Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 119

On the training ground, the queues were neat. With the shouting of hundreds of families, those queues raised fire guns and simulated shooting.

"Yes, it looks a little like it."

Fang Xing nodded with satisfaction and went to the craftsman\'s side.

"Dang Dang!"

The construction of muskets has been going on, even if the sergeants have one.

Fang Xing picked up a fire gun, put the three edged long blade on it, and then learned to stab.

Zhu Fang was sawing the spare barrel with a saw bow. When he saw Fang awake, he said, "young master, there are more than 100 guns in stock. Do you still want to fight?"

Fang woke up and said, "fight, fight 500 as spare."

Look up at this workshop. There are small saw bows and flexible bench vises

When he saw that the blower still used a big wooden wheel, Fang woke up and asked, "are there any people who can turn sand here?"


Zhu GUI obviously didn\'t understand, so Fang woke up and said, "it\'s to make a model with sand or soil, then pour the molten iron in, and get what you want after cooling."

Zhu GUI suddenly realized, "young master, isn\'t that the clay model?"

"What is clay fan?"

Fang Xing sincerely regrets that his major is not metal.

Zhu GUI said easily, "first make a mold, then shape it with mud, and finally pour it. It can also pour things of various shapes."

Fang Xing almost wanted to slap himself. Why don\'t you believe these craftsmen? Can I be better than them?

"I\'ll leave it to you."

Fang Xing pointed to the super primitive blower and said, "pour several gears with equal tooth pitch, then pour a box, and position them with a shaft..."

"Small teeth drive big teeth, so the speed is fast!"

Fang woke up speechless and looked at the excited Zhu GUI and said in frustration, "then you get it first, but you should pay attention to the shape of the gear. Last time I gave it to you, I followed that."

Fang Xing gave Zhu GUI some gears last time and wanted him to design a manual fan for use in summer.

Zhu GUI nodded his head and said, "don\'t worry, young master. Wait for me to find the soil first."

Clay fan can\'t be any soil, and it\'s not easy to deal with. It needs all kinds of exposure, picking and beating

When Fang Xing began his ambitious process of climbing the science and technology tree, a tune interrupted his leisure.


Fang Xing couldn\'t believe looking at the dispatch order, but it was clearly written on it that he dispatched thousands of households in Jubao mountain to Jiaozhi, under the command of British public Zhang Fu.

The smiling military official came to deliver the order. He arched his hands and said, "Mr. Fang is so blessed. Your majesty said in person that the thousand households in Jubaoshan still let you control."

White body controls thousands of households. Is this longen?

Fang Xing asked in a trance, "do you even want to go?"


As soon as the news got out, the sergeants were eager to try. They had the intention of taking the cross toed man for the first knife.

But Fang woke up with claws.

I never wanted to go to war! Which son of a bitch is this? I\'ll kill him!

When they got home, Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai were not calm as soon as the news spread. Although they didn\'t shed tears, they had a headache.

When Zhu Zhanji came, everyone stayed together without avoiding suspicion. Zhu Zhanji first apologized.

"Brother Dehua, you are affected by your little brother. I\'ll go with you!"

Fang woke up, glanced sideways at the goods, shook his head and said, "you can\'t go unless your majesty is willing."

At this time, Fang Xing was no longer afraid. He smiled and said, "there is an Englishman in Jiaozhi. Recently, he beat Chen Jizhan and fled in distress. Therefore, I guess your majesty wants me to gild and come back to be knighted."

Daming\'s knighthood is still quite serious. It can\'t be granted without great achievements.

Fang Xing\'s joke did not calm everyone\'s concerns.

However, since it was your Majesty\'s order, everyone still talked about what to bring.


Fang Xing only wished he could not bring things into the warehouse at this time. Otherwise, he could easily carry materials, and even take in the enemy and kill him directly.

But this brain hole unconsciously turned to a famous film.

——That what stop!

Well, after seeing the irreversibility, Zhu Zhanji went crazy to send supplies at the foot of Jubao mountain. The people of the military and household almost wanted to complain.

Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai are preparing their luggage, because the order requires them to leave in five days, so the time is urgent!

"Husband, this is a thick winter coat. I\'ll put it inside for you."

"Husband, this is the March. I came back to my mother\'s house yesterday. If you have any headache, just..."


Zhang Shuhui stopped and looked at Fang Xing\'s eyes full of moisture.

Xiaobai\'s mouth has been flat, and tears fall down.

Fang woke up and sighed, then comforted, "what can happen to me with your big brother?"

Zhang Shuhui casually wiped the corners of her eyes and began to clean up again. Xiaobai also joined in.

Only bell, still carefree chasing outside.

Soon, all the people who learned the news came. Fang woke up and found that he was very successful.

The students need not say that even the eunuch next to the prince came and gave Fang Xing a Buddha statue in his private name, which is said to ward off evil spirits.


Give the textbook to masu and let him continue to teach the students.

As for home, this is Jinling, Zhang Shuhui\'s mother\'s home. When Fang Xing is not at home, if anyone dares to come to the door and ask for trouble, the British government will teach them to be a man every minute without Zhu Zhanji\'s help.

When it was time to start, Fang Xing said goodbye to his reluctant wife and concubine with a series of instructions. The farmers of fangjiazhuang also went out in droves, wishing the young master a victory and the Duke for generations.

At the gate of the Barracks at the foot of Jubao mountain, Zhu Zhanji came to work in person.

After drinking a bowl of wine, Fang woke up and said with a smile to Zhu Zhanji, "the British Duke is there. Don\'t worry."

Zhu Zhanji nodded hard and whispered, "brother Dehua, if someone gives you small shoes, don\'t be polite to him. I can still talk in front of Grandpa Huang."

In front of everyone, Fang Xing resisted the impulse to pat him on the shoulder and said, "don\'t worry, I won\'t suffer!"

Yes, I hope you won\'t suffer.

Remembering the records in the materials he transferred, Zhu Zhanji cast a shadow in his heart.

An army of more than 1000 people and more than 500 overstaffed civilian men. Thanks to Zhu Zhanji\'s blessing, he also got a lot of cattle and horses, so he acted much more briskly.

If only we could put all these things in the warehouse!

Unfortunately, the warehouse can\'t bring big things that don\'t belong to it, so Fang Xing can only give up his plan to move forward light. As for the strategy of using the warehouse to carry out something like "the story of a Trojan horse slaughtering the city", Fang woke up and thought it was a little unreliable.

How do you explain when you put people in and come out?

immortal? Monster?

Guns still have the most say!

Fang Xing looked at more than 1000 muskets under his command and felt that he was not so bottomless.