Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 118

PS: I\'ve finally finished this chapter. Sir, I have to go to bed and continue to work hard tomorrow.

The environment at night was very quiet, and jazz\'s mind was full of thoughts about subsequent development - another half chapter?


Zhu Di, who was traveling in Peiping, received the memorial. After reading it, he just sat there silently, making everyone below feel uneasy.

It is said that the emperor is good at it, so as long as it is not a major event, you should wait until you go back.

But this time it was not only on, but also in a large number, which made Yang Rong who didn\'t see the memorial a little confused about what happened.

Zhu Diduan sat on it with deep eyes and said for a long time, "it\'s about the study of emperor TAISUN. The Imperial College is frivolous."

The memorial was handed down. After Yang Rong and others read it, they all looked at each other.

The Imperial College is frivolous. If this board goes on, the reputation of Qin Siye will surely stink ten miles against the wind.

So should Huang TAISUN return to the orthodox teaching model?

This is a matter of concern to everyone.

As for Fang Xing, he will probably be put in the cold palace after that.

Zhu Di pondered for a moment and said, "didn\'t the British Duke go to the memorial and say he was short of troops?"

Yang Rong bowed his head and said, "yes, after the weather warmed up, those mutual treason began to become active again."

Zhu Di\'s divine turn left everyone a little confused and had to wait for their opinions.

With a light hum, Zhu Di said, "Jiaozhi rebellion has been repeated, and the northern expedition is imminent. A decree is issued to send thousands of families of Jubaoshan to Jiaozhi to be at the disposal of the British public."

Jubaoshan Qianhu office?

Why hasn\'t this thousand households heard of it?

Zhu Di\'s eyes were deep and quiet, looking at the memorials on the table.


"Qin ban has diarrhea? What\'s none of my business?"

Facing Zhu Zhanji\'s temptation, Fang Xing said without hesitation: "although I\'m very happy, I think the man is smelly now, and I feel... Uncomfortable in my heart!"

Then Fang woke up, picked up Wan Wan, buried his face in her back and sighed deeply.

The little princess thought it was fun, so she arched back.

Zhu Zhanji really wanted to grab his sister and look at Fang Xing\'s face.

When the news reached the back house, Xiaobai was very excited. He also hugged lingdang and said with emotion: "this Bodhisattva is really spiritual! I made a wish a few days ago. I didn\'t expect the bad news of the villain today."

"Don\'t talk nonsense. Be careful that the Bodhisattva makes you have nightmares at night!"

Zhang Shuhui scolded, but she wrote a few more hard dishes on the menu tonight.

In April, Jinling had a pleasant climate. Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji toured Chuang Tzu and felt the smell of a new countryside.

Every family has poultry and pigs. In the spare space, those peppers have begun to thrive.

"Go back and let your Chuang Tzu follow this to ensure that others around follow suit."

Fang Xing has always felt that it is inefficient to use administrative orders to promote affairs. In his opinion, the best way is to set an example from top to bottom.

Zhu Zhanji left with Fang Xing\'s promise.

"Nothing. I just promised to let his people watch."

Zhang Shuhui is worried that her own benefits will be learned by others, even Huang TAISUN.

Xiaobai is also angry. He thinks Fang Xing should not allow others to learn.

Fangjiazhuang\'s breeding is complete, from feed to manure treatment, which have been formed under the leadership of the old farmers.

But Fang Xing doesn\'t care much about these. What he cares about is what time is more appropriate, and then launch a high-yield crop.

With that kind of crop, at least Daming can fill his stomach in the future.

"Young master, there are guests."

Fang Xing was about to make fun of his wife and concubine, but the servant girl came. He had to get up and said, "don\'t worry, I know."

When he got to the front hall, Fang woke up and saw a fat man sitting there, his eyes still looking at the front hall.

Fang woke up and stepped up and said, "I don\'t know if there are guests. It\'s impolite."

The talent slowly turned around and looked at Fang waking up. He didn\'t get up. He just smiled and said, "Mr. Fang, but let our family wait!"

With a bare chin and a sharp voice, he calls himself our family.

This is the eunuch.

Fang woke up and saw that the man didn\'t take his entourage with him. He knew it wasn\'t too in the womb, so he sat down and said faintly: "no, but he wasn\'t prepared."

unexpected guest!

This dark nail is solid. However, the man\'s face remained unchanged. He just smiled and said, "we don\'t talk long. Just say it directly. We were ordered to come. Please be more respectful, Mr. Fang."

The man said that he was ordered, not metaphorically. Fang woke up and said carelessly, "please tell me something."

The visitor\'s face finally turned black. He coughed and said, "our family is from his Highness the king of Han. His Highness the king of Han has something to say to you."

Then the man stared at Fang Xing and thought you had to stand up this time. Do you still want to sit and listen to the king of Han?

But Fang woke up and sat like this, indifferent at all.

After staring at him for a long time, he finally reluctantly said, "Your Highness said that if Fang Xing could go to the king\'s house of the Han Dynasty, Zuo Chengfeng would be his."

Now you should get up and thank?

Fang woke up and didn\'t move. After the eyes were almost materialized, he picked up the tea cup and said in surprise, "eh! Why is the tea cold?"

"Fang Xing!"

The man was so angry that he got up and pointed to Fang Xing and shouted, "don\'t think you have a future with the emperor\'s grandson. The misfortune and blessing are unknown!"

If Zhu Di had not been too generous to the king of Han Dynasty, Fang Xing would have thrown a teacup.

However, since there is no speculation, Fang Xing also said faintly: "the king of Han Dynasty is very kind and shouldn\'t refuse. But I have a problem, that is, I don\'t like to get along with people with bad temper. I offend!"

After the popular man left, Fang xingcai sneered, "King Han? I think you can be free for a few years!"

Fang Xing, who knows the final result, will never have any intimate relationship with the king of Han. Moreover, the people of the Han Dynasty wanted to kill him outside the gunzhou capital, but they haven\'t avenged him yet!

After Fang Xing refused the invitation of the king of Han Dynasty, he regarded it as nothing. He ate and drank when he should.

But the king of Han seemed to be interested in him. Unexpectedly, he sent someone the next day with gifts.

Looking at these jewels, Fang woke up and said to the visitor, "I am white and dare not accept these things. Please go back."

This is to stop fighting with the king of Han.

The king of Han sent people again and again, and the news was immediately known to the crown prince.


The crown prince thought Fang Xing had some small problems, but after learning that Fang Xing refused the solicitation of the king of Han several times, these small problems became advantages.

As Zhu Zhanji massaged Wan Wan\'s sore legs due to crazy running, he said confidently, "father, brother Dehua is not that kind of person."

Zhu gaochi said with a smile, "yes, my son has a good eye."

Zhu Zhanji said proudly, "brother Dehua and I are friends. I can\'t help going in and out of his backyard."

Wan Wan felt that the pain in her calf had been eliminated, so she stared at her big eyes and said a word.

"But I slept in his bed..."