Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 120

In late May, a group of disheartened troops drove outside Guangxi Siming mansion.

"It\'s so hot!"

Dong PI was impatient. He wanted to untie his collar secretly, but he was afraid of Fang Xing\'s military order. In the end, he could only use his hand as a fan, which was slightly better than nothing.

The long line was silent. From the capital to now, under the strict order of Fang Xing, it was basically training all the way.

The soldiers\' skin turned black. Fang woke up and touched his face. He thought it was better not to look in the mirror. It must be Bao Gong\'s face.

The front is Fucheng, but when someone in the city told Fang Xing not to enter the city. What supplies do you need? After we sent them out, Fang Xing was a little bad.

"We got here all the way from the capital. At least go in and let\'s have a rest!"

When the visitor saw Xin Laoqi on the side, he smiled bitterly and said, "to tell you the truth, Jiaozhi people often harass you recently. If you enter the city, the people in the city may run away."

Fang woke up and didn\'t understand what he meant. When Tung Chee Hwa went to negotiate with this man, he was a little cold.

Do you think that after a small army is stationed, it will lead to the attack of Jiaozhi people?

Maybe not, but the local reaction made Fang awake.

This is the border. In the past, it was the intersection of disputes with China for more than 1000 years.

In the former Song Dynasty, Jiaozhi killed many people here. It is said that it was Tu Cheng.

The lesson is not far away. The local people seem to be afraid of Jiaozhi. Therefore, in case of rebellion, there must be reinforcements, otherwise the whole Guangxi may fall.

After explaining the shortage of materials, Mr Tung and local officials came over and explained, "Mr Fang, those people are flexible and are not afraid of death, so the local people are really afraid."

The race of tropical rain forest reminds Fang of a noun.

Depressed exhaled a breath, Fang woke up and called to set up camp.

The tent was set up. As soon as Fang Xing went in, he called a scout.

"Can you meet the messenger of the army?"

The Scout shook his head and said, "No."

Fang Xing waved and waited until the scouts left before calling Dong PI.

As soon as Peter Tung came in, he took off his helmet and said in a sweat, "Mr. Fang, the weather is really terrible!"

Fang Xing said with a smile, "it\'s only may now. After June, the weather here can make people crazy."

After a chat, Fang woke up and told Dong pi to carry some scarves over the baggage.

The so-called gauze towel is just something Fang Xing made from breathable cloth in the warehouse.

Fang Xing then went to inspect the barracks and explained that he was not allowed to drink raw water and expose his skin.

"It\'s all a matter of human life. I have nothing to say about a hundred families who don\'t devote themselves to it. We Jubaoshan thousand families will never want such people!"

All the families agreed, and Fang woke up and said, "all gunpowder should be protected from moisture!"

Xin Laoqi explained, "young master, our gunpowder is put in a wooden barrel, and we also put a layer of moisture-proof paper you gave in advance to ensure that it won\'t be useless."

The damp proof paper is actually kraft paper. First put the kraft paper into the wooden barrel, and then put the gunpowder into it, and tie the gap tightly. Fang Xing has tested that the moisture-proof effect is good, but I don\'t know if there will be danger.

Fang Xing nodded with satisfaction, and then saw that Dong PI had come with his guide.

"Where is the army now?"

Fang Xing asked directly. At this time, the communication is inconvenient. If Zhang Fu\'s army is transferred, Fang Xing will have to run the wrong way.

The guide shook his head and said he didn\'t know. Fang Xing and Dong PI were silent.

Dong PI said, "Mr. Fang, the British public soldiers are like gods. It must be impossible for the news to spread."

Confidentiality is the first key to the success of military operations.

Fang Xing said helplessly, "let\'s go to Yi\'an house."

The order of the Ministry of war was to let him go to Yi\'an house, and then the action was arranged by the British public Zhang Fu, so Fang Xing had to go according to the plan.

The next day, all the soldiers were covered with a layer of gray yarn, which looked strange.

After the brigade entered Jiaozhi territory, Fang Xingxing found that he had overcorrected.

"There are not many mosquitoes and no leeches."

Xin Laoqi specially walks around. As long as he doesn\'t go into the forest, there are almost no sick insects on the road.

Fang Xing pulled at the corner of his mouth and said, "then take it off."

All the way forward, the civilians seen along the way were thin and small. When they saw an army passing by, they stood idly watching.

Under these hostile eyes, Fang Xing took his men and horses to Yi\'an house.

"The army has arrived at Xinping mansion. The enemy has been harassing here recently. I don\'t know..."

When Fang woke up, he had to secretly curse the unreliability of the military headquarters, and then boost his morale and move on.

"Fortunately, it\'s not the rainy season!"

If it is the rainy season, Fang Xing estimates that a third of his people will fall when they arrive at xinpingfu.

At this time, in the camp of Xinping Prefecture, Zhang Fu and Mu Sheng are receiving the order.

After the eunuch who sent the message left, Mu Sheng said with a smile, "the Duke of the country met relatives this time."

Zhang Fu\'s face remained unchanged, but he said to himself, "Jing Mao, this brother-in-law is the first time I have met. Your majesty wants me to test his qualities. It\'s a little difficult for me."

Mu Sheng is several years older than Zhang Fu, and his son Mu bin has been engaged to Zhang Fu\'s daughter, so he has no scruples.

"Wen Bi, I heard that Fang Xing was shameless to the king of Han in Jinling!"

Although the general can\'t stand in line, who is Zhang Fu? Who is mu Sheng?

An Englishman and a Duke of Guizhou are in laws, so there is no need to avoid talking too much.

Zhang Fu hummed, "my brother-in-law lives in the villa all day, but he has taught several students, so some people can\'t see it!"

Mu Sheng said with a smile, "you don\'t look at any of the students!"

Speaking of this, they both remembered many letters from King Han, in which they talked about the friendship between the two sides, from the first time they met, to the battle of Jingnan, and now

Looking at each other, Mu Sheng sighed, "this muddy water is not easy to flow!"

Zhang Fu said faintly, "just don\'t drip."

Mu Sheng wanted to say more, but when he saw a sharp look on Zhang Fu\'s face, he said, "your brother-in-law is coming. How do you arrange?"

Speaking of this, even Zhang Fu said helplessly, "he has no official status, but his majesty handed over the thousand headquarters to him. Doesn\'t it embarrass me?"

Mu Sheng laughed and said, "people don\'t have an official body. You can\'t afford to be an officer of the unified army!"

Zhang Fu smiled and said, "wait and see!"

After two days, when Fang woke up outside the camp, Zhang Fu immediately arranged: "I\'m gone. Just give them a place to camp and give them enough grain, grass and medicinal materials."

So Fang Xing and his party were placed in the corner of the camp.

In the territory of more than 200000 troops, Fang Xing was like a spray in the sea and soon disappeared.