You think this is Chinese cabbage! Why don\'t you grab a hundred more!

"Brother, it\'s all made by hand. It\'s not easy to make it. Once it\'s leaked, the enemy may copy it. At that time..."


Seeing that Zhang Fu didn\'t believe it, Fang woke up and dismantled the single telescope, then pointed to the two lenses and said, "brother, it\'s just crystal tablets. If the enemy gets the real object, won\'t he build it himself?"

Zhang Fu closed his eyes and said with some regret, "I originally wanted to match the scouts, but now it seems that I don\'t think about it."

Fang Xing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "if you can ensure that you can destroy the telescope without leaving, it can be used in important places."

Zhang Fu pondered and said, "I want ten of these telescopes. Don\'t say you don\'t have them."

Fang Xinggan smiled. Of course he did, and under his command, all the servants had this thing.

However, Fang Xing explained that once there was a danger of being killed, he would first dismantle and destroy the telescope.

This thing can make Daming lead the world for a long time, especially in war. It is no longer a dream to find the enemy first, and the enemy\'s deployment can\'t hide from the general with binoculars.

Zhang Fu put the telescope on the table and asked, "let me ask you, what do you think of the battle of mutual toes?"

This is during the inspection of Fang Xing to see how his eyes look.

After thinking for a while, Fang woke up and said frankly: "this battle can be a great victory, but if there is long-term peace and stability..."

"Very difficult!"